Measurement results before treatment.
The results of the study obtained data on women Menopause who had
hypertension before treatment (pre-test) in the experimental group the number of valid
samples was 33, the mean score of systole was 154 mmHg, the highest systole was
167, and the lowest was 142, the mean diastole was 89 mmHg, the lowest was 73 and
the highest was 95, while in the control group the average score was 158 mmHg,
diastole was 86 mmHg. This hypertension when viewed from the theory classified by
Triyanto is in Stage 1 (Mild Hypertension) Cystole: 140-159 Diastole: 90-99 as much
as 17 0rang or 52% and Stage 2 (Moderate Hypertension) Cystole: 160-179 Diastole:
100-109 as many as 16 people or 48%. For normal diastole values < 85 as many as 6
people or 18%, normal-high 85-89 as many as 11 people or 33%, mild hypertension
diastole 90-99 as many as 15 people or 46% and moderate hypertension diastole 100-
109 as many as 1 person or 3%. The average value of the systole score of 154 is
already stage 1 hypertension, because the definition of hypertension itself is a state of
high blood pressure when at rest systolic blood pressure is in the position of 140
mmHg and above after repeated measurements. (Woro Riyadi, 2014). The
respondents of this study were hypertension during menopause. One of the
consequences of Menopause There is a decrease in the hormone estrogen and there is
an increase in the hormone cortisol, so women Menopause tends to be more easily
stressed which can affect the increase in blood pressure or hypertension. (Lestari et
al., 2020). Various consequences will arise when hypertension includes narrowing
of the arteries that carry blood and oxygen to the brain resulting in damage to the
brain organs resulting in a stroke and complications, namely pain when walking,
damage to the kidneys and damage to the organs of the eye which can lead to
blindness (Agustin & Anggraini, 2022)
The loss of such hormones results in an increase in triglyceride levels, a decrease
High Density Lipopotrein (HDL), LDL and higher salt sensitivity so that it can improve
the work of the heart and increase blood pressure. An increase in LDL will result in
the accumulation of macrophages in vascular smooth muscle cells and increase LDL
oxidation resulting in inflammation. Inflammation that occurs will cause
vasodilation disorders and protorhombic effects so that atherosclerosis plaques
appear which will cause an increase in blood pressure (Suryonegoro et al., 2021).
These respondents in both experimental and control groups all followed the
hypertension treatment program programmed by the puskesmas,
Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT) 12.5 – 25 mg per day single dose in the morning,
Reserpine 0.1 – 0.25 mg, Propranolol, Captopril 12.5 – 25 mg and Nifedipine ranging
from 5mg – 10 mg. Thus it can be concluded that the average blood pressure before
biomassage is 154, the highest is 167 and the lowest is 142 and the average diastole
is 89 mmHg, the lowest is 73 and the highest is 95. While in the control group the
average systole was 158 and diastole 86. Symptoms that arise in menopausal
hypertension include headache (heavy feeling in the back of the neck), palpitations,
fatigue, nausea, vomiting, nervousness, excessive sweating, muscle tremors, chest
pain, epistaxis, blurred or double vision, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), chest pain,
fatigue, palpitations, sleep disturbances and these symptoms really appear before
stopping menstruation (Achmad Ali Fikri, Syamsul Arifin, 2022)
Measurement results after treatment.