Self Efficacy of The Use of The Sasadar Jurkep Application Breast Cancer Detection in Kupang City

sadari jurkep application self efficacy breast cancer detection


April 21, 2023


Cancer can attack anyone, therefore an attitude is needed to pay more attention to health and early detection. One of the causes of increasing the rate of cancer is because it is too late to realize the signs and symptoms of cancer, one of which is breast cancer. The delay of breast cancer patients in conducting early detection to health services in Indonesia reaches 80%. This causes the incidence of breast cancer to be found when the patient is in an advanced stage condition. Breast self-examination was introduced using the SADARI Jurkep application so that breast health promotion is no longer limited by space and time but can be used anytime, anywhere and by anyone. This condition makes it easier for all women to pay more attention to their own health. Various methods have been carried out by the government, but there are still cases of breast cancer found with advanced stage conditions. This allows that the self-efficacy of each individual is still enough to pay attention so that there needs to be encouragement from health workers to be more active in promoting early detection of breast cancer. This study used quantitative techniques with a cross sectional approach The determination of respondents in this study used a probability sampling approach with a sample of 94 women. The research location is in Kupang City. Data analysis in this study was using univariate analysis, data normality and bivariate test. The results showed a significant relationship between p value 0.02 and value (r) 0.00 high self-efficacy with effective self-awareness measures from respondents