Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 3 No. 1 January 2024
William Kusuma
Banggai Regional General Hospital, Indonesia
Email: kusumawilliam@yahoo.com
Surgery is one of the medical procedures that can be performed to treat various
diseases. However, surgery can also cause complications. The purpose of this study
was to examine the relationship between patient age and postoperative
complications. This study used the Systematic Literature Review research method.
Research data were collected from literature published in reputable scientific
journals. The literature was collected through searches in electronic literature
databases, such as Google Schoolar and Scopus. The data that has been collected is
then analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and
conclusion drawing. The results showed that patient age is one of the risk factors for
postoperative complications. Elderly patients have a higher risk of developing
postoperative complications, compared to young patients.
Keywords: Patient Age, Complications, Postoperative
Surgery is a medical procedure performed to treat or treat an illness, injury, or
other medical condition. Although surgery is often effective in treating diseases or
reducing the symptoms experienced by patients, like other medical procedures,
surgery also has a risk of complications. The National Cancer Institute explains that
in medical science, the meaning of complications is a medical problem that occurs
during having a disease or after undergoing certain procedures or treatments (Laudia
Tysara, 2022)
According to WHO (2020), the number of patients undergoing surgery
continues to increase every year (Mantika et al., 2023). There are an estimated 165
million surgeries performed annually worldwide, with 234 million patients in
hospital in 2020. In Indonesia, surgery in 2020 reached 1.2 million patients. Based
on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2021), surgery occupies the 11th
position out of 50 disease treatments in Indonesia, with 32% of them being elective
surgery. The pattern of disease in Indonesia is estimated to consist of 32% major
surgery, 25.1% mental disorders, and 7% anxiety (Ramadhan et al., 2023).
In Itani's study in Canada, it was found that the postoperative complication rate
was 47% with a recurrence rate of 8% in the Lichtenstein technique, and 35% with a
recurrence rate of 12% in laparoscopy (Ulfandi & Jeo, 2019). Research LUKMAN
et al., (2022) found the prevalence of the most types of cataracts, senile cataracts
(99%), the rest were juvenile (0.75%) and congenital (0.25) cataracts. The youngest
age of patients undergoing cataract surgery was 0.4 years (4 months) and the oldest
age was 95 years, the average age of patients obtained was 61.92 ± SD 11.72 years,
the most were female (53.75%). The prevalence of postoperative cataract
complications occurs mostly using EKEK surgery techniques (48.5%). The
prevalence of the most common types of postoperative cataract complications is
corneal edema, using the EKEK technique as much as 35% and phacoemulsification
as much as 32.5%.
Postoperative complications are a possibility that can be experienced by
patients of various age ranges, although the risk tends to be higher in elderly patients.
The factors that cause increased risk in this age group involve natural physiological
changes that occur with aging. Organs, such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys,
generally experience decreased function, so responding to postoperative stress can be
more difficult. In addition, the immune system that tends to decrease in old age
increases the patient's vulnerability to infection (Astari, 2018). The purpose of this
study was to examine the relationship between the age of patients and postoperative
This study used the Systematic Literature Review research method. The
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method is a thorough process carried out
systematically to identify, evaluate, and synthesize research relevant to a particular
topic. This method involves certain steps to collect, review, and analyze existing
literature in a methodical and structured manner (F. Rozi, 2020).
The research data was collected from literature published in reputable scientific
journals. Literature is collected through searches in electronic literature databases,
such as Google Schoolar and Scopus. The data used in this study has several
inclusion criteria, including Indonesian or English with a publication period of 2013-
2023. While the inclusion criteria are in addition to Indonesian and English and
published before 2013. Based on the criteria that have been determined, the flow and
results of the research to be used in this study are depicted in the following PRISMA
Table 1. Research Results
Author Name
and Year
Research Results
et al., 2020)
Relation between
surgeon age and
postoperative outcomes:
a population-based
cohort study
Patient mortality rates,
hospital readmissions, and
complications decline in
Ontario as surgeons age.
Increasing surgeon age is
associated with decreased
postoperative mortality,
rehospitalization, and
complications in an almost
Author Name
and Year
Research Results
linear way after accounting for
factors at the patient,
procedure, surgeon, and
hospital levels. Further
evaluation of the mechanisms
underlying these findings can
help improve patient safety and
outcomes, as well as inform
policies on maintenance of
certification and retirement age
for surgeons.
(Lin et al., 2016)
Frailty and post-
operative outcomes in
older surgical patients: a
systematic review
There is strong evidence that
frailty in elderly and oldest
surgical patients predicts
postoperative mortality,
complications, and long length
of stay. Flaw assessment may
be a valuable tool in
perioperative assessment. It is
possible that tools with
different weaknesses are best
suited for different acuity and
types of surgical patients.
(I. F. Rozi et al.,
The Relationship
Between Patient Age,
Fracture Type and
Location of Long Bone
Fracture on Post-
Surgical Hospitalization
at Orthopedic Hospital
Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso
In theory, fractures in geriatric
patients have a longer healing
due to comorbid diseases.
Diabetes and hypertension can
cause a decrease in bone
mineral density so that it has a
longer healing time. Elderly
patients are also susceptible to
pneumonia and also deep vein
trhombosis which of course
can extend the length of
hospitalization in fracture
(Pramono &
Desfitra, 2023)
The relationship
between age and
postoperative chills
Younger patients have less
chills because they have more
subcutaneous fat that protects
them from cold, stable resting
muscle tone, high metabolic
rate, their ability to regulate
and maintain normal body
temperature effectively better
than in old age, and
thermoregulation at a young
Author Name
and Year
Research Results
age. signifikan lebih baik
daripada umur tua
(Widiyono &
Setiyajati, 2020)
Relationship between
Age and Duration of
Surgery with
Hypothermia in Post-
Spinal Anesthesia
Patients at Central
Surgical Installations
Based on the hypothesis test
with logistic regression
analysis tests, it is known that
age is a risk factor for
hypothermy with a p
coefficient of 0.025 < 0.05 and
an odds ratio value of 8.985,
meaning that respondents who
are getting older are 8.985
times more at risk of
(Handayani et
al., 2022)
Correlation Between
Age And Hypothermic
Incidence Of Post
Operation Patients With
General Anesthesia At
Pku Muhammadiyah
Hospital, Bantul
Based on the results of the
study, it was found that there
was a relationship between age
and the incidence of
postoperative hypothermia
with general anesthesia. The
level of closeness of the
relationship between age and
the incidence of hypothermy
can also be seen based on the
incidence rate according to the
age range where patients with
the age range of children tend
to experience severe
hypothermy, amounting to 4
out of 10 patients (10%),
adolescents tend to experience
mild and moderate
hypothermy, amounting to 5
patients each (12.5%), the adult
age category tends to
experience hypothermia with
moderate temperature criteria,
which amounts to 5 out of 10
patients (12.5%) while For the
elderly category, they tend to
experience severe hypothermy,
amounting to 8 out of 10
patients (20%)
The relationship of
hypospadias type, age,
and surgical technique
to complications of
In bivariate analysis, there was
no significant association
between the age of surgery for
hypospadias and
Author Name
and Year
Research Results
ureoquataneous fistula
in pediatric hypospadias
complications of
urethrocutaneous fistula and
the strength of the weak
relationship (p value = 0.21
and r value = 0.28).
(Ulfandi & Jeo,
Comparison of the
Incidence of
Complications of
Herniorafi with the
Lichtenstein Technique
Mesh with
Techniques at RSCM
There are differences in the
incidence of postoperative
herniorafi complications with
the mesh of the Lichtenstein
technique and laparoscopic
techniques in patients with
inguinal hernia which shows
that the incidence of
complications appears more in
the Lichtenstein technique
than laparoscopy with factors
of length of stay and type of
surgery that significantly
significant the incidence of
postoperative complications.
The variables age, length of
surgery, and body mass index
were not significantly
associated with postoperative
complications of the two
techniques (p = >0.05).
(Rivai et al.,
Determinants of
Postoperative Cesarean
Wound Infection
Risk factors for ILO events in
cesarean section are the time of
prophylactic antibiotics, the
length of preoperative
hospitalization and the length
of postoperative care. Other
factors, including respondents'
age, nutritional status, type of
surgery, preoperative hemo-
globin, type of anesthesia, and
length of surgery, were not
found to be risk factors for ILO
events in post-cesarean
(Sidhi et al.,
The relationship
between the rule of ten
and the incidence of
The age of patients undergoing
labioplasty surgery was
dominated by the age of over
10 weeks, which was 84
patients (97.7%). Almost all
cleft patients who had
Author Name
and Year
Research Results
undergone labioplasty weighed
over 4.5 kg as many as 85
patients (98.8%) and
hemoglobin levels above 10 g /
dL were found in 83 patients
(96.5%). Of the 86 cleft
patients, about 80 patients
(93%) met the rule of ten
criteria. A total of 7 patients
(8.1%) had complications.
Surgery or surgery is an invasive treatment by opening or displaying body parts,
and is generally done by making incisions on the body parts to be handled and
repaired and ending with closing and suturing wounds. Surgery is performed for
several reasons such as diagnostic (biopsy, laparotomy, exploration), curative
(excision of tumor masses, removal of inflammatory appendices), reparative
(repairing multiple wounds), reconstruction and palliative (Apriansyah et al in Rizki
et al, 2019). Surgery according to its type is divided into two types, namely major and
minor surgery. Minor surgery is surgery on a small part of the body that has a smaller
risk of complications than major surgery. Usually patients who undergo minor
surgery can go home the same day. While major surgery is an operation that involves
organs widely and has a high level of risk to client survival (Talindong & Minarsih,
The overall success of surgery depends largely on the pre-operative phase. This
is because this phase is the initial phase which is the foundation for the next stage. In
the pre-operative phase, nurses play an important role in preparing the physical and
psychological condition of patients who will undergo surgery. This pre-operative
phase begins when the decision for surgical intervention has been made and ends
when the patient is sent to the operating room (Putri & Martin, 2020). The
preparation for surgery is carried out on patients starting from the time the patient
enters the treatment room until the patient is in the operating room before the surgery
is performed. Patients who will undergo surgery really need to be considered in
overcoming the anxiety experienced (Kurniawan et al., 2018).
Various bad possibilities can occur that will be dangerous for patients. So do
not be surprised if often patients and families show excessive attitudes with the
anxiety experienced. Fear of pain after surgery, fear of physical changes (becoming
ugly and not functioning normally), fear of malignancy (if the diagnosis is uncertain),
fear or anxiety of experiencing the same condition as others who have the same
disease, fear of facing the operating room, surgical equipment and officers, fear of
death during anesthesia, and fear of surgery will fail are various reasons that can
cause fear or anxiety of patients in facing surgery (Sutinah, 2019). So that nurses have
a role in providing information to patients and their families regarding the illness
suffered and future treatment plans. The information provided must use effective and
clear information. Interpersonal communication is at the core of the job for a nurse.
All nursing tasks revolve around the need for nurses to be effective informers, one of
which is in providing informed consent (Murdiman et al., 2019).
The provision of information about the disease and the actions to be taken
needs to be given to each patient, as the rights and obligations of patients receiving
treatment in the hospital (Law-RI, No. 44 concerning Hospitals, 2009). Most patients
feel that their anxiety level becomes lighter if they know information about the
purpose of the examination, and the preoperative procedures to be carried out
(Tamah et al., 2019)
In addition to preoperative care, postoperative patient care can also be complex
due to physiological changes that may occur, including bleeding complications,
irregular heart rhythms, respiratory disorders, circulation, temperature control
(hypothermy), as well as other vital functions such as neurological function, skin
integrity and wound condition, genito-urinary, gastrointestinal, fluid and electrolyte
balance and comfort (Siswoyo & Siyoto, 2020). Postoperative complications have a
significant and sustained effect on the patient's quality of life after surgery; these
effects worsen as the severity of complications increases (Downey et al., 2023).
Postoperative complications are a common disorder associated with poor clinical
outcomes; thus, structural and procedural changes should be implemented to reduce
postoperative morbidity and mortality (Satkunasivam et al., 2020)
Medical complications are associated with a twofold increase in pain that limits
function 1-3 months after surgery. Understanding the mechanisms linking
complications to pathological persistence of pain could help develop future
approaches to preventing pain that persists after surgery (Moleong, 1989).). Pain is
an unpleasant feeling, cannot be handed over to others and it is caused by special
mechanical, chemical, electrical stimuli, found at the ends of the nerves. Pain is one
of the things that affect the comfort of the body. Being free from pain is a basic need
that humans must overcome (Sidharti & Kurniawaty, 2023). Postoperative nausea
and vomiting or PONV (Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting) is still a common
problem in nursing services. The incidence of PONV (Post Operative Nausea and
Vomiting) occurs in 25-30% of postoperative patients under general anesthesia and
can reach 70% in postoperative patients with high risk (Rahmayana et al., 2014).
One of the factors that cause the presence or absence and speed or duration of
postoperative effects is the age of the patient. According to Lin et al., (2016) there is
strong evidence that weakness in elderly surgical patients and the oldest surgical
patients predicts postoperative mortality, complications, and long length of
hospitalization. Flaw assessment may be a valuable tool in perioperative assessment.
It is possible that tools with different weaknesses are best suited for different acuity
and types of surgical patients.
Elderly patients are also susceptible to pneumonia and deep vein trhombosis
which of course can extend the length of hospitalization in patients (I. F. Rozi et al.,
2021). Younger patients have less chills because young people have more
subcutaneous fat that protects them from cold conditions, resting muscle tone is
stable, metabolic rate is still high, their ability to regulate and maintain normal body
temperature effectively is better than in old age, and thermoregulation measures at a
young age are significantly better than in old age (Pramono & Desfitra, 2023).
Postoperative hypothermia is a core temperature lower than normal body
temperature of 36oC after the patient is operated on. Under normal circumstances,
the human body is able to regulate temperature in hot and cold environments through
a temperature-protective reflex regulated by the hypothalamus. During general
anesthesia, the reflex ceases to function, making the patient very susceptible to
hypothermia. About 33-56.7% of patients undergoing spinal anesthesia experience
wheezing events (Tubalawony & Siahaya, 2023).
According to Handayani et al., (2022) stated that the level of closeness of the
relationship between age and the incidence of hypothermy can also be seen based on
the incidence rate according to the age range where patients with the age range of
children tend to experience severe hypothermy, amounting to 4 out of 10 patients
(10%), adolescents tend to experience mild and moderate hypothermy, which
amounts to 5 patients each (12.5%), The adult age category tends to experience
hypothermy with moderate temperature criteria, amounting to 5 out of 10 patients
(12.5%), while for the elderly category tends to experience severe hypothermy, which
amounts to 8 out of 10 patients (20%). However, the statement of Ulfandi & Wifanto
(2019), on the contrary, is that the age variable does not have a significant
relationship with postoperative complications. Supported by Rivai et al (2013) who
stated that other factors such as respondents' age, nutritional status, type of surgery,
preoperative hemo-globin, type of anesthesia, and duration of surgery, were not
found as risk factors for ILO events in postoperative patients.
Elderly patients have a higher susceptibility to postoperative complications
compared to younger patients. These age-related differences underscore the
importance of considering age as an important factor in assessing and managing the
potential risks associated with surgical procedures. As patients age, there is an
inherent increase in the likelihood of facing complications during the postoperative
period. The findings emphasize the need for tailored and attentive care for elderly
patients undergoing surgery, focusing on proactive measures to mitigate the
increased risk and ensure a smoother recovery process.
Widiyono et al (2020) age is a risk factor for hypothermy with a coefficient p
0.025 < 0.05 and an odds ratio value of 8.985 meaning that respondents who are
getting older are 8,985 times more at risk of hypothermy.
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Copyright holders:
William Kusuma (2023)
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0