showed poor sleep quality with P value results of 0.001 (P value <0.05). This also
shows that the higher the use of the internet, the quality of adolescent sleep will be
more disturbed.
Research conducted by Lombogia et al., (2021) on 93 students of SMA 1
Kristen Tomohon and found that 78.5% of adolescents experienced moderate
internet addiction and as many as 62.4% of students had poor sleep quality. After
statistical test analysis, the P value of 0.018 (P value <0.05) was obtained, so there is
a relationship between internet addiction and adolescent sleep quality.12 Research
was also conducted by Wahyuningsih & Susanti (2021) found that if internet use is
low, adolescent sleep patterns are good, on the contrary, the higher the internet use,
it will cause reduced sleep patterns and for a long time, it will cause sleep pattern
In this study, it was found that students of SMA Negeri 2 Putussibau mostly
experienced mild internet addiction (47.7%), and a total of 90.9% experienced
internet addiction. While those who had poor sleep quality (61.9%). The p value was
obtained at 0.001 so that the p value < 0.05 so that it was concluded that there was a
relationship between internet addiction and sleep quality in students of SMA Negeri
2 Putussibau. The epidemiological association is shown through the PR value
(95%Cl), in this study the PR value (95%Cl) was 1,762 (1,170-2,654). The conclusion
was that students who experienced internet addiction had a risk of 1,762 times to get
poor sleep quality compared to students who did not have internet addiction
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