the abdominal wall and uterine wall provided that the uterus is complete and the
fetus weight more than 500 grams (Jitowiyono & Kristiyanasari, 2022).
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020 the number of
sectio caesarea has increased in the world and exceeded the recommended range of
10-15%. America Latin and the Caribbean had the highest percentage of cesarean
section births at 40.5%, followed by Europe 25%, Asia 19.2% and Africa 7.3%.
According to statistics, there were 3,509 cases of section cesarea with indications of
21% fetal pelvic disproportion, 14% fetal distress, 11% placenta previa, 11% having
had a cesarean section, 10% abnormal fetal position, 7% pre-eclampsia and
hypertension (WHO, 2020).
According to Basic Health Research in (2018) there was 15.3% of childbirth
carried out by sectio caesarea . The maternal childbirth rate in Indonesia in 2018
reached 79.3%. The highest provinces with childbirth by sectio caesarea were DKI
Jakarta 27.2%, Riau Island 24.7%, and West Sumatra 23.1%. According to the
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kementrian Kesehatan Republik
Indonesia), the number of mothers giving birth in Indonesia in 2018 was 5.043.078
and there was 4.351.389 mothers in Indonesia assisted by health workers. The
indications of childbirth by sectio caesarea in Indonesia are caused by several
complications with a percentage of 23.2% including transverse fetal position 3.1%,
bleeding 2.4%, seizures 0.2%, premature rupture of membranes 5.6%, prolonged
labor 4.3%, umbilical cord entanglement 2.9%, placenta previa 0.7%, placenta left
behind 0.8%, hypertension 2.7%, and others 4.6% (Kemenkes RI, 2018).
Based on the Riskesdas of North Sumatra (2018) the incidence rate of sectio
caesarea in North Sumatra was 23.89% and rate of the normal birth was 75.95%.
The number of mothers giving birth in the province of North Sumatra in 2018 was
321.232, and mothers who were assisted by health workers at health facilities was
265.212 (Kemenkes RI, 2018).
Sectio caesarea surgery that carry out to deliver the baby will leave an incision
wound condition. Post caesarean incision wound is a type of acute wound caused by
sectio caesarea surgery when a woman cannot give birth normally.
Wound healing in sectio caesarea is estimated to take approximately 1 week.
The condition of the incision wound requires optimal care to ensure the recovery
process runs optimally as well. One of the things that supports the wound healing
process is early mobilization (Zuiatna D, 2018).
Early mobilization can begin within the first 6 hours after post sectio caesarea .
The goals of mobilization is to accelerate the wound healing process, improve
circulation, prevent venous stasis, and support optimal respiratory function. So that
the mother can gain strength, accelerate reovery, improve bowel and bladder
function, stimulate intestinal peristalsis to return to normal and mobilization also
helps speed up the body's organs to work as before (Nadiya & Mutia, 2018).
Step by step of early mobilization carried out will help to improve blood
circulation so it can accelerate the healing process, especially during the
inflammatory phase, so mothers can return to normal daily activities. Delaying early
mobilization can worsen the mother's condition and hinder the healing process of
sectio caesarea wounds (Hartati & Ferinawati, 2019).
Based on a preliminary survey which conducted by researchers at Sufina Aziz
General Hospital Medan on November 14 2022, data was obtained from nurses
regarding early mobilization of post-sectio caesarea mothers that nurses tell to the