There have been many comprehensive studies that discuss the relationship between
medical tourism and various factors that encourage a person to want to carry out this medical
tourism activity (Vovk et al., 2021). Service quality is an important thing that affects the
satisfaction of medical tourists in determining the destination of their medical tourism
destinations (T.-H. Cham et al., 2021). The quality of service in question can be in the form of
food quality, hospital atmosphere, and services that positively have an impact and influence on
satisfaction, and the relationship successfully explains the formation of intentions (Han & Hyun,
2015). The same results were also obtained from a study conducted by Zarei & Maleki, (2019)
which showed that there are several factors that motivate a person to do medical tourism to
developing countries, one of which is the low cost of treatment and ease of access to this service.
So it is not surprising, several countries such as Thailand, Singapore and India have become
medical tourism centers for patients from the European continent.
Several other studies also try to see the relationship between a country's tourist attraction
factor and a person's interest in doing medical tourism. Bagga et al., (2020) stated that 45% of
medical tourism actors in India choose to stay for 5-15 days after undergoing medical treatment
and the average of these medical tourism actors combines the opportunity to travel/vacation
after undergoing medical treatment. In line with these findings, T. H. Cham et al., (2016) used
several analytical factors such as opportunities to combine vacations and medical care, suitable
places for relaxation after undergoing medical treatment, as well as a variety of tourist
destinations that can be enjoyed by medical tourism actors (country knowledge) in assessing
factors that influence patients from China in conducting medical tourism to Malaysia. As a
result, country knowledge, safety factors, accessibility, and reasonable prices have an important
role in influencing the interest of patients from China in conducting medical tourism to
Based on studies related to previous literature, research sampling was entirely carried out
in various Asian countries other than Indonesia, such as India and Malaysia. In addition, there
is no research that describes in more depth the factors that affect the intention of the Indonesian
people in conducting medical tourism to Malaysia, even though in practice there are not a few
Indonesians who like to seek treatment and do medical tourism. This fact is in line with the
market analysis conducted by UNESCAP, the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission (UN) for Asia Pacific in 2007 which illustrates that medical tourists in Malaysia
are 60% from Indonesia. According to Komari & Djafar, (2021), some of the reasons why
Indonesians choose to seek treatment in Malaysia are Malaysian doctors never direct patients to
seek treatment in certain hospitals, clear and transparent diagnoses, clear communication and
procedures so that the cost of treatment becomes cheaper, and trust hospitals in Malaysia.
Therefore, this study aims to see more about the factors that influence the intention of the
Indonesian people in conducting medical tourism to Malaysia, especially related to service
quality variables, potential savings in medical costs, and tourist attractions of the destination
The research questions for this article are:
1. Does the quality of service affect the intention of the Indonesian people to do medical tourism
to Malaysia?
2. Does the potential savings in medical costs in the destination country affect the intention of
the Indonesian people to conduct medical tourism to Malaysia?
3. Does the tourist attraction of the destination country affect the intention of the Indonesian
people to do medical tourism to Malaysia?
Meanwhile, the objectives to be achieved from this research are: