Telemedicine recommended in Indonesia based on IDI guidelines on telemedicine
is divided into five, namely (I. D. Indonesia, 2012).
1. Tele‐expertise, which connects general practitioners and specialists or between
specialists, such as teleradiology.
2. Tele‐consultation, which connects patients and doctors
3. Tele‐monitoring, which is used by health workers to monitor various parameters of
the patient's body virtually
4. Tele‐assistance, which is used to provide direction to patients, for example in the
rehabilitation process
5. Tele‐robotic/tele‐intervention, which is the remote control of a robot in a tele‐surgery.
Online health services are included in the teleconsultation category. In principle,
this online health service only provides consultation facilities between doctors and
patients. In terms of its use, online medical services use a platform or application on
a smartphone and to access it, an internet network is needed.
The platform is basically an electronic system, thus the platform operator is the
operator of the electronic system as regulated in Government Regulation (PP) No.
82 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions,
what is meant by an electronic system is: "A series of electronic devices and
procedures that function to prepare, collect, process, analyze, store, display,
announce, transmit, and/or disseminate electronic information" (Maharani et al.,
2019). And according to Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic Transaction
Information article 1 point 6a states that Electronic System Operator is any person,
state operator, business entity, and community who provides, manages, and/or
operates Electronic Systems, either individually or jointly to users of Electronic
Systems for their own needs and/or the needs of other parties.
Electronic Transaction is an agreement made by the parties through an
Electronic System as determined by the general explanation of Article 1 number 17
of the ITE Law (Maharani et al., 2019). The attachment of doctors and patients
through telemedicine is not only beneficial for patients, because in telemedicine
doctors can only act limited to conveying medical information, and providing
prescriptions and necessary drugs.
Online health consultation services can take place directly (synchronous) in the
form of video calls or audio calls or take place indirectly (asynchronous) such as
through chat, comments on blogs, web, or social media (Frade & Rodrigues, 2013).
Here the doctor needs to explain to the patient about the limitations of their action
with the use of telemedicine, so that the patient can make the choice to agree to the action
using telemedicine or refuse. The use of telemedicine by doctors also requires clear
protocols and regulations to assure patients about the confidentiality of patient data
and information (Chaet et al., 2017).
Digital platforms currently in Indonesia consist of government-owned
platforms, namely Temenin and private-owned platforms. Private platforms have
until now been intermediaries, not health care providers. The private platform has
the concept of consulting with doctors / dentists, but actually only facilitates the
search for doctors / dentists who are health services, so it is not appropriate to be
called a telemedicine organizing platform. Unlike the government-owned platform
which has an initial concept, which is to make it easier for doctors in remote areas to
communicate with specialists who are more competent in providing the best
treatment for patients, so that the patient's health status also increases. With the