Effect Of 8 Weeks Of Moderate-Intensity Aerobic Exercise On Increasing Erytocyte Cell Membrane Endurance And Erytrocyte Cell Count

membrane endurance erythrocyte cell count 8 weeks exercise


  • Moch. Yunus
    Universitas Negeri Malang, East Java, Indonesia, Indonesia
July 24, 2023


The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of 8 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on increasing the endurance of erythrocyte cell membranes and the number of erythrocyte cells. This research is a pseudo-experimental research with a quantitative approach, and uses pretest and posttest design. The population in this study was students majoring in PKO FIK UM, with sampling techniques using purposive sampling, and the number of samples was 20 people. The independent variable in this study was moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. Exercise is done with a frequency of 3 times per week, for 8 weeks and the duration of exercise is 30 minutes. The dependent variables are: 1) the durability of erythrocyte cell membranes, and 2) the number of erythrocyte cells. Pretest and posttest dependent variable data were collected by venous blood checking techniques carried out in the Bromo Malang Diagnostic clinical laboratory. Data analysis using the paired sample t test technique using ? 0.05. The results of the analysis of research data showed that Osmotic Fragility as a variable indicator of erythrocyte cell membrane durability Pretest 0.46±0.04% and postest 0.43±0.06%, P-value 0.028 < ? (0.05) while variable number of erythrocyte cells pretest 5.4590 ± 0.223 million / uL and postest 5.6270± 0.142 million / uL,. P-value 0.022 < ? (0.05). It can be concluded the effect of 8 weeks of moderate intensity aerobic exercise can increase significantly on increasing the endurance of erythrocyte cell membranes and the number of erythrocyte cells