Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 3 No. 1 January 2024
Radiah Ilham, Andi Satriana, Dewi Mulfiyanti
Universitas Andi Sudirman, Indonesia
Email: dianradiah.dr@gmail.com, andisatriana.qiandm2@gmail.com,
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among all types of cancer in
women. Breast cancer is a disease that most often attacks women, affecting more
than 1.5 million women every year. Chemotherapy treatment is one of the breast
cancer treatments where patients undergoing chemotherapy will experience
psychological problems, namely anxiety, which causes sleep pattern disturbances.
the patient. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between anxiety
levels and sleep patterns in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Research method with a cross sectional approach design. The sample consisted of 55
breast cancer respondents who underwent chemotherapy at Tenriawaru Hospital,
Bone Regency using an accidental sampling technique. Data was processed using the
chi square test. Univariate analysis showed that breast cancer respondents who
underwent chemotherapy experienced moderate anxiety (60%) and (63.6%) had poor
sleep patterns. Bivariate test results showed that there was a relationship between
anxiety levels and sleep patterns (Pvalue = 0.004 (p> 0.1) and (OR = 5.365). It was
concluded that there was a relationship between anxiety levels and sleep patterns in
breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. It is hoped that health workers will
increase their ability to identify levels of anxiety and sleep pattern disorders,
especially in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Keywords: Breast Cancer, Chemotherapy, Sleep Patterns, Anxiety Levels
Breast cancer is a glandular cell in the breast, glandular ducts and breast
supporting tissues that become malignant, glandular ducts and breast supporting
tissues. Generally, breast cancer occurs in women who are over 40 years old, but it
is not possible that even young women can get breast cancer. Breast cancer is the
most feared disease by women although men can also get breast cancer (Putra, 2015).
Various causes of breast cancer from the results of research show that each type
of cancer has various factors that cause and stage the occurrence of breast cancer,
which leads to the change of normal cells into cancer cells, According to research
conducted by the WHO, (2014), breast cancer is a disease that most occurs in women,
which affects more than 1.5 million women occur every year. Based on data obtained
from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimates breast cancer cases that occurred
in 2017 were around 252,710 cases or about 15% of all cancer cases, and the
estimated death rate caused by breast cancer was 40,610 cases or about 6.8% of all
cancer cases (Alter et al., 2018).
Breast cancer is a disease that causes death both in women and cancer number
one in women. The prognosis depends on the stage at which breast cancer is found
in women (Brunner & Suddarth, 2002).
The WHO has predicted cancer is the number one cause of death in the world
by the end of the century. Cancer will be the biggest barrier for humans to increase
life expectancy. From the results obtained from 185 countries in the world by looking
deeper at 36 types of cancer. Such as lung cancer, colorectal disease, stomach cancer,
liver cancer, and breast cancer are the most common types of cancer. From the results
of the report found lung cancer is the deadliest cancer with 1.8 million deaths or 18.4
percent of the total deaths and also breast cancer is the second cancer disease in the
world that causes death in women and also does not rule out the possibility of men
can also get breast cancer.
The impact of breast cancer treatment on psychological aspects that show that
patients who experience breast cancer express the helplessness felt by these
patients, anxiety, and disruption of sleep patterns of breast cancer patients (WHO,
One of the nursing considerations or health workers that need to be considered
in patients with breast cancer who will undergo chemotherapy is anxiety in patients
(Smeltzer et al., 2008)
Chemotherapy is a therapy given to anti-cancer and kill tumor cells by
disrupting cell function and reproduction aimed at healing, control, and palliative
(Neal, 2006). Chemotherapy can cause various physiological and psychological
impacts, chemotherapy can also cause negative psychological impacts including
disorders of self-esteem, sexuality, and patient well-being such as anxiety (Smeltzer
et al., 2008). Based on research conducted by Oetaami, (2014), the impact of breast
cancer and its treatment on psychological aspects shows that breast cancer patients
express helplessness, anxiety, shame, low self-esteem and often irritable.
One of the considerations and considerations for nurses against patients
undergoing chemotherapy is the anxiety that will be felt by patients who will cause
disruptions to sleep quality. Smeltzer et al., (2008) Based on the results of Bintang
research (2012) shows that more than 30% of cancer patients undergoing
chemotherapy at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Hospital experience moderate anxiety
and the rest experience severe anxiety to depression.
Patients with chemotherapy often experience anxiety and cause disruption of
sleep patterns, usually anxiety that often occurs in breast cancer patients undergoing
chemotherapy in the first, second and third stages, the management that can be done
as a nurse is to provide education about emotional support, assess patient needs, fears
and patient coping mencanism. Nurjanah, (2014) Anxiety that often occurs in
patients who experience breast cancer is emotionally felt by breast cancer patients or
feared by patients of imminent or imagined dangers accompanied by changes in the
autonomic nervous system and subjective experiences as "pressure", "fear", and
"anxiety" (Spielberger, 1983). This anxiety can be divided into two parts, namely state
anxiety and trait anxiety. State anxiety is anxiety with symptoms that arise or are felt
by someone that are temporary and life-threatening. Trait anxiety is a symptom of
anxiety that persists in a person which is a differentiator between one individual and
another (Spielberger, 2010).
According to research conducted by Stuart & Laraia, (2009) anxiety anxiety is
influenced by several factors that can affect breast cancer patients, anxiety is divided
into two parts, namely predisposing factors and precipitation factors. Predisposing
factors consist of psychoanalytic views, interpersonal views, behavioral views, family
studies, and biological studies. Precipitation factors are perceived anxiety originating
from internal and external sources which are grouped into two categories, namely
threats to physical integrity and self-systems.
Anxiety is a reaction that arises in breast cancer patients often appears not only
when the patient is diagnosed with cancer, but also when the patient will undergo
chemotherapy, symptoms of anxiety such as, worries about recovery, and worries
about not being able to perform functions as a woman optimally such as uselessness
as a woman due to losing breasts or feeling imperfect as a woman (Muladi, 2020).
The negative impact can be felt by every breast cancer patient. AlHawari &
Ward, (2006) stated that anxiety has an effect on breast cancer patients which can
increase disturbances in sleep ability, increase nausea and vomiting after
chemotherapy, anxiety also interferes with one's own quality of life. The anxiety that
occurs in breast cancer patients when going to undergo chemotherapy, the impact of
this anxiety can have a negative impact on the treatment and rehabilitation process
medically and psychologically, as stated by in research that has been conducted
found that anxiety that occurs can cause patients to stop chemotherapy.
From the results of Desmaniarti & Avianti, (2014) obtained from data more
than 30% of breast cancer patients who will undergo chemotherapy at Dr. Hasan
Sadikin Bandung Hospital, breast cancer patients who do chemotherapy experience
moderate anxiety and others experience severe anxiety to depression which causes
patients to experience sleep pattern disturbances.
The gauge used for an individual's response range to anxiety fluctuates between
adaptive and maladaptive responses. The most adaptive response range is the
individual's anticipation to be prepared to adapt to the anxiety that may arise.
Maladaptive is a symptom of panic where individuals are no longer able to respond
to anxiety faced so that they experience physical, behavioral and cognitive disorders.
A person responds adaptively to his anxiety, the level of anxiety he experiences is
mild, the more maladaptive a person's response to anxiety, the more severe the level
of anxiety he experiences, the phase of anxiety levels that can disrupt sleep patterns
that occur in the phase of moderate anxiety levels.
Sleep quality is a phenomenon that is difficult to define and measure objectively
and subjectively, where subjective measurement of sleep quality can be measured
using The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire (Buysse, Charles,
Timothy, Susan, and David, 1989). PSQI can be used to distinguish between good
sleep quality and sleep quality and poor sleep quality by using seven assessment
components, namely: Time needed to start sleep (sleep latency), length of sleep time
(sleep duration), presentation between sleep time spent in bed (sleep efficiency), sleep
disturbances experienced at night (sleep disturbance), habitual use of drugs to help
sleep, disturbances experienced during the day, subjective sleep quality.
Quality sleep is needed by breast cancer patients so that the condition and
immune system can improve can be maintained optimally. damaged cells can be
repaired at the time of sleep. Here the role of the nurse is very important in managing
or meeting these needs and must know the quality of the patient's sleep and as a basis
for planning nursing care for breast cancer patients. Sleep is a very important need
that must be met adequately and well, which is 7-9 hours per day (PURWANTARI,
From the results of research conducted by Hafiroh, (2022), at Dr. Hasan
Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung obtained from the results of research that has been
obtained from 83 patients who will undergo chemotherapy, as many as 69 (83.13%)
breast cancer patients have poor sleep quality. Some components of the assessment
that can affect sleep quality, namely subjective sleep quality, namely moderately poor
sleep quality (44.58%), with sleep latency > 60 minutes (53.01%), so-called sleep
disorders (63.86%), or dysfunction that occurs during the day (53.01%).
According to research conducted by Alifiyanti et al., (2017), breast cancer
patients who will undergo chemotherapy have several types of sleep disorders, such
as insomnia (66.67%), disturbances in circadian rhythms (57.33%). Perceived sleep
disturbances such as Restless Legs
Syndrome (44.0%), sleep apnea (34.67%), and narcolepsy (23.33%). This
disorder can result in poor sleep quality and can also cause disruption of the healing
process in cancer.
From the results of interviews obtained at Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone Regency,
breast cancer patients who have been given education about breast cancer and about
chemotherapy, but from the results of interviews with breast cancer patients as many
as 4 people, it was found that patients experienced anxiety and sleep pattern
disorders. As a result of this anxiety, patients who experience breast cancer have
moderate levels of anxiety with symptoms such as frequent shortness of breath, pulse,
increased blood pressure, dry mouth, anxiety, insomnia, and bad feelings.
Breast cancer patients also experience sleep pattern disorders such as frequent
flygun as much as 4 times a night and also some who experience insomnia and cannot
sleep as a result of the anxiety.
From the background described above, researchers are interested in examining
the relationship between the level of speed and sleep patterns in breast cancer patients
who will undergo chemotherapy at Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone Regency.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are
as many as 18.1 million new cancer cases and 9.6 million deaths that occur this year,
the number of cancer patients that occur worldwide continues to increase
significantly. From the results of the Report that has been released by
International Agency for Research on Cancer, In Indonesia where breast cancer
cases are the highest prevalence of cancer. Based on data obtained from the
Information Data Center in 2015, nationally the prevalence of breast cancer in the
Indonesian population of all ages in 2013 was obtained as much as 0.5% or around
61,682 people. Data was obtained that West Sumatra Province occupies the third
largest position after D.I Yogyakarta and East Kalimantan, which is as much as 0.9%
or estimated at around 2,285 people (Kementerian Kesehatan RI., 2015),
Breast cancer is the second most common cause of death in women, with an
estimated 46,000 dying in 1994. The results of the survey that have been carried out
obtained preliminary data conducted by researchers in the Medical Record Room at
Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone Regency on September 16, 2023, found that breast cancer
patients in 2021 amounted to 101 people and patients who died were 11 people with
a percentage (11%). In 2022, 124 breast cancer patients were found who died as many
as 22 people with a percentage (18%). in 2021-2022 The total number of patients
suffering from breast cancer is 225 people with a percentage (29%) found that the
average breast cancer occurs in women (Ministry of Health 2022).
According to the results of a survey conducted on September 27, data on
patients suffering from breast cancer in 2023 were 153 people with hospitalization
and 101 outpatient and 25 people died with the number of patients undergoing
chemotherapy 40 people in one month.
In this study, the design used was descriptive analytic to connect two variables
using a cross sectional design by collecting data on independent variables and
dependent variables at the same time (Notoatmodjo, 2010). The expected results can
determine the relationship between anxiety levels and sleep patterns of breast cancer
patients who undergo chemotherapy in the surgical room of Tenriawaru Hospital,
Bone Regency.
This study was conducted in the surgical room of Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone
Regency due to the high incidence of breast cancer in women and was carried out
from October 16 to 28, 2023, in the surgical room of Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone
Regency. The sampling technique used by the researchers was accidental sampling with
a total sample of 55 breast cancer patients by determining samples using the Slovin
The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire sheet. The questionnaire
sheet is designed according to the variables to be studied, namely variables and
variables of sleep pattern disorders that will carry out chemotherapy at Tenriawaru
Hospital, Bone Regency. Measurements in this study use real measurements in the
field using questionnaires, in accordance with understanding, and respondents'
assessments using questionnaire sheets.
Analisa Univariat
Univariate analysis of the patient's anxiety levels and sleep patterns. All types
of data on these variables are categorical data so that the presentation of data uses a
frequency distribution display Respondents involved in this study include women in
the age range of 35-65 years, with distribution based on the following table :
Table 1 Frequency Distribution of Respondents' Characteristics Based on Age,
Education, Occupation
1. Early adulthood 1840 th
2. Dewasa madya 41 - 60 th
3. Late adulthood > 60 th
1. No School
2. Elementary School
3. First High School
4. Upper High School
5. University
1. Civil State Officer
2. Officer swasata
3. Enterpreneur
4. Pensioner
5. Laborer
6. Farmer
7. Housewives
8. Unemployment
Based on the table above, it was found that from 55 payudaya cancer
respondents who underwent chemotherapy with an age range of 35-65 years with a
high school education level of 30.9%, and as many as 34.5 respondents with jobs as
Table 2 Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on Anxiety in Breast
Cancer Patients Who Undergo Ch emotherapy in the Chemotherapy
Room and Polysurgery of Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone Regency
Anxiety Level
Mild Anxiety
40,0 %
Midlle Anxiety
Based on table 2 obtained from 55 respondents, most breast cancer respondents
who did chemotherapy with moderate anxiety levels as much as 60.0%.
Table 3 Distribution of Respondents' Frequency Based on Sleep Patterns in
Breast Cancer Patients Who Undergo Chemotherapy in the Chemotherapy
Room and Polysurgery of Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone Regency
Based on table 3, obtained from 55 breast cancer respondents who did
chemotherapy, most respondents as many as 63.6% stated poor sleep patterns.
Analisa Bivariat
Bivariate analysis is performed to determine the meaningful relationship
between the two main variables, namely the independent variable with the dependent
variable. The independent variable is the anxiety level of the dependent variable of
sleep patterns. All variables analyzed both independent and dependent variables are
catagoric variables so that the statistical test used is a quadratic test (chi-square).
Table 4 The relationship between anxiety levels and sleep patterns of breast
cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy at Tenriawaru Hospital, BoneRegency
Anxiety levels
Sleep quality
P Value
Kecemasan Ringan
40,9 %
Kecemasan Sedang
78,8 %
In table 4, researchers can explain that respondents with moderate anxiety
levels have poor sleep patterns as many as 78.8% of 55 respondents. Meanwhile,
respondents with mild anxiety levels had good sleep patterns as much as 59.1% of
the total respondents. The results of statistical tests obtained p value = 0.004 (p < 0.1)
then it was concluded that there was a relationship between anxiety levels and sleep
patterns of breast cancer patients who did chemotherapy. The results of the analysis
obtained OR = 5,365, meaning that respondents who have moderate anxiety levels
have a 5,365 times chance of experiencing sleep pattern disturbances.
Frequency distribution analysis
Anxiety levels in breast cancer respondents who did chemotherapy in
chemotherapy rooms and polysurgery
Based on table 2 of respondents who experienced breast cancer who did
chemotherapy, researchers found that from 55 respondents, most breast cancer
respondents who did chemotherapy were found with moderate anxiety levels as
much as 60.0%.
Anxiety felt by cancer patients is a blunt emotional overreaction or depression
and sensitive context response (Clift 2011), from other opinions stating that anxiety
that occurs is a manifestation of suppressed feelings, this condition requires
appropriate resolution so that individuals feel safe, but from research states that not
all problems can be resolved properly by individuals. This feeling of anxiety gives rise
to restlessness and fear.
AlHawari & Ward, (2006) stated that breast cancer has an anxiety effect that
can increase pain, anxiety can also interfere with sleep, and cause symptoms of
nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy, as well as disruption of one's own quality
of life. The results of Desiani, (2011) regarding the anxiety of patients undergoing
chemotherapy with respondents as many as 54 people, found that most respondents
experienced moderate anxiety. This moderate anxiety makes the individual focused
on the thoughts that concern him, there is a narrowing of the field of perception, but
still able to do things at the direction of others. Anxiety is a part of human life
characterized by deep and sustained feelings of fear or worry (Nadeak, 2010) .
Excessive anxiety in chemotherapy patients can affect patient motivation in carrying
out chemotherapy, thus affecting the chemotherapy program, According to the
assumption of researchers breast cancer patients who do chemotherapy have different
levels of anxiety with various factors causing the anxiety such as age and education
factors, anxiety disorders can occur at all ages, more often in adulthood and more in
women. This is in accordance with research that has been conducted on breast cancer
patients who undergo chemotherapy at Tenriawaru Hospital, Bone Regency with the
results obtained moderate anxiety levels and poor sleep pattern disorders with an age
range of 35-60 years and a lot of education level, namely high school. Most anxiety
occurs at the age of 41-60 years. This is because the older a person does not guarantee
that his personality will be better and age also affects the patient's personal maturity.
The onset of anxiety experienced by respondents when doing chemotherapy, where
respondents said they were anxious about doing chemotherapy or would do
chemotherapy such as anxiety from the effects of chemotherapy, the anxiety felt by
respondents also had an impact on the recovery of patients because if patients always
experience anxiety then the possibility of respondents can stop chemotherapy,
symptoms felt by patients who experience anxiety such as anxiety, difficulty sleeping,
difficulty concentrating, headache, frequent urination.
Sleep patterns in breast cancer respondents who did chemotherapy in
chemotherapy rooms and polysurgery.
Based on table 2, researchers can explain that most respondents as many as
63.6% of 55 breast cancer respondents who did chemotherapy stated poor sleep
Sleep is a process of changing consciousness that occurs repeatedly during a
certain period, every human needs sleep time approximately about a third of his life
time or about 6-8 hours a day (Potter et al., 2021).
Sleep quality is a process by which a person has the ability to stay asleep and
get the right amount of REM and NREM sleep (Berman et al., 2010). Sleep quality
is a way for someone to easily start sleep and can maintain sleep well, the quality of
a person's sleep can be described by the length of sleep, and complaints felt during
sleep or after waking up. Some factors that affect the quantity and quality of sleep
are, physiological factors, psychological factors, environment and lifestyle. Quality
sleep is needed by breast cancer patients who are undergoing treatment in the hospital
to regenerate and repair body cells. NREM sleep can stimulate growth hormone
(Growth Hormone) which can help in repairing body tissues. REM sleep is
indispensable for maintaining brain tissue and is important for cognitive recovery
(Tsao et al., 2008).if the functionology is disturbed then the quality of sleep is also
disrupted, such as decreased appetite, weight loss, anxiety, irritability and failure in
making decisions. Changes in natural and cellular immune function also result from
moderate to severe sleep deprivation (National Sleep Foundation; Potter and Perry,
According to Karota-Bukit, (2003) are factors that affect the quality of a
person's sleep such as environmental and psychological factors. Environmental
factors that can affect the quality of a person's sleep are the state of the environment
in the hospital room ranging from noise, hot room temperature, uncomfortable beds
and lights that are too bright. The results of this study are in line with research
conducted by Sari et al., (2017) on the relationship between sleep quality and
cognitive function in the elderly in BPLU senja sunny North Sulawesi Province using
the PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) questionnaire involving 38 respondents. The
results of the study obtained 78.9% of elderly respondents had good sleep quality,
21.1% of elderly respondents had poor sleep quality and 68.4% of elderly cognitive
function under normal circumstances. According to research by Pratiwi, T. Dwinda
(2016), several types of sleep disorders that occur in breast cancer patients undergoing
chemotherapy, namely insomnia (66.67%) and circadian rhythm disorders (57.33%).
Sleep disorders felt in the form of Restless Legs Syndrome (44.0%), sleep apnea
(34.67%), and narcolepsy (23.33%). Sleep disorders that occur can result in poor sleep
According to the researchers' assumptions, breast cancer patients who undergo
chemotherapy have different sleep patterns, these sleep patterns can be influenced by
various factors such as medical conditions (disease diagnosis) and environmental
conditions. Diman these medical conditions in the form of the incidence of disorders
vary for each medical condition, for example: Diman in patients when knowing the
results of the examination and getting a surgical diagnosis, this will affect the patient's
sleep patterns, a bad environment also greatly affects the patient's sleep patterns.
Good sleep quality is needed by the patient's body, the body that is sick will
have difficulty starting and maintaining sleep, if the body experiences lack of sleep
then the body will experience decreased body resistance, decreased daily activities,
feel tired and can have an impact on psychological health and also have an impact
on recovery from respondents' diseases, in research that has been done found breast
cancer patients who do chemotherapy.
Analysis of the relationship between anxiety levels and sleep patterns of breast
cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
Based on the results of table 1 analysis, it can be explained that respondents
with moderate anxiety levels have poor sleep patterns as many as 78.8% of 55
respondents. Meanwhile, respondents with mild anxiety levels had good sleep
patterns as much as 59.1% of the total respondents. The results of statistical tests
obtained p value = 0.004 (p < 0.1) then it was concluded that there was a relationship
between anxiety levels and sleep patterns of breast cancer patients who did
chemotherapy. The results of the analysis obtained OR = 5,365, meaning that
respondents who have anxiety levels have a 5,365 times chance to experience sleep
pattern disturbances.
Anxiety is an emotional response to an unpleasant situation and experienced
by all living things in everyday life cannot be observed directly and is an emotional
state without a specific object and can provide motivation to achieve something in
an effort to maintain life balance (Suliswati et al., 2005).
Anxiety felt by cancer patients is a blunt emotional overreaction or depression
and sensitive context response Clift & Morrison, (2011), from other opinions stating
that anxiety that occurs is a manifestation of suppressive feelings, this condition
requires appropriate resolution so that individuals feel safe, but from research states
that not all problems can be resolved properly by individuals. This feeling of anxiety
gives rise to restlessness and fear.
Mohamed & Baqutayan, (2012) mentioned that the effect of anxiety on breast
cancer patients can increase pain, interfere with sleep, increase nausea and vomiting
after chemotherapy, as well as disrupt one's own quality of life.
The results showed that some of the respondents experienced moderate state
anxiety with as many as (59.8%), and some respondents experienced moderate trait
anxiety with as many as (54.6%).based on the causative factors of the speed in the
form of: Self-system threat factors are factors that dominate anxiety in breast cancer
patients undergoing chemotherapy. The threat of this dominating self-system can
affect the role of the patient, so there needs to be an effort to reduce anxiety by paying
attention to various factors that affect anxiety. Anxiety that occurs in breast cancer
patients can also affect the patient's sleep patterns.
The results of Karota-Bukit, (2003) research on "sleep quality and sleep
disturbance factors of elderly clients in the Internal Medicine Inpatient Room of the
Hospital, Medan" where with respondents 100 people got the results of most of the
sleep quality in poor condition (77%) in the hospital with some factors of sleep
disturbances during hospital treatment are physiological factors, routine nurse,
environmental, psychological and psychosocial actions. Where the psychososisal
factor shows 24% of clients experience anxiety and 43% depression.
According to the researchers' assumptions breast cancer patients who do
chemotherapy have moderate levels of anxiety and poor sleep pattern disturbances,
this is because many breast cancer patients who do chemotherapy are worried about
the effects of chemotherapy, anxiety that occurs in respondents is also influenced by
age because increasing age does not guarantee the respondent's personality will be
good, anxiety disorders can occur at all ages, more often in adulthood and more in
women anxiety that occurs in respondents also results in sleep pattern disturbances
in these respondents, sleep pattern disorders are also influenced by the environment
and medical diagnostics, The occurrence of sleep pattern disorders associated with
medical conditions is often found although the incidence of disorders varies for each
medical condition, for example: in patients according to the results of the
examination will get a surgical diagnosis, This will affect the patient's sleep pattern,
the bad environment also greatly affects the patient's sleep pattern. As a hospital
nurse, it is necessary to create a good and comfortable environment for patients so
that there is no disruption of sleep patterns in these patients and the need for nurses
to provide chemotherapy education and the effects of chemotherapy so that anxiety
does not occur in patients.
Various causes of breast cancer from the results of research show that each type
of cancer has various factors that cause and stage the occurrence of breast cancer,
which leads to the change of normal cells into cancer cells, According to research
conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is a disease that
most occurs in women, which affects more than 1.5 million women occur every year.
Based on data obtained from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimates breast
cancer cases that occurred in 2017 were around 252,710 cases or about 15% of all
cancer cases, and the estimated death rate caused by breast cancer was 40,610 cases
or about 6.8% of all cancer cases.
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Copyright holders:
Radiah Ilham, Andi Satriana, Dewi Mulfiyanti (2023)
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
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