Characteristics Of Patients With Cleft Lip Palate Operated At Bhayangkara Kediri Hospital

Cleft lip and palate characteristics of cleft reconstruction


December 16, 2022


Cleft lip palate (CLP) is a defect resulting from a congenital deformity caused by an abnormality in facial development during pregnancy. The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of CLP sufferers who were operating at Bhayangkara Kediri Hospital and Bhayangkara Tulungagung Hospital for the period October 2021 - February 2022. The research method used was descriptive using the cohort retrospective design method. Data were collected from patients who underwent CLP surgery for the period October 2021 - February 2022. Sampling was carried out by total sampling and 31 samples were obtained. This study found that there were more males than females who suffer CLP. The conclusion of this study is that CLP patients were dominated by men with the most age who operate less than five years old and the most types of cleft reconstruction, were cleft palate reconstruction.