Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 2 No. 8 August 2023
Lidya Meygawaty, Nova Noviyanti, Wiwin Handyca, Alice Pangemanan,
Elysabeth Sinulingga
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Pelita Harapan, Banten, Indonesia
World technology is now entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, this has an
impact on advances in information and communication technology in the health
sector. One of the impacts is that the nursing record system has changed from being
manual to computerized. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship
between knowledge and attitudes of nurses in carrying out digital documentation in
private hospitals in West Indonesia. This research method is correlated using a
quantitative research design with a cross sectional approach with a sample of 113
respondents. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire consisting of 40
questions via the Google form. Bivariate analysis was performed using Chi Square,
with the result p value: 0.796. The conclusion of this study is that there is no
relationship between knowledge and attitudes of nurses in digital nursing
documentation. For future research, it is expected to be able to examine the factors
that influence knowledge and attitudes, and to be able to examine the efficiency of
digital nursing documentation.
Keywords: documentation; nurse; knowledge; attitude
World technology is now entering the era of revolution 4.0, this has an impact
on the advancement of information and communication technology in the health
sector. Increasingly sophisticated technology leads to such rapid access to
information around the world. This certainly also affects the advancement of health
technology, especially in the field of nursing. One of the impacts is that the nursing
record system, which was previously manual, shifted to computerization (Dewi et
al., 2021).
Nursing records are a medium of communication, whether communication
orally, in writing or through computers to convey client information or data related
to nursing clinical decisions and interventions must be accurate and comprehensive
(Potter et al., 2021). 367
One electronic-based nursing documentation system has been widely used,
namely Electronic Medical Record (EMR). Updates in documentation become a
reference for nurses to be able to do digital documentation properly and correctly.
This demands the importance of implementing nursing documentation, therefore a
good level of knowledge and attitude regarding digital documentation is needed.
In Indonesia, nurses' knowledge about documentation is still low, this is due to
factors such as education, ability and skills as well as the use of information
technology. Nurses in doing good nursing documentation, influenced by good
knowledge and good attitudes as well. Research conducted by Khoirunisa & Fadilah,
(2017) said there was a relationship between the level of nurses' knowledge about
nursing documentation with nurses' attitudes in documenting nursing care in the
inpatient room of RSUD dr. Loekmono Hadi Kudus. In the research of Fatmawati
et al., (2021), it showed that 39.3% of respondents had good knowledge of the use of
EMR, while in the study Hussein et al., (2021) it was found that there was no
significant relationship between sociodemographic factors, such as age, education
level, work experience, level of knowledge, and attitudes and electronic nursing
The implementation of the use of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in the
inpatient room of one of the West Indonesia Private Hospitals began to run from
January 2022 as much as 63% to August 2022 as much as 91%. From this data, there
was an increase in EMR usage from 63% to 91%. The increase means that almost all
nurses have used EMR within 8 months. In a short time, nurses must change their
work culture and work practices from paper to digital systems. The importance of a
hospital maintaining the quality of documentation makes the role of nurses to be able
to carry out digital documentation well. EMR systems can improve the quality of
nursing care and practice, and can improve patient safety. Service to patients
becomes more efficient and effective because data is stored systematically and well
This research is a quantitativeresearch with Cross Sectional approach. The
sampling technique used in the study was probability sampling. The sample in this
study was all nurses in adult inpatient rooms, where the population in this study
amounted to 138 adult inpatient nurses. Then researchers obtained 113 names of
nurses who were respondents. Data collection will be carried out in AprilMay 2023.
Each nurse selected as a sample was given Informed Consent for consent to
participate in the study. Next, each nurse filled out a knowledge questionnaire and
an attitude questionnaire towards digital nursing documentation. The research data
were analyzed descriptively, namely to determine the picture of subjective
characteristics (age, length of work, gender, and education). Bivariate analysis was
conducted to determine the relationship between knowledge and nurses' attitudes in
documenting digitally
Below are the results of a univariate analysis of the Frequency Distribution of
Nurses' Knowledge Level on Digital Nursing Documentation in the inpatient rooms
of Private Hospitals in Western Indonesia.
Table 1. Age distribution and length of work
95% CI
Length of Work
Table 1 shows the distribution of age and length of work illustrating that of the
113 nurses, the average age of nurses in the study was 30.75 years with the youngest
age 22 years and the oldest age 54 years. Researchers get a median value or middle
value of 30 years and 29-32% CI (Confidence Interval for Mean). The average length
of working for nurses in the study was 9.08 years with the length of time nurses who
had just worked was 1 year and the longest length of work was 28 years Of the 113
nurses, the most gender characteristics were 106 women or 93.8%. And the majority
of nurse education is Ners as much as 73.5%.
Table 2. Frequency distribution of Nurses' Knowledge Level on Digital Nursing
Table 2 shows that the majority of respondents have high knowledge about
digital nursing documentation at 63% and low knowledge about digital nursing
documentation at 37%.
Table 3 Frequency Distribution of Nurses' Attitudes towards Digital Nursing
Table 3 shows that the majority of respondents have a positive attitude of
68.14%, and some have a negative attitude of 31.85%.
Based on research shows that respondents who have high knowledge of digital
nursing documentation as much as 63%. One of the factors affecting a person's level
of knowledge is age, which is on average 30 years old. Age 22-54 is adulthood.
Mubarak & Nycyk, (2017) argues that the older the age, the level of maturity and
ability to receive information is better when compared
With a younger age or not yet dewaasa. At the results of the study worked an
average of 9 years. The longer someone works in an agency, the more experience and
knowledge gained, and more rational thinking compared to someone with little work
experience (Sepang et al., 2013).
In the results of the gender study, the majority of respondents were women.
Wahyu et al., (2021) argues that this has similarities in the theory that the type of
68,14 %
31,85 %
100% 369
nurse is dominated by women, because of its history nursing emerged as a traditional
care-taking role traditionally within the family and community (Rahmawati et al.,
In the results of educational research, it was found that most respondents had
NERS education, and a small number of S2 nursing. According to research
conducted by Maryati & Nurlaela, (2021) the characteristic description of age, length
of work, gender, and education has no relationship with the use of electronic nursing
documentation (EMR) with a p-value of >0.05. Thus, old age or high educational
attainment does not necessarily indicate that nurses are more knowledgeable about
storing patient information in digital records.
The results showed that respondents who had high knowledge of digital
documentation were 71 (63%) respondents. This is in line with research conducted
by Utami, (2016) that the level of knowledge is influenced by educational factors.
Dalami, (2011), argues that education affects the mindset of individuals. While the
mindset affects one's behavior, in other words someone with a high education will
have a high mindset as well.
The results showed that the majority of respondents had a positive attitude as
many as 77 (68.14%) respondents, and respondents who had a negative attitude as
many as 36 (31.85%) respondents. In research conducted by Sugiharto et al., (2022),
it shows that attitudes towards the use of Electronic Medical Record (EMR ) have a
significant effect on the use of EMR with p value = 0.000. According to Sartika et
al., (2020), the factors that influence the formation of attitudes are strong experiences,
the influence of others who are considered important, the influence of culture, mass
media, educational institutions, and religious institutions, and the influence of
emotional factors. In this study, nurses' attitudes are interpreted as a form of nurses'
responsibilities in carrying out nursing documentation (Sartika et al., 2020).
In this study, no significant relationship was found between knowledge and
attitudes in digital nursing documentation. This is in line with research conducted by
Hussein et al., (2021) and Yontz et al., (2015), stating that most nurses have a high
level of knowledge and a positive attitude towards electronic nursing documentation,
and no significant relationship has been found between knowledge and attitudes
towards nursing documentation. Today most nurses have used computers or other
sophisticated equipment to assist in nursing services. Technology that is developing
into part of nursing activities today, is included in documenting. This shows that
digital nursing documentation can improve nurses' perceptions of digital nursing
documentation programs.
Based on the results of the analysis that has been conducted by researchers in
the study "The Relationship of Knowledge with Nurses' Attitudes in Digital
Documentation in Inpatient Rooms of Private Hospitals in Western Indonesia" it can
be concluded that the knowledge possessed by adult inpatient nurses in one private
hospital in western Indonesia is high as many as 71 (63%) respondents. And the
attitude of nurses who have a positive attitude as many as 77 (68.14%) respondents.
Based on this analysis, high knowledge does not affect respondents' attitudes in
conducting digital nursing documentation. Researchers concluded that there was no
significant relationship between knowledge and attitudes in conducting digital
nursing documentation with a p value: 0.796. 370
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Copyright holders:
Lidya Meygawaty, Nova Noviyanti, Wiwin Handyca, Alice Pangemanan,
Elysabeth Sinulingga (2023)
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0