prevented through a systematic, comprehensive approach to patient safety (OSHA,
Emergency services are one component of hospital services carried out in the
Emergency Department (IGD). The function of the emergency room is to provide
medical care services, nursing care and emergency surgical services for patients who
come with medical emergencies. As a service unit that handles emergency patients,
the emergency room is a high clinical risk area, therefore services in the emergency
room must be managed in such a way that patients get good and safe care, one effort
to realize safe services is to return again with the application of good patient safety
in the emergency room (Uhm et al., 2019).
Various efforts are made by the Hospital to reduce or prevent the incidence of
falling patients, including carrying out risk evaluations of falling patients and
immediately acting to reduce these risks (Dewi Kusumaningsih et al., 2020).
Prevention of patient falls is a complex issue, crossing the boundaries of health ethics,
social services, public health and accident prevention. In the standards of the Joint
Commission International (JCI) there are efforts to overcome the incidence of
patients falling in hospitals. Especially mentioned in session 1, part 1 namely the
International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG), especially Goal 6 namely "Reducing
Patient Risk" Falls revealed that most injuries to inpatients occur due to falls, in
which case the hospital should carry out a fall risk assessment, evaluate the patient's
risk of falling and immediately act to reduce the risk of falling and the resulting injury
becomes very necessary (Saprudin et al., 2021). Hospitals establish programs to
reduce the risk of falls based on appropriate procedures. The program monitors the
desired and unintended consequences of the actions taken to reduce the risk of falls.
Hospitals must implement this program, therefore the JCI standard target 6 states
that hospitals need to develop approaches to reduce the risk of injury to patients due
to falls (Sakinah et al., 2017).
Prevention of falling patients can be done starting from: conducting initial
assessment when the patient is admitted for treatment, and further assessment if there
is a change in condition in the patient using Morse Fall Scale for adult patients and
Humphty Dumpty Scale for pediatric patients; implement measures to reduce falls
by establishing policies and installing special bracelets marking patients who are high
falls; monitor and periodically evaluate against successful reduction of injuries from
falls and other related impacts using forms; and establish standard Operating
Procedures and procedures to support the sustainable reduction of the risk of patient
injury falls in the hospital (Haryanto Ero, Dwiasti Nadia Lestari, 2021).
Green argues that knowledge is a predisposing factor for changing a person's
behavior. While Notoatmodjo in (Mulfiyanti, 2021), reveals that knowledge is the
main capital to acquire skills and attitudes . This is in line with in-depth interviews
with informants that all informants stated that they knew how fall risk assessments
were carried out and fall risk assessments were mandatory. So it is expected that by
having good knowledge and understanding, nurses are obedient in carrying out fall
risk assessments (Tumiwa, 2021).
Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone Regency is one of the Government and Education
hospitals in Bone Regency that provides inpatient and outpatient care, one of which
is the Emergency Department (IGD) based on data obtained from medical records.
Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone Installation Room (IGD) in 2021 was recorded at