Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 3 No. 2 February 2024
Chatarina Suryaningsih, Dara Khoerunnisa
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Indonesia
Socialization and independence problems in preschool-age children, namely children
are not yet able to eat on their own, put on and take off shoes or cloths, clean up toys,
interact with others, and other things. Socialization and independence problems in
each child vary according to the age of the child, and can be handled by providing
appropriate stimulation. Stimulation that can be done is by playing exploration
centers (playing sand). Preschoolers' socialization and independence are the variables
that this research seeks to investigate in relation to kinetic sand play. Employing a
pre-experiment, one-group post-test design, the investigation that was carried out is
quantitative in nature. In this case, quota sampling was utilized. The study's findings,
derived from univariate analysis of pre-test scores, indicated the following scores:
8.08 (median), 6.67 (mean), and 7.67 (all 48 months and 54 months, respectively) (72
months). Mean 6.50 (48 months), mean 7.00 (54 months), mean 8.33 (60 months),
mean 8.33 (66 months), and median 8.50 are the values of the increasing post-test
scores (72 months). P values of 0.007 (48 months), 0.015 (54 months), 0.038 (60
months), and 0.025 (66 months), with a median of 0.025, were found by bivariate
analysis (72 months). The p-value derived from the bivariate analysis was less than
0.05. Preschool-aged youngsters undergo socialization and develop a sense of
independence, according to the findings of the research. Socialization education and
stimulation are anticipated to be enhanced and preschoolers' independence increased
as a result of the findings of this study.
Keywords: Kinetic Play Sand, Socialization and Independence, Preschool Children
The process of growth and development at the preschool age began to occur
steadily. Socialization and independence problems in preschool-age children, namely
children not be able to eat alone, not be able to wear their clothes, not be able to wear
and take off their shoes, not be able to clean up their toys after playing, not be able to
socialize or interact with others, want always to be accompanied by parents or
caregivers in every activity, keep crying when left by parents or caregivers, and other 86
things. The problem of socialization and independence in each preschool-age child
differs according to the preschool-age age (Khadijah & Nurul, 2021).
If not addressed, the impact of socialization and independence problems on
preschool children is that preschool-age children socialize and are independent of
others, spoiled, shy, easy to cry, hopeless, passive, and other things. The impact of
socialization and independence problems on preschool children will complicate life
and success in the future. Socialization stimulation can address problems in
preschool-age children (Hartutik et al., 2021).
Play stimulation is one way to facilitate interventions to train socialization and
independence in preschool children. Games that can be done in preschool children
to teach socialization and independence, namely by doing center activities, including
art and creation centers (self-creation, anti-coloring), design centers (my house, my
palace, skyscrapers), imagination centers (fishermen go to sea), exploration centers
(playing sand) and preparation centers (making things from objects) (Nurfadilah et
al., 2021).
Kinetic play sand is a sand that can be kneaded, easily blended, easily formed,
and not quickly dried (Smith et al., 2020). Kinetic play sand or sand play can be found
in stores that sell children's toys with ready-made properties or shapes. Researchers
can also make kinetic play sand or sand play by mixing safe ingredients for pre-
school-age children, such as rice flour, food coloring, and cooking oil. Sand games
for preschoolers are fun activities because they involve preschoolers acting to do
something (manipulation), gaining experience (exploration), and stringing together
(construction) to create or realize the imaginary world of preschool-age children
(Bouchard, 2021).
Conducting initial observations (pre-test) prior to the intervention and re-
establishing final observations (post-test) subsequent to the intervention, the research
employed a quantitative approach and utilized a one-group pre-test and post-test
The quota sampling method was utilized to select the 30 respondents; the ages
of the children represented the following age groups: six at 48 months, three at 54
months, three at 60 months, six at 66 months, and twelve at 72 months. The sampling
approach is non-random. November 2023 seen the completion of the three-week
The instrument used to measure socialization and independence is a modified
observation sheet from KPSP or PDQ (Pre-screening Development Questioners) and
Denver II (Nurhidayah et al., 2020), consisting of 9 10 questions. Researchers and
enumerators conducted interrater reliability tests on ten preschool-age children.
Based on the principle of statistical test kappa interrater reliability, the conclusion is
that there is a similar perception regarding the assessment of socialization and
independence in preschool children observed. The data collection technique used in
this study was direct observation of children. The pre-test is implemented by
observing and assessing one-on-one socialization and independence in preschool-age 87
children for a week. The kinetic play sand intervention was carried out for six days,
namely the 1-3 days in groups and the 4-6 days individually, and doing a post-test for
a week.
Data analysis
Univariate analyses at ages 48, 54, 60, and 66 months were normally distributed
data using the mean. Data at 72 months is abnormally distributed using the median,
and bivariate analysis uses a dependent t-test and Wilcoxon test
Univariate Analysis
Table 1. Mean/ Median Socialization and Independence in Preschool Children
Before Kinetic Play Sand Intervention, n = 30
95% CI
Preschool age 48 months
2 8
2,52 7,48
Preschool age 54 months
3 6
0,54 8,13
Preschool age 60 months
4 9
0,42 12,92
Preschool age 66 months
6 9
6,58 8,75
Preschool age 72 months
7 9
7,45 8,72
Table 2. Mean/ Median Socialization and Independence in Preschool Children
After Kinetic Play Sand Intervention, n = 30
95% CI
Preschool children 48
4 8
4,65 8,35
Preschool age 54 months
6 8
4,52 9,48
Preschool children 60
6 10
Preschool age 66 months
7 9
7,48 9,19
Preschool children 72
8 9
8,17 8,53
12 88
Bivariate Analysis
Table 3. Impact of Kinetic Play Sand on Socialization and Independence in
Preschool Children Age 48, 54, 60 months
P Value
Preschool Children age 48 Months
Preschool Children Age 54 Months
Preschool Children Age 60 Months
Preschool Children Age 66 Months
Table 4. Impact of Kinetic Play Sand on Socialization and Independence in
Preschool Children Age 72 months
Socialization and independence in
preschool children age 72 months
1. Socialization and Independence in Preschool Children Before Kinetic Play
Sand Intervention
For children aged 72, 66, 60, 54, and 48 months, the study's findings are
presented in Table 1. Upon conducting observations, it was discovered that a
subset of youngsters remained undeveloped in terms of sociability and
independence. The outcome fails to meet the criteria outlined in the Pre-Screening
Developmental Questionnaire (PDQ) and Denver II (Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia, 2019), which establish the expected level of socialization
and independence for children based on their age as determined by the
Stimulation, Detection, and Early Intervention of Child Growth and
Development (SDIDTK). This target is not met. Distinguishing between
themselves and their caregivers, socializing, interacting with their surroundings,
and so on, are all facets associated with the lack of independence exhibited by
preschool-aged children (Febrianti et al., 2023).
The reason is that preschool-aged children can quickly draw conclusions
from errors in their reasoning (transductive) and consider everything they do to be
the right action (Balqis & Rizqiyah, 2021). There are still preschool children who
are challenging to manage, easy to draw conclusions based on their will, and feel
that all the actions they take are correct, so providing appropriate stimulation to
improve aspects of socialization and independence in preschool children is very
Factors that affect the socialization and independence of preschool-age
children are based on internal and external factors. Internal factors originate from
within preschool-age children that can affect the socialization and independence
of preschool-age children, such as genes or heredity, birth order, physical 89
condition, talent, intellectual potential, age maturity level per individual that
differs from one child to another, and gender. External factors come from within
preschool-age children that can affect the socialization and independence of
preschool children, such as parenting patterns at home in educating their children,
the education system provided at school by their teachers, and the system in
community life in their environment, this is by theory (Suryaningsih et al., 2020).
2. Socialization and Independence in Preschool Children After Kinetic Play Sand
According to Table 2, preschoolers aged 72, 66, 60, 54, and 48 months who
received a kinetic play sand intervention demonstrated growth in independence
and socializing. Both the pre-intervention and post-intervention mean and median
scores for each age group exhibited an upward trend. Socialization and
independence in preschoolers are distinguished by their capacity to function
autonomously, including the ability to determine their own activities and needs
without relying on others. The development of socialization and independence in
preschoolers has a significant impact on their capacity to adapt to different
circumstances and conditions they encounter. This is due to the fact that
socialization and independence can influence a child's life process, either directly
or indirectly (Muslihan, 2021). Socialization and independence pertain to the
capacity of preschool-aged children to behave in accordance with the objectives of
socialization and independence development, which are achieved through many
forms of stimulation, including kinetic play and interventions.(Debora et al.,
This result is influenced by habits instilled and taught in preschool children
before with other stimulation. Based on the results of the study, increased
socialization and independence in preschool children, in this study, there was an
increase with varying values from various factors (internal and external); this is by
theory (Wahyuningsih, 2021). In the ongoing research during the intervention,
almost all preschool children were enthusiastic about the kinetic play sand
intervention given because they had never received such stimulation, so even with
only two interventions, there was an increase in aspects of socialization and
independence in preschool children. On the basis of the Stimulation Detection and
Early Intervention of Child Growth and Development (SDIDTK) theory as
reflected in the Pre-Screening Developmental Questionnaire (PDQ or KPSP) and
Denver II, researchers can deduce that training preschool-aged children in
socialization and independence can be accomplished through the provision of
suitable stimulation and adequate time to improve these skills (Sholikhah et al.,
3. The effect of kinetic play sand on socialization and independence in preschool-
aged children
The dependent variable is affected by the independent variable, as seen by
the increase in the mean and median scores for preschoolers' sociability and
independence before and after receiving kinetic play sand, as shown in Tables 3
and 4. The efficacy of kinetic play sand as a stimulant for enhancing socialization
and independence in preschool-aged children is evident in the manner in which
the children engage in individual and group play: communicating, cooperating,
socializing, tidying up toys, assisting peers, adhering to rules, and making
decisions. As a result, the children are effectively instructed in socialization and 90
independence (Mardiati &; Hartati, 2020). This success adds to the success of
research stimulation on improving aspects of socialization and independence in
preschool children because kinetic play sand influences socialization and
independence in preschool children.
Kinetic play sand is a natural evolution of informal play with soil practiced
by children worldwide because sand play has a long and fascinating history for
children worldwide. Sand is becoming the most common and suitable method of
play for preschool-aged children because playing with sand is a fun activity. In
everyday life, especially in a sandy cape area (beach), you will often find sand that
can be played (Nuryulianti & Ernawati, 2021).
The benefits of kinetic play sand or sand play in preschool children are
chosen as a medium to train socialization and independence because kinetic play
sand or sand play is a fun activity and involves preschool children in acting to do
something (manipulation), gain experience (exploration), and string
(construction) to create or realize the imaginary world of preschool children
(Umah &; Rakimahwati, 2021).
The provision of the kinetic play sand method or sand game researchers
adapted from the research of Rufaida (Rufaida & Reza, 2020). Based on the
research "Application of Sand Play to Improve Fine Motor Skills in Group A
Kindergarten Children," this study consists of two cycles, each with stages:
planning, implementation, observation action, and reflection. The yield of cycle I
is 49% and increases in cycle II by 87%. Based on a study entitled "Improving
Children's Fine Motor Skills and Creativity Using a Scientific Approach through
Magic Sand Media in Children in Pohuwato Regency" using two cycles. Using a
scientific approach through magic sand media can improve fine motor skills and
increase creativity (Trinurmi, 2020)
Socialization and independence in preschool children before the intervention
of Kinetic Play Sand: age 48 months mean = 5.00, age 54 months mean = 4.33, age
60 months mean = 6.67, age 66 months mean = 7.67, age 72 months median = 8.08.
Socialization and independence in preschool children after the intervention of kinetic
play sand: age 48 months mean = 6,50, age 54 months mean = 7.00, age 60 months
mean = 8.33, age 66 months mean = 8.33, age 72 months median = 8.50. P value
<0.05 means kinetic play has an influence on socialization and independence in
preschool children.
The educational game kinetic play sand is recommended for preschool-aged
children since it enhances, stimulates, and fosters the development of independence
and socializing in this age group. As such, it is suitable for implementation in schools
with children. As a means of stimulating preschool-aged children's socialization and
independence, kinetic play sand interventions can be implemented at home by
parents in the form of educational games. As an intervention to promote the
development of preschool children, particularly in the areas of socialization and
independence, it is anticipated that the findings of this research will assist nurses in
their capacity as educators, specifically in regards to instructing and facilitating
kinetic play sand. Regarding the impact of kinetic play sand on stimulation to
enhance socialization and independence in preschool children while directing
attention towards other variables that may influence independence in preschoolers, 91
the findings of this study are anticipated to serve as primary and reference material
for subsequent researchers.
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Copyright holders:
Chatarina Suryaningsih, Dara Khoerunnisa (2024)
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0