Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 2 No. 5 May, 2023
A. Muflihah Darwis,
Itma Anna,
Andi Meinar Dwi Rantisari,
Suci Rahmadani,
Andi Nirwana Badiu
Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
State Health Polytechnic of Palangka Raya, Palangka Raya, Indonesia
Faculty Of Pharmacy, Megarezky University, Makassar, Indonesia
Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, State Islamic University of Makassar,
Makassar, Indonesia
Email: amuflihah@unhas.ac.id
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) complaints occur in women with different
complaints and causes. This research aimed to determine the determinants of Pre-
Menstrual Syndrome complaints in women workers in Makassar City. This type of
research is analytics observational, with 203 women workers as a sample that was
obtained through the purposive sampling technique. The research was conducted in
Makassar City by distributing online questionnaires. This study showed that as many
as 188 respondents (92.60%) had experienced PMS complaints with determinants of
marital status, exercise, depression, consumption of foods high in salt, and
knowledge about PMS. This study concludes that there is no relationship between
marital status, exercise, depression, physical trauma, consuming high salt, and
knowledge of PMS complaints. This study suggests that women workers, especially
in Makassar City, can increase their knowledge about PMS and how to prevent it,
improve sleep patterns, exercise regularly, avoid the consumption of foods high in
salt, and increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, the
company should identify women workers who experience PMS complaints to carry
out valid complaints. Women workers can find out the determinants of premenstrual
syndrome complaints, and women workers can increase their knowledge about
premenstrual syndrome and prevent the causes of premenstrual syndrome.
Keywords: determinant; pre menstrual syndrome; women worker
The reproductive period experienced by women is different from that of men.
Puberty in women is followed by reproductive development, one of which is the
beginning of menstruation. Many women experience physical discomfort for a few
days before their menstrual period. Pain during menstruation is followed by
premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS is a collection of physical and emotional
symptoms that occur a few days before menstruation in the luteal phase of the
menstrual cycle (Christie et al., 2018). As many as 80-90% of reproductive women
will complain of various symptoms, such as breast tenderness, bloating, acne, and
constipation, that will warn their period (Rodiani & Rusfiana, 2016). Based on data
from Nuvitasari et al., (2020), which conducted a study of 3000 women, it was found
that around 90% of women experienced PMS before menstruation.
A study conducted by Ahmad (2020) on ICU nurses at the hospital Makassar
City showed a relationship between PMS variables on PMS variables of nurse
performance with a p-value = 0.001. When approaching menstruation, some nurses
experience complaints such as lower abdomen pain, back pain, muscle joints, and
feeling overwhelmed in dealing with patient demands, so the treatment process for
patients is not optimal. These circumstances quite affect a person's performance.
Symptoms that arise in women during PMS vary. The complaints usually occur
one week to a few days before the arrival of menstruation and disappear after
menstruation. But sometimes, these complaints continue until menstruation stops
(Rodiani & Rusfiana, 2016). As many as 20-40% of women of reproductive age
experience severe symptoms of PMS and 5% are very stringent, which interferes with
their lives, so they need to take menstrual leave (Mustafa, 2012). The Indonesian
government has regulated the right to menstrual leave for women workers in Law
No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower in article 81, where women workers during
their menstruation period can be given leave rights on the first and second day of
The cause of PMS most often is suspected due to hormonal disorders.
Hormonal changes experienced by women affect mood changes (Anindyajati et al.,
2021). Furthermore, various risk factors can increase the occurrence of PMS,
including parity, marital status, age, stress, diet, nutritional deficiencies, and physical
activity. Women who have given birth to several children experience increasing
severe PMS. With increasing age, especially between 30-45 years old, PMS
complaints are disturbing. Stress, eating habits (such as high sugar), lack of nutrients
(especially B6), and lack of exercise and physical activity can aggravate premenstrual
syndrome (Putri, 2017).
More than 90% of this sample reported that they had experienced at least one
premenstrual symptom in the past four weeks; of these, 91.2% had experienced
physical symptoms such as breast pain, headache, joint/muscle pain, bloating,
weight gain; 84.5% experienced fatigue/lack of energy; 93.9% experienced anger or
irritability. Women workers who experienced moderate to severe premenstrual
symptoms reported significantly lower attendance scores than those with mild and
no premenstrual symptoms. It is concluded that premenstrual symptoms affect their
performance (Hardy & Hunter, 2021).
This study is analytical and observational. The population in this study were all
women workers who worked in Makassar City. The number of samples in this study
was 203 samples. The sampling technique was carried out to represent the population
in the city of Makassar, namely as many as 203 respondents obtained through
purposive sampling technique with the criteria of women aged 15-64 years, having a
job, working in Makassar city, and willing to be interviewed. The data collection
technique was by distributing an online questionnaire (google form) to obtain
information about the conducted. The data was then processed manually using the
Statistical Package of the Social Science (SPSS) program. The data analysis of the
data used in univariate analysis and bivariate analysis.
Table 1 shows that from 203 respondents, there were 72 respondents (93.50%)
with single status experiencing PMS complaints, 109 respondents (91.60%) who were
married experiencing PMS complaints, and seven respondents who were divorced
(100%) and suffering from PMS. After analyzing the Chi-Square test, it was found
that the p-value = 0.661 > 0.05, so there was no relationship between marital status
and PMS complaints in women workers in Makassar City. There were 203
respondents; 173 respondents (93.5%) in the sports category experienced PMS
complaints, while 15 respondents (83.3%) in the non-sports category experienced
PMS complaints. After analyzing the Chi-Square test, it was found that the p-value
= 0.115 > 0.05 and that there was no relationship between exercise habits and PMS
complaints in women in Makassar City.
Figure 1 shows 19 types of PMS symptom complaints in women workers in
Makassar City. The complaints of PMS symptoms experienced by women workers
in Makassar City consisted of irritability among as many as 188 respondents (92.60%)
and type swelling of the hands or feet of as many as ten respondents (4.90%).
Figure 2 showed that from 203 respondents, 51 respondents (98.10%) in the
depression category experienced PMS complaints, while 137 respondents (90.70%)
in the non-depressed category experienced PMS complaints. After analyzing the Chi-
Square test, it was found that the p-value = 0.081 > 0.05, so Ha was rejected and
H0 was accepted, and there was no relationship between depression and PMS
complaints in women workers in Makassar City.
Table 2 showed that from 203 respondents, 51 respondents (98.10%) in the
depression category experienced PMS complaints, while 137 respondents (90.70%)
in the non-depressed category experienced PMS complaints. After analyzing the Chi-
Square test, it was found that the p-value was 0.081 > 0.05, Ha was rejected, and H0
was accepted, and there was no relationship between depression and PMS
complaints in women workers in Makassar City.
Table 3 showed that from 203 respondents, there were 95 respondents (93.10%)
in the category of consuming high-salt foods as many as 1-3 times/week
experiencing PMS complaints, 25 respondents (92.60%) in the category of
consuming high-salt foods 4-6 times/week experienced PMS complaints, 41
respondents (95.30%) in the category of consuming high-salt foods every day, and 27
respondents (87.10%) in the category of never consuming high-salt foods experienced
PMS complaints and experienced PMS complaints. After analyzing the Chi-Square
test, it was found that the p-value was 0.596 > 0.05. It showed no relationship
between consuming high-salt foods and PMS complaints in women workers in
Makassar City.
Table 4 showed that from 203 respondents, there were 137 respondents
(93.20%) in the category of having good PMS knowledge who experienced PMS
complaints, while there were 51 respondents (91.10%) in the category of having PMS
knowledge who had fewer PMS complaints. After analyzing the Chi-Square test, it
was found that the p-value = 0.605 > 0.05, which means that Ha was rejected and
H0 was accepted, so there was no relationship between knowledge and PMS
complaints in women workers in Makassar City.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a physical and mental symptom that appears
when a woman is about to experience her menstrual cycle that causes discomfort.
STDs usually attack women aged 20 - 30 (Nurrahmaton, 2021). Approximately 75%
of women experience PMS symptoms, and 30% of women require treatment
(Nurmiaty & Sudargo, 2011). The cause of this syndrome is still unclear. However,
some theories state that PMS is closely related to hormonal factors such as sex
hormones and steroids in women. The connection is that some women become more
sensitive to progesterone and estrogen hormones. Furthermore, there is a theory that
women who experience PMS have lower serotonin levels (Christie et al., 2018).
There are more than 150 symptoms associated with PMS, both in terms of
physical and psychological symptoms. Complaints usually include feeling lazy, tired
easily, body weakness, increasing appetite and liking sour foods, being easily
irritable, emotionally unstable, sensitive, and other negative feelings and weight gain
because the body stores large amounts of water. The head hurts, and the waist feels
sore to fainting (Ramadhani, 2016). Experiencing physical symptoms such as breast
tenderness, headache, joint/muscle pain, bloating, weight gain, fatigue/lack of
energy, experiencing anger or irritability (Hardy & Hunter, 2021). Menstrual
symptoms interfere with cooperation with coworkers, professional functioning
deficiency and stress due to symptom burden, diverse experiences without a clear
pattern, adjusted self-management with and without drug use, and stress because of
symptom burden and use of medication for self-management (Yu et al., 2021).
Relationship of Marital Status with PMS Complaints on Women Workers In
Makassar City
Marital status has implications for women's health, including PMS complaints.
PMS complaints can be different between married women and unmarried women.
Some women have not changed in PMS complaints before and after getting married.
The chi-square test results showed no relationship between marital status and PMS
complaints (p = 0.661>0.05). The results of this study were in line with Mufida's
(2015) research that there was no effect of marital status on premenstrual syndrome.
Julianne Holt-Lunstad from Young University suggested that in maintaining one
reproductive health, a harmonious marriage plays a major role in this (Mufida, 2015).
However, the study's results were not in line with research conducted by Faiqah &
Faiqah & Sopiatun, (2018) that married women experience more PMS than single
women (Faiqah & Sopiatun, 2018).
The Relationship of Sports Habits with PMS Complaints in Women Workers in
Makassar City
Exercise has a very positive effect on blood circulation in the body, especially
for women workers who spend a lot of time at work. The results of this study showed
that there was no relationship between exercise and PMS complaints (p = 0.115>
0.05). It is in line with the study conducted by Fatul, (2017) that there was no
relationship between premenstrual syndrome and the level of physical activity (p =
0.678 > 0.05) (Fatul, 2017). This study was not in line with research conducted by
Nurrahmaton, (2021) that obtained the results of the chi-square test p = 0.000 < 0.05,
which means that there was a relationship between sports and PMS respondents at
SMP IT Foundation Hj. Fauziah Binjai in 2019 (Nurrahmaton, 2021). A lack of
exercise routine can aggravate premenstrual syndrome because physical activity can
increase oxygen transport in muscles, reduce cortisol levels, and improve the
psychological state (Anggriawan, 2015).
Relationship between depression and PMS complaints in women workers in
Makassar City
Many occupational factors can cause depression for women workers. It affects
the reproductive health of women workers. The chi-square test results showed no
relationship between depression and PMS complaints (p = 0.081>0.05). This
research is not in line with research conducted by (Ilmi & Utari, 2018). This study
showed that psychological events in patients could exacerbate PMS. Psychological
conditions can be in the form of anxiety or stress (Ilmi & Utari, 2018). Hormonal
factors are the main factors causing PMS, an imbalance between estrogen and
progesterone hormones, and changes in serotonin levels. Depression can affect the
hormone system, affecting overall body function (Pratiwi, 2016).
Relationship of Habits of Consumption of High-Salt Foods with PMS Complaints
on Women Workers in Makassar City
The chi-square test results showed no relationship between consuming foods
high in salt (p = 0,596>0,05) and PMS complaints. The results of this study were not
in line with research conducted by Ramadhani, Setiawan & Evayanti (2016). The
results of the chi-square statistical test of the study obtained p = 0.014 so that there
was a statistically significant relationship between eating habits high in salt and
glucose and the incidence of PMS in adolescent girls at SMPN 5 Bandar Lampung
in 2015 (Ramadhani, 2016). Increasing the consumption of fibrous foods such as
vegetables and fruits can reduce PMS complaints (Ilmi & Utari, 2018).
Relationship of Knowledge with PMS Complaints on Women Workers in
Makassar City
Knowledge is captured through the five senses of an object so it can be
understood (Prihati et al., 2020). Knowledge is important in forming one behavior
(Thamrin et al., 2019). The chi-square test results showed no relationship between
knowledge and PMS complaints (p = 0.605>0.05). Based on the results of this study,
as many as 147 (72.40%) women workers in Makassar City already had good
knowledge about PMS. It is supported by all information, especially about health,
and it can be accessed by anyone through various sources, including print, written,
electronic media, school education, and counseling (Purwasih et al., 2017). The
absence of a relationship between knowledge and PMS complaints can be the good
knowledge possessed by respondents is not applied to overcome Premenstrual
Syndrome (Husnida & Sutianingsih, 2016).
The epidemiological studies showed that approximately 20% of women of
reproductive age experience moderate to severe PMS symptoms. About 3 - 8% have
symptoms of a severe dysphoric disorder (PMDD, Premenstrual Dysphoric
Disorder). Women who experience severe PMS symptoms can interfere with their
daily activities, including social and personal functions, work performance, family
and social activities, and sexual relations. As many as 80% of women who experience
PMS report reduced productivity and work attendance for about one week per month
due to PMS symptoms (Ramadhani, 2016).
It showed the results of absenteeism because of MRS. Although 13.8% of
women (n=4514) reported absence due to MRS, 1,108 women (3.4%) reported
absence each cycle or nearly every cycle. The percentage of absenteeism in each cycle
or almost every cycle was 2.4% in the working group and 4.5% in the study group.
The average absence of MRS is due to symptoms related to menstrual cycles (Schoep
et al., 2019.)
More than 90% of this sample reported that they had experienced at least one
premenstrual symptom in the past four weeks; as many as 91.2% had experienced
physical symptoms such as breast pain, headache, joint/muscle pain, bloating,
weight gain; 84.5% experienced fatigue/lack of energy; 93.9% experienced anger or
irritability. Women staff who experienced moderate to severe premenstrual
symptoms reported significantly lower attendance scores than those with mild and
no premenstrual symptoms. It is concluded that premenstrual symptoms affect their
performance (Hardy & Hunter, 2021).
PMS problems can affect work productivity. Disrupted work productivity for
most workers will decrease company productivity (Thamrin. 2020). An online poll
conducted by Schoep et al., (2019) on 32,748 Dutch women aged 15-45 years showed
that a decrease in work productivity for nine days a year was caused by pain due to
PMS symptoms. Around 81% of Dutch women claim to be less productive because
they have to go to the toilet every hour, and they also find it difficult to concentrate
when menstrual symptoms come Schoep et al., (2019). Increasing work productivity
is one of the objectives of implementing Occupational Health and Safety (K3)
programs in the workplace. The impact of PMS symptoms experienced by women
workers is still underestimated in the workplace. The workplace should be more open
about this and make it one of the topics in implementing the OHS program. Although
the company must provide more budget for the K3 program, it is a form of profitable
investment for the company (Nai’em et al., 2020).
This research determined the determinants of PMS in women workers in Makassar
City. It can be concluded that there was no relationship between marital status, exercise,
depression, consumption high in salt, and knowledge of PMS complaints. This study
concluded that there were no relationship between marital status (p=0.661), exercise
(p=0.115), depression (p=0.081), physical trauma (p=0.639), consuming high in salt
(p=0.596), and knowledge (p=0.605) towards PMS complaints. This study suggests that
women workers, especially in Makassar City. It can increase their knowledge about PMS,
and to prevent it, it improves sleep patterns, exercises regularly, avoids high salt
consumption, and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, the
company should identify women workers who experience PMS complaints so that the
interventions can be carried out accurately. For company leaders or workplaces, in
collaboration with the government, implement the Productive Healthy Women's
Movement Program (GP2SP).
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Copyright holders:
A. Muflihah Darwis, Itma Anna, Andi Meinar Dwi Rantisari, Suci Rahmadani,
Andi Nirwana Badiu ( 2023 )
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0