Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 2 No. 10 October 2023
Twum Seth,
Oscar Agyemang Opoku,
Selina Achiaa Owusu,
Henry Okudzeto,
Jesse Anak
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
University of Cape Coast
Email : saintwum@yahoo.com, oscar.opoku@stu.ucc.edu.gh,
Selina.soa@gmail.com, hokudzeto@yahoo.com, jesse.anak001@stu.ucc.edu.gh
The problem of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS has become a global
concern. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme has been
implemented globally to help reduced its prevalence to about 5 percent. This
programme addresses a wide range of prevention, care, treatment, and support
services along a continuum of care from pregnancy through to early childhood.
However, there is paucity of empirical data or evidence on the outcome of the
programme in the Atua Government which incidentally has the highest prevalence
of women with HIV/AIDS. The aim of the study was to assess the outcome of the
PMTCT of HIV therapy at the Atua Government Hospital. This study is a descriptive
and cross-sectional investigation conducted on HIV-positive mothers who are
participating in the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) program
at Atua Government Hospital. The study will collect data pertaining to the
demographic characteristics of the women, the treatment choices employed, and the
postnatal outcomes of the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
program at Atua Government Hospital. The data was subjected to descriptive
analysis, employing measures such as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard
deviations. Additionally, inferential analysis techniques, including t-tests, ANOVA,
correlation, and regression, were utilized to examine relationships and differences
within the data. The study findings indicate that the provision of PMTCT therapy
plays a crucial role, as it serves as the primary means by which infants born to HIV-
positive women can be safeguarded from HIV transmission. The findings revealed
that among the total sample of 175 infants, a majority of 91.4 percent (n=169) tested
negative for HIV infection, while a minority of 8.6 percent (n=15) tested positive for
HIV infection. Once more, variations were seen in terms of age and educational
attainment among women, as well as their infants' susceptibility to HIV infection due
to retroviral exposure. Nevertheless, the findings of the study revealed that there was
no significant association between women's income and the risk of Retro exposure
leading to HIV infection in infants.
Keywords: implementation, pmtct of HIV, HIV therapy
Globally, the year 2018 saw approximately 37.9 million individuals living with
HIV/AIDS, with a significant majority, roughly 69 percent (around 19.4 million),
located in sub-Saharan Africa (WHO/GHO, 2019). Despite the widespread
administration of progressive antiretroviral therapy, nearly 74 percent of the 1.5
million AIDS-related deaths in 2013 occurred in this region (Kharsany & Karim,
2016). In terms of gender, women worldwide have borne the heaviest burden of
HIV/AIDS (Ramjee & Daniels, 2013). Shockingly, it was estimated that a young
woman was infected with HIV almost every minute (UNAIDS, 2012). Sub-Saharan
Africa, in particular, has been severely impacted, with females accounting for at least
5659% of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) (Kharsany & Karim, 2016;
Ramjee & Daniels, 2013; Sia et al., 2016). In the sub-region, young girls aged 1519
years old make up 75% of new infections, and women in the 1524 age group are
twice as likely to be living with HIV compared to their male counterparts (NACP,
2009). Furthermore, in 2017, 79% of HIV incidence in southern and eastern Africa
occurred among adolescent females aged 1019 years (Brown et al., 2018).
According to data from the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) in 2018,
the female population in Ghana comprised 65% of the estimated 334,713 individuals
living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs), whereas males formed 35% of the total. The
gender difference in HIV infection and its consequences for women can be ascribed
to the unequal cultural and socio-economic standing they hold in comparison to men
(Higgins et al., 2010; Igulot & Magadi, 2018). Therefore, it is imperative to
implement interventions aimed at preventing or mitigating the transmission of HIV
from women to men or children, with a particular focus on pregnant women. The
transmission of HIV from mother to child, also known as mother-to-child
transmission (MTCT), continues to pose a substantial obstacle in the context of the
worldwide HIV pandemic. In the absence of preventative interventions, the
likelihood of HIV transmission to newborns throughout the course of pregnancy or
childbirth varies between 15 and 30 percent, and this risk escalates to a range of 20
to 45 percent when nursing is practiced. The implementation of Prevention of
Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) measures has proven effective in mitigating
vertical HIV transmission to below one percent in industrialized nations. However,
middle- and low-income countries have encountered very limited achievements in
this regard. Pregnant women who are infected with HIV face a significant risk of
transferring the virus to their offspring through mother-to-child transmission
(MTCT). This is a prominent issue in sub-Saharan African nations characterized by
elevated fertility rates and a high prevalence of HIV among women in their
reproductive years (UNAIDS and JC2137E, 2011). Mother-to-child transmission
(MTCT) is the primary cause of more than 90% of newly acquired HIV infections in
babies, as reported by the World Health Organization in 2007 (Petersen, 2008).
Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) is a holistic strategy
designed to encompass several interventions targeting the prevention, care,
treatment, and support services for mothers who are HIV-positive and their offspring,
spanning from the prenatal period to early childhood. According to Ngonyani et al.
(2012), this strategy has played a pivotal role in decreasing HIV infection rates among
the community and effectively eradicating HIV transmission to children on a global
scale. The World Health Organization (WHO) promotes a comprehensive strategy
for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. This approach
encompasses four key components: firstly, the prevention of HIV infection in women
of reproductive age; secondly, the prevention of unintended pregnancies in HIV-
positive women; thirdly, the interruption of HIV transmission from these women to
their infants; and finally, the provision of adequate treatment, care, and support to
mothers, children, and families affected by HIV (Arnold et al., 2006; Organization,
The administration of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) as a preventive measure to
women who are HIV-positive has effectively averted the transmission of HIV
infection to over 350,000 children since 1995. Notably, a significant majority of these
children, amounting to 86%, are located in sub-Saharan Africa, which is recognized
as the region with the highest prevalence of HIV among women of reproductive age
(WHO, UNAIDS, and UNICEF, 2011). Nevertheless, despite the notable
advancements made by Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
programs, it is worth noting that in 2013, approximately 30% of pregnant women
living with HIV did not receive Antiretroviral (ARV) medications to mitigate the risk
of Mother-to-Child Transmission (MTCT). Additionally, around 40% of HIV-
positive women or their infants did not receive ARVs during the breastfeeding period
to prevent MTCT (UNAIDS/JC2681/1/E, 2014) (UNAIDS, 2012).
According to the 2016 National Sentinel Survey (NSS) in Ghana, there was an
observed rise in HIV prevalence among pregnant women attending prenatal clinics,
with rates increasing from 1.8% in 2015 to 2.4% in 2016. The transmission of HIV
from mother to child, commonly referred to as mother-to-child transmission
(MTCT), is the predominant cause of HIV infections among young children in
Ghana. The timely identification of HIV in expectant mothers presents a distinct
possibility to commence the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
regimen as a means of safeguarding neonates against HIV infection (World Health
Organization, 2013). The effective reduction or elimination of mother-to-child
transmission (MTCT) can be achieved by promptly identifying maternal HIV
infection during pregnancy and implementing Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) (WHO,
The study conducted at Tema General Hospital involved the utilization of
DNA PCR testing to determine the HIV status of a cohort of six hundred and sixty-
one (661) children who were exposed to HIV. This cohort consisted of children
whose mothers had undergone the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission
(PMTCT) program, as well as those who had not received PMTCT intervention. The
data collected spanned from 2012 to 2016, and the subsequent analysis yielded the
following outcomes. In 2012, a total of 83 children aged between 6 weeks and less
than 18 months were examined, of which 5 children (6.02%) were found to have
tested positive for HIV. In the year 2013, a total of 134 children underwent screening,
and among them, 14 children were found to be HIV positive, representing a
prevalence rate of 10.4%. In the year 2014, a total of 141 children were screened, out
of which 11 children (7.8%) tested positive. In the year 2015, a total of 150 children
were examined for HIV, with 14 of them testing positive. This corresponds to a
prevalence rate of 9.3%.
According to TGH (2017), in 2016, a total of 153 children were screened, and
out of this sample, 22 children tested positive, representing a prevalence rate of
14.4%. The prevalence of HIV-positive cases among children subjected to screening
witnessed a rise from 6.02% in the year 2012 to 10.4% in the year 2013. However,
there was a decrease of 2.6% observed between the years 2013 and 2014. The
prevalence of HIV-positive cases, however, had a further increase of 1.5% in 2015,
followed by a further rise to 5.1% in 2016. The aforementioned data reveals that a
total of 66 out of 661 children, accounting for 9.98%, were found to be HIV positive
among those born to mothers who were also HIV positive over the specified time
The transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) from an HIV-
positive mother to her child is a significant worry that affects a substantial percentage
of moms living with HIV. The transmission of HIV has been observed to potentially
occur during the stages of pregnancy, labor and delivery, as well as nursing. The vast
majority of HIV infections in children in Ghana are ascribed to vertical transmission,
which occurs when an infected pregnant woman passes the virus to her kid during
pregnancy, labor, delivery, or breastfeeding (Mariwah et al., 2017). According to the
Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC, 2010), approximately 3% of mortality cases
among children under the age of five (5) in Ghana in the year 2009 were directly
linked to HIV.
Despite the widespread implementation of interventions aimed at reducing
Mother to Child HIV Transmission on a worldwide level, sub-Saharan Africa,
especially Ghana, continues to have a significant burden of pediatric HIV infections
(Dako-Gyeke et al., 2016). Furthermore, it is worth noting that the Atua Government
has a significant prevalence of HIV/AIDS, and there are currently several ongoing
global studies focused on the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
program. These studies aim to investigate the challenges associated with the program
and identify ways to enhance it, ultimately aiming to reduce the transmission of HIV
from mothers to their children by the year 2030. However, it is important to highlight
that there is a lack of empirical evidence regarding the outcomes of the PMTCT
program specifically implemented in the Atua Government. This study aims to
investigate the outcomes of the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission
(PMTCT) program at Atua Government Hospital.
The research design outlined in this document is focused on conducting a
retrospective study of mothers who have tested positive for HIV and have delivered
children less than 5 years old. The research design encompasses various stages, from
data collection to data analysis. It also includes criteria for inclusion and exclusion
of patient records, sample size determination, data collection methods, statistical
analysis, and ethical considerations. The research design serves as the framework that
guides the entire research project. It aims to investigate the relationship between HIV-
positive mothers and the health outcomes of their children. This retrospective study
looks back at past situations and exposures to suspected risk factors related to HIV
Study Population:
The targeted population for this study consists of pregnant women and nursing
mothers who have tested positive for HIV and have sought services at Atua
Government Hospital. Given the difficulty of studying an entire population, a census
approach was used in this study. All 198 women who have tested positive for HIV
and have utilized services at Atua Government Hospital were considered for the
Inclusion Criteria:
Patient records that included in the study met the following criteria:
a. All mothers who attend antenatal care (ANC) at Atua Government Hospital.
b. All mothers who have tested HIV positive, attended ANC, and given birth at Atua
Government Hospital.
c. All HIV-positive mothers who have given birth to children under 5 years old.
Exclusion Criteria:
Patient records that do not meet the inclusion criteria are excluded from the
study. These include:
a. Mothers who do not attend ANC at Atua Government Hospital.
b. Mothers who do not seek services at Atua Government Hospital.
c. Mothers who come only for Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) testing at Atua
Government Hospital
d. Mothers who deliver at Atua Government Hospital without attending ANC there.
Data collection was guided by the study's objectives. Information is collected
from the HIV patients' register, which includes data on the number of registered HIV-
positive women, their demographics (age, education, income), and the number of
children. Additionally, data on the status of both the child and mother during
pregnancy, delivery, and after delivery are collected. Patient outcomes following the
Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) program are obtained from
clinicians' discharge summaries and ANC record books.
Data analysis was conducted using SPSS statistical software. Descriptive
statistics, such as means and standard deviations, are used for quantitative variables,
while frequencies and percentages describe categorical variables. Pearson correlation
and linear regression are used to explore the relationships between various factors
and the health outcomes of retro-exposed babies infected with HIV. Independent t-
tests and ANOVA are employed to assess differences related to respondents' sex, age,
education, income, and HIV infection in their children.
Ethical clearance was sought from both the Hospital Research Committee
(HRC) and the Committee on Human Research, Publications, and Ethics (CHRPE).
Patient confidentiality and anonymity are rigorously maintained throughout the
study to protect their privacy and rights.
Demographic characteristics
This section considers the background information or characteristics of the
participants. This included their sex, age, educational level, marital status, and
employment status of the respondents.
Only females were considered for the study. This was due to the target
population of the study, thus, female, since PMTCT occurs within women. A larger
number of the respondents were within 30-39 years old, followed by 65 respondents
who were within 20-29 years while few of the respondents (30) were 50 years or
more. This shows that majority of the respondents were within the fertility age
range. More than half of the mothers have had Junior High School education (97,
56.7%). This was followed by 32 respondents who have had their primary form of
education. However, 23 percent of the respondents had no form of formal
education, thus, illiterate. Education is key when it comes to observing and taking
in medicine or therapy observation. Therefore, it is expected that only few people
could observe and implement their medication as prescribed and follow the review
process. Income of the parents of the children is key when it comes to access to
health care and securing of health care delivery or services. Income also affect access
to health care delivery. Occupation of the respondents also provide them with this
income. A larger number of respondents were into trading (68, 39.8%) while 31 of
the respondents were unemployed. In addition, para-profession formed 13.5 percent
of the respondents while 35(20.5%) of the respondents were engaged in other
occupation such as artisans. A greater number of the respondents were married,
followed by 54 of the respondents who were single, thus, either married and
divorced or separated. In addition, 38 of the respondents were co-habiting while 3
of the respondents were divorced.
Figure 1: Disclosure to sexual partner
Data were gathered from respondents on whether they have declare their status
to their partner or not. Figure 1 shows that only 8 percent of respondents have
disclosed. Thus, majority of the respondents have not disclosed their status to their
partner. However, it was also found that all the respondents were sexually active.
The percentage of Retro-exposed babies infected with HIV
This objective sought to estimate the percentage of children that were infected
with HIV after the treatment. This was to examine the efficacy of the treatment and
to examine other factors that might have led to the infection. Data were gathered
from mothers on their status and the result is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: The Retro-exposed babies infected with HIV
HIV positive
HIV negative
From Table 1, it came to bare that out of the 175 babies, 8.6 percent (15) of
them were infected with HIV while 91.4 percent (169) were negative. This means that
the treatment or regiments administered to the mothers were effective. Thus, majority
of the children were protected from getting infected with HIV. Focusing on the sex,
it can be deduced that more females (two-third of males) were infected. This may be
due to chance or due to the fact that females were a little more than male for the total
sample size for the study.
Health status of the Retro-exposed babies infected with HIV
After determining the rate and percentage of Retro-exposed babies infected with
HIV, there is the need to examining their health in order. This health status covers
the fitness of the babies after birth, death status, whether the baby is affected with any
neonatal diseases, birth weight issues, congenital issues among others. Data were
gathered on these parameters and presented in Table 5.
Table 2: Health status of the Retro-exposed babies infected with HIV
Live birth
Neonatal death
Low birth weight
Neonatal infection
Congenital microcephaly
Table 2 shows that there were 175 live birth. This is good news since majority
of the babies were protected from being infected with HIV. Also, there was a low
birth weight case of 42. These were babies that weigh below 2.50kg at birth. This
forms 23.73 percent out of the total babies. However, 2(1.13%) babies dead due to
neonatal issues,which the cause of death data was not available. Moreover, there
were eighteen (18) neonatal infection, while there was no congenital microcephaly.
The result shows that about 33 percent had issues with their health while majority
(67%) of the babies were healthy.
Infant mortality rate of Retro-exposed babies infected with HIV
Infant mortality rate looks at the death of young children under the age of 1.
However, this objective sought to examine the infant mortality rate of Retro-exposed
babies infected with HIV. Thus, the death of these infants due to their infection with
HIV. The results of the data gathered on these variables are presented in Table 3.
Table 3: Infant mortality rate of Retro-exposed babies infected with HIV
Table 3 shows that out of the 15 babies who were infected with HIV, 2 of them
who were females died. This represents 13.3 percent of the infected babies. This is
low but still needs attention since 2 out of 15 infected cases as death is not good and
appropriate measures should be taken to help reduce or eliminate such mortality rate
if possible.
PMTCT treatment options available and used at Atua Government Hospital.
This objective sought to identify the various PMTCT treatment options
available and used at the Atua Hospital. Data was gathered from the records to the
women on PMTCT treatment and the result is presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Regiment given to Women on the PMTCT treatment
169; 99%
2; 1%
TDF + 3TC + DTG TDF 300mg + 3TC 300mg + EFV 600mg
Normally, there are two different regiment given to women on PMTCT
programme, however, TDF +3TC + DTG and TDF 300mg +3TC 300mg + EFV
600mg were the first option given to all women for the first time. Subsequently, if any
of the women do not tolerate it, then it is change for the person. According to Figure
3, 169 of the respondents (98.8%) were on the PMTCT protocol of TDF +3TC +
DTG while 2 of the respondents were put on TDF 300mg +3TC 300mg + EFV
600mg and all of them tolerated it (according to Figure 3).
Table 4: ARV status
Change ARVs
Continue ARVs
PMCTCT treatment
Re-start ARVs
Table 4 shows that more than half of the respondents have continue ARVs
while 3 of the respondents have changed ARVs. Moreover, 48 of the respondents
have received PMTCT treatment and 2 of the respondents have re-start ARVs. This
shows that as majority of the respondents have continued the ARVs, about 30 percent
of the respondents have also been under the treatment of PMTCT.
Table 5: Source of Funding
Out pocket
Data were gathered from the respondents on how they fund their treatment and
medication and the result is presented in Table 5. It shows that about 97 percent of
the respondents fund their treatment or medication through the NHIS while only 5
respondents do so through out pocket system. This means that majority of the
respondents fund their treatment by using the NHIS system.
Differences between demographic characteristics of the mother and Retro exposed
babies infected with HIV
The potential influence of mother demographic variables on the outcomes of
infants retro-exposed to HIV infection. The final purpose of this study aims to
analyze the variations in demographic features of mothers that may have an impact
on the outcomes of infants exposed to Retro and infected with HIV. It is believed that
parents who were aged, married and were well educated are highly compliance to
the implementation of administration of drugs or therapy. Therefore, data were
gathered on these characteristics and the outcome of Retro exposed babies infected
with HIV to test these differences. These results were presented in Table 6, 7 and 8.
Table 6: Differences between age of the mothers and Retro exposed babies
infected with HIV
χ² statistic
Less than 20
50 and above
According to Table 6, there is difference between age of the women and the
Retro-exposed babies infected with HIV. Specifically, women who were less than 20
years were more exposed to Retro exposed babies infected with HIV. However,
women who were within 40-49 years were not susceptible to Retro exposed babies
infected with HIV. Moreover, the Chi-square test was run to examine the significant
of the difference and the result shows that there was statistically significant difference
between age of the women and Retro exposed babies infected with HIV. This means
that the aged were adherence to ART as compared to the young women less than 20
Table 7: Differences between educational status of the mothers and Retro
exposed babies infected with HIV
χ² statistic
Pre school
With regards to educational status of the women and Retro exposed babies
infected with HIV, Table 7 shows that there is difference between educational status
of the women and the Retro-exposed babies infected with HIV. Specifically, women
who were primary form of formal education were more exposed to Retro exposed
babies infected with HIV as compared with women who had tertiary or SHS
education. However, women who have had their secondary and tertiary education
were not susceptible to Retro exposed babies infected with HIV. Moreover, the Chi-
square test was run to examine the significant of the difference and the result shows
that there was no statistically significant difference between educational status of the
women and Retro exposed babies infected with HIV. Thus, whether a woman is
educated or not, it has nothing to do with infecting their children.
Table 8: Differences between occupational status of the mothers and Retro
exposed babies infected with HIV
χ² statistic
Occupational status of women were assessed against Retro exposed babies
infected with HIV due to its significant effect on access to health care services among
others. Table 8 shows that there is slightly difference between women who were into
trading and the others. In addition, the Chi-square analytical technique was used to
examine the significance of the difference and the result shows that there was no
statistically significant difference between marital status of the women and Retro
exposed babies infected with HIV. Thus, whether a woman is into trading, business
or para-profession, it has nothing to do with their children infection.
Table 9: Differences between marital status of the mothers and Retro exposed
babies infected with HIV
χ² statistic
Marital status of women were assessed against Retro exposed babies infected
with HIV due to its significant effect on access to health care services among others.
Table 9 shows that there is slightly difference between women were married and
single or co-habiting.
Therefore, the Chi-square analytical technique was used to examine the
significance of the difference and the result shows that there was statistically
significant difference between marital status of women and Retro exposed babies
infected with HIV. Thus, women who were married were more likely to affect their
children with HIV.
On the background information or characteristics of the participants including;
sex, age, mother’s educational level, and average monthly income of mothers or
women. The study found that females dominated among the babies delivered in the
Atua Government Hospital. With their ages, babies who were five years were more
while few was a year old. On the mothers, those who were within 20-29 years were
more, followed by those who were within 30-39 years while 28 were more than 40
years old. On educational status of the mothers, majority of them were educated at
least most women had their basic education while 29 women have no form of formal
education. With regards to the average monthly income of the women, only few were
earning high as compared to majority of the women who earned less than Gh 1500.
This objective sought to estimate the percentage of children that were infected
with HIV after the treatment. The study found that out of the 175 babies, 8.6 percent
(15) of them were infected with HIV while 91.4 percent were negative or non-
reactive. This shows that the treatment or regiments administered to the mothers
were effective. Thus, majority of the children were protected from getting infected
with HIV. Focusing on the sex, it can be deduced that more females (two-third of
males) were infected. This may be due to chance or due to the fact that females were
a little more than male for the total sample size for the study.
After determining the rate and percentage of Retro-exposed babies infected with
HIV, there is the need to examining their health in order. This health status covers
the fitness of the babies after birth, death status, whether the baby is affected with any
neonatal diseases, birth weight issues, congenital issues among others. It came to bear
that there were 173 live birth out of the 175 babies. This is a great result since majority
of the babies were protected from being infected with HIV. Also, there was 4 low
birth weight cases. However, 2 babies were dead due to neonatal issues. Moreover,
there were four (4) neonatal infection. The result shows that only 5.71 had issues with
their health while majority of the babies were healthy.
Infant mortality rate looks at the death of young children under the age of 1.
However, objective three sought to examine the infant mortality rate of Retro-
exposed babies infected with HIV. Thus, the death of these infants due to their
infection with HIV. The results show that out of the 15 babies who were infected with
HIV, 2 of them who were females died. This represents 13.3 percent of the infected
babies. This is low but still needs attention since 2 out of 15 infected cases as death is
not good and appropriate measures should be taken to help reduce or eliminate such
mortality rate.
Treating babies of PMTCT is crucial. This is due to the fact that such treatment
either protect the babies from future infection of HIV, it can also cure the HIV from
their system within first 18 days after birth as well as protecting them from other
deadly diseases that may be harmful to their system. There are four main types of
treatment options available for babies of PMTCT treatment at the Atua Government
Hospital in Ghana. These treatments included Abacavir + Lamivudine+
Dolutegravir (ABC+3TC+DTG), Tenofovir + Lamivudine + Dolutegravir
(ABC+3TC+DTG), Zidovudine + Lamivudine + Efavirenz (AZT+3TC+EFV),
Zidovudine + Lamivudine + Nevirapine (AZT+3TC+NPV). With sex, there was no
statistically significant difference between the administration of various treatment
and sex. Thus, whether male or female, they all received either ABC+3TC+EFV,
ABC+3TC+DTG, AZT+3TC+EFV, or AZT+3TC+NPV. This is similar to study
conducted by Twum et al. 2023 that found that the common drug for PMTCT
treatment were Abacavir + Lamivudine+ Dolutegravir (ABC+3TC+DTG),
Tenofovir + Lamivudine + Dolutegravir (ABC+3TC+DTG), Zidovudine +
Lamivudine + Efavirenz (AZT+3TC+EFV), Zidovudine + Lamivudine +
Nevirapine (AZT+3TC+NPV).
However, with the age of the children, AZT+3TC+NPV treatment was
normally administered more to children of either 4 or 5 years old. None of the
ABC+3TC+DTG was administered to either 0, a year old or 4 years children.
Nevertheless, there was no statistically significant difference between age and the
treatment given to the babies. In all, the AZT+3TC+NPV was the treatment that was
highly used for PMTCT treatment for children mostly more than 2 years old with
small attention to the use of ABC+3TC+DTG and AZT+3TC+EFV as treatment for
the babies.
Objective four sought to identify the various PMTCT treatment options
available and used at the Atua Government Hospital. ABC+3TC+DTG was the first-
line, first option given to all women for the first time. Normally, there are two
different regiment given to women on PMTCT programme, however, TDF +3TC +
DTG and TDF +3TC + EFV were the first option given to all women for the first
time. Subsequently, if any of the women do not tolerate it, then it is change for the
person. 169 of the respondents (98.8%) were on the PMTCT protocol of TDF +3TC
+ DTG while 2 of the respondents were put on TDF +3TC + EFV and all of them
tolerated it .
The purpose of this study aims to analyze the variations in demographic
features of mothers that may potentially impact the outcomes of infants exposed to
Retro and infected with HIV. There was statistically significant difference between
age of the women and the Retro-exposed babies infected with HIV. Specifically,
women who were less than 20 years were more exposed to Retro exposed babies
infected with HIV. However, women who were within 40-49 years were not
susceptible to Retro exposed babies infected with HIV. This means that the aged
were adherence to ART as compared to the young women less than 20 years. This
was similar to the findings of Gourlay et al., (2013) that, younger maternal age
influence adherence to the uptake of ART.
In addition, Meyers et al., (2015) examined early initiation of ARVs during
pregnancy to move towards virtual elimination of mother-to-child transmission of
HIV-1 in Yunnan in China and found that the likelihood of pregnant women between
the ages of 20-30 years to start ARVs early is higher as compared to those beyond 35
years. Remarkably, 8 (more than half) out of 15 babies who were infected with HIV
were born to women who were of the ages of 20-29 years.
There was statistically significant difference between educational status of the
women and the Retro-exposed babies infected with HIV. Specifically, women who
were illiterate or have no form of formal education were more exposed to Retro
exposed babies infected with HIV as compared with women who had primary, JHS
education. However, women who have had their secondary and tertiary education
were not susceptible to Retro exposed babies infected with HIV. Gourley et al.,
(2013) concluded that inadequate knowledge of HIV coupled with lower educational
level may lead to poor uptake of ART. Therefore, it is not surprise to found that the
result of this study shows that 9 out of the 15 babies infected with HIV were born to
women who have no form of formal education or illiterate. Comparatively, those
women who were educated were less likely to born babies infected with HIV due to
their strictly adherence to the dictates and instructions concerning ART.
After conducting the study, based on the findings, it can therefore, be
concluded that PMTCT treatment protocol is crucial since it is the window through
which babies born to women with HIV can be protected from being infected with
HIV. It came to bare that out of the 175 babies, 8.6 percent (15) of them were
infected with HIV, while 91.4 percent (169) were not infected with HIV. Focusing
on the sex, more females were infected. Also, aside the 2(1.13%) babies who died,
only few babies have health issues such as neonatal infection (18,10.29%) and low
birth weight(42, 23.73%) but the remaining were healthier. With infant mortality
rate, out of the 15 babies who were infected with HIV, 2 (13.3%) of them died. 169
(98.8%) of the respondents were on TDF +3TC + DTG while 2(1%) were put on
TDF+3TC+ EFV in appropriate doses, and all of them well tolerated the medicines.
Finally, there were differences between age, educational status of women and Retro
exposed babies to infection of HIV. However, income of the women had nothing to
do with the Retro exposed babies to be infected with HIV.
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Copyright holders:
Twum Seth, Oscar Agyemang Opoku, Selina Achiaa Owusu, Henry Okudzeto, Jesse
Anak (2023)
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0