Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 3 No. 2 February 2024
Aditya Wiralatief Sanjaya, Rudi Tri Handoko, Esa Riandy Cardias
Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi, Indonesia
This Strategic Plan Document for the Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency for 2020 2024 is a follow-up to
the Regulation of the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of
Bappenas Number 5 of 2019 concerning Procedures for Preparing
Ministries/Institutions Strategic Plans (Renstra K/L) 2020 -2024. The research
approach used is qualitative research. Research methods used to assess the condition
of scientific objects, where researchers are key instruments, data analysis is a
reduction of data from the comparison between the ministry's strategic plan and the
evaluation of the performance of the Banyuwangi government in carrying out
activities in the tourism sector. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has
11 strategic targets mapped into 4 (four) perspectives. The first perspective is
stakeholders, the second perspective is the customer, the third perspective is internal
processes, and the fourth perspective is learning & growth.
(Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf Strategic Plan 2020-2024).
Keywords: Strategic Planning Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf, Implementation and
Performance Evaluation, New-normal, Banyuwangi
This Strategic Plan Document for the Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency for 2020 2024 is a follow-up to
the Regulation of the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of
Bappenas Number 5 of 2019 concerning Procedures for Preparing
Ministries/Institutions Strategic Plans (Renstra K/L) 2020 -2024
In the 2020-2024 RPJMN, the tourism and creative economy sectors are
targeted to provide a strategic contribution and role through the transformation of
national economic development in the next five years. The transformation of the
economic development is focused on increasing the value of tourism foreign
exchange and the added value of the national creative economy. The achievement of
national development targets for the tourism and creative economy sectors certainly 72
requires strategies and breakthroughs in their implementation. Especially in facing
the challenges of the non-natural disasters of the Corona Virus pandemic that are
happening in the world. The Covid-19 pandemic is believed to be the turning point
for changes in tourism and the design of creative economy business models, including
in Indonesia.
The world of Indonesian tourism must also adapt to new normal conditions by
paying attention to aspects of cleanliness, safety and security, as well as implementing
health protocols. A shift in the business model in the creative economy can be an
opportunity and a greater contribution to the creative economy.
The strategic objectives of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy are
a description of the strategic objectives which are at the same time a mapping of the
Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy strategy in carrying out Mission number
2 to realize the President's Vision for 2020-2024. Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf has 11
strategic objectives which are mapped into 4 (four) BSC perspectives.
From the perspective of stakeholders, Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf has 1 (one)
strategic goal, namely: "Increasing the contribution of tourism and the creative
economy to economic resilience". From a customer perspective,
Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf has 6 (six) strategic goals, namely: (1) "Increasing the
added value of the national creative economy"; (2) "Increasing the quality and
number of tourists"; (3) "Increasing the competitiveness of destinations and the
national tourism industry"; (4) "Availability of tourism products as needed"; (5)
"Growing investment and access to financing as well as increasing industrial capacity
in the tourism sector and the national creative economy"; and (6) "Protecting
intellectual property in the tourism and creative economy sector".
From an internal process perspective, Kemenparekraf/ Baparekraf has 3 (three)
strategic goals, namely: (1) "The implementation of study-based tourism and creative
economy regulations"; (2) "Availability of data and information on the results of the
study according to the needs of tourism and the creative economy"; and (3)
"Increasing the quality and quantity of human resources in tourism and the creative
economy". On perspective learning and growth, Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf has 1
(one) strategic goal, namely "The realization of bureaucratic reform of the Ministry
of Tourism and Creative Economy towards a professional bureaucracy".
The orientation of the market segment will shift from foreign to domestic
tourists (Wisnus) until international flights recover as the handling of the COVID-19
pandemic gets better. For this reason, a special integrated strategy is needed in
dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector and the
national creative economy. Especially during the emergency response period 2020
and recovery in 2021-2022 according to global conditions.
According to (Kanom, et al. 2020) in his journal the results of their research
regarding the recovery of Banyuwangi tourism after COVID-19 concluded that
Banyuwangi Tourism, which was previously very popular and very potential to a
variety of tourist attractions at each tourist destination, became paralyzed and
suspended animation when the Covid 19 pandemic arrived. The holding of events
every year is constrained due to Covid 19. In 2020, ideally, 123 events will be carried
out with the Calendar of Events (CoE) in the Banyuwangi Festival series of events
that have been launched, they cannot be carried out as they should. The paralysis of
tourism activities in Banyuwangi is a serious problem and has a real impact on
people's purchasing power, economy, and ideal activities. 73
With the Strategic Plan that has been made by the Ministry of Tourism and
Creative Economy and how it was implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic in
Banyuwangi Regency as the first district appointed by the Government to carry out
New-Normal activities, it is necessary to conduct research entitled, Implementation
of Government Policy Indonesia in the 2020-2024 Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy Strategic Plan during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Banyuwangi Regency.
Research Objectives are to Identify the Bayuwangi Government Policy with the
New-Normal concept in the tourism sector. Analyze the output of the condition of
Banyuwangi tourism objects and activities with reference to the 2020-2024
Kemenparekraf/ Baparekraf Strategic Plan. Identify and analyze the implementation
of the Banyuwangi Government Work Program in adjusting the 2020-2024
Kemenparekraf/ Baparekraf Strategic Plan.
The research approach used in this research is qualitative research. Qualitative
research is a research method used to examine the condition of scientific objects,
where the researcher is the key instrument. Objects in qualitative research are natural
objects, namely objects that are as they are, not manipulated by researchers.
1. Primary data
Primary data is raw data obtained directly through in-depth interviews with
parties related to research, namely among others
a. Head of the Tourism Office
b. Head of Marketing
c. Head of Tourism Products
d. Head of Attraction and Creative Economy
e. Head of the Bureau of Science and Technology BAPPEDA
Further has been processed according to needs. The primary data needed is
data from interviews with Personal Icharges related to the Kemenparekraf/
Baparekraf Strategic Plan.
2. Secondary Data
Secondary data is data that has been collected by institutions or data
collection applications and can be accessed by the data user community. The
secondary data used is in the form of databases from the E-Tax application owned
by the Banyuwangi Regional Government and accessed through the Tourism
Office, BanyuwangitourismApp, the Rensta of the Ministry of Tourism of
Indonesia, the Strategic Plan of the Banyuwangi Regency Tourism Office, and
documentation of the performance reports of the Banyuwangi Tourism Office. 74
Figure 1. techniques using the Miles and Huberman model
Figure 2 Research Flow
Banyuwangi Tourism Strategy in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
According to the results of a survey conducted by the Tourism Office in the
Banyuwangi tourism sector, the impact of a decrease in the number of consumers
was 73.8% and turnover decreased to 74.1% during the Covid-19 pandemic starting
2019 2020, and businesses, both medium and large companies those engaged in
tourism closed up to 17.3% from before.
To recover and deal with these conditions, the Tourism Office which is fully
supported by the Government of Banyuwangi formulated 5 strategies for the recovery
of the Banyuwangi Economy & Tourism, including:
Changes in the strategy and mindset of tourism actors
Changes in strategy and mindset referred to, for example, for Accommodation,
previously offered Value: Service & Best Price / Lowest Price, but for now it must
meet the CHS Criteria = Cleanness, Healthy, & Safety and is CHSE certified with
New Normal Services to fulfill the Health Protocol. Previously, tourist attractions
were crowded, crowded, and massive, but during the pandemic, you had to keep
your distance, taking into account the capacity of tourist attractions (visitor
restrictions). Preference tourists who were previously encouraged because the
attractions were viral or crowded but during the pandemic carried out outdoor
tourism activities, private tours, and Helping health travelers.Furthermore, there is a
limitation of operational hours where previously 7 days a week, 24 hours during the
pandemic every Monday Closed for recovery For 8 hours from 08.00-16.00
1. Protkes Infrastructure Support To Accelerate The Opening Of The Tourism
Sector Economy 75
Prokes Infrastructure Support & Stimulus Budget to Accelerate the
Opening/Economic Recovery of the Tourism SectorAs an example, the Ministry
of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) held the Clean, Healthy and
Safe Movement (BISA) and the Wearing Mask Movement (GPM) at the
destination of Pulau Santen Beach, Banyuwangi.
Hundreds of tourism actors and the public were educated about the
importance of always wearing masks and maintaining the cleanliness of tourist
areas. In addition, the Banyuwangi regency has received a Tourism Grant in 2020,
whereThe grant funds are intended to help local governments and industry, hotels
and restaurants which are currently experiencing a significant reduction in local
revenue (PAD) and financial disruption due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Tourism
grants are cash grants through a transfer mechanism to regions aimed at regional
governments and tourism sector businesses in 101 districts/cities based on several
The criteria in question are the capital cities of 34 provinces which are in 10
priority tourism destinations and 5 super priority destinations. Also areas that are
included in 100 calendar of events, branding destinations as well as areas with
income from hotel taxes and restaurant taxes of at least 15 percent of the total
PAD for the 2019 fiscal year. And Banyuwangi is included in these criteria.
2. Tourism business actor training & certification
Figure 3Training & Certification for Tourism Business Actors
(Source: Dispar Banyuwangi.2021)
3. Making applications to make it easier for tourists & to help market tourism
businesses & empower artists & staycation concepts 76
Figure 4 The Banyuwangi Tourism App application
One Stop Service application for tourists.
In addition to the applications already available, the Banyuwangi
Government also has several concepts of empowering artists with online activities,
marketing also involves social media accounts that have the highest followers to
become partners.
4. SKPD works as a super team & makes rules & enforces discipline in accordance
with health protocols in the community
In the Age of AdaptationThe New Habit, Each Office is directed to play the
role of the Health Service, the Satpol-PP Service, the Tourism Office. And even in
the rules of the new normal era, the Regent issued Perbub 51 of 2020 regarding all
health protocol rules, banning crowds, turning off street lights starting at 19.00,
Tourism industry actors, such as street food restaurants, make integrity pacts
related to their commitment to comply with protocols to prevent the spread of
Covid-19 during the transition period towards a healthy, safe and productive
Performance Output of Banyuwangi Regency in the Implementation of RPJMD
and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Strategic Plan 2020-2024
During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Basically, the published timeline for the Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy Strategic Plan for 2020-2022 is different from the Renstra period contained
in the District Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD). Banyuwangi 2016-2021
Banyuwangi Regency is developing a tourism area through several efforts
1. Develop potential natural tourist attractions, cultural tourism, and artificial
tourism following the Tourism Development Area (WPP);
2. Develop superior tourism object areas in each WPP;
3. Developing integrated tourism routes that are integrated with the development of
regional infrastructure network systems;
4. Develop tourism-supporting facilities and infrastructure,
5. Preserving the traditional values or cultural wisdom of the local community and
their environment as a cultural tourism attraction;
6. Preserving historical heritage areas and cultural sites as regional cultural and
tourism assets; 77
7. Increase cooperation in tourism management in conservation areas, protected
areas, nature reserves, production forests, and plantations through the
development of ecotourism; And
8. Increasing the participation of the community and tourism business actors by
coaching, counseling, training, and promotion for tourism development.
The development of tourism areas in Banyuwangi Regency is spread across all
sub-districts. By dividing into 3 categories according to their attractiveness including
cultural tourism attractions, natural tourism, and artificial tourism. However, in
tourism development, Banyuwangi Regency has formed three more specific tourism
development areas (WPP), namely WPP I Ijen Crater, WPP II Plengkung Beach,
and WPP III Sukamade Beach.
Before the Pandemic period in 2018. Sectors that experienced high growth in
2018 compared to the base year (2015) included the Accommodation and Food
Provider sector; Other Services; construction; as well as the trade, hotel and
restaurant sector. This is none other than the result of the Banyuwangi Regency
government's efforts to develop the tourism sector where tourist visits in 2018 reached
more than 5.1 million tourists while in 2015 there were 1.7 million tourists, or there
was a growth in the number of tourist visits of 191.36 percent from from 2015 to
2018. This certainly encourages an increase in sectors related to tourism such as
lodging and restaurants.
Figure 5 Tourist Interests and Destinations to Be
Visited After the Pandemic Ends
In Figure 5 below are the results of secondary data collected by researchers and
obtained from the tourism office which are presented in the form of survey results
from one of the largest travel business vendors in Indonesia which shows that
interested in domestic tourist destinations, Banyuwangi ranks third after Bali and
Jogja , then followed by Bandung with the same points. This shows that the existence
of Banyuwangi Tourism has increased well. 78
Figure 6 Banyuwangi is included in 4 New Priorotas Tourism destinations
(RPJMN 2020-2024)
Figure 6 shows that Banyuwangi is included in the 4 new priority tourist
destinations along with Batam, Bukit Tinggi and Bandung. This refers to the latest
RPJMN 2020-2024, this is also evidenced by the President's visit followed by the
Minister of Creative Economy and Tourism to Banyuwangi to see the new-normal
system and tourism health programs implemented in Banyuwagi.
Implementation of the 2020-2021 Banyuwangi Government Work Program in the
2020-2024 Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Strategic Target Plan
Kemenparekraf/ Baparekraf has 11 strategic objectives which are mapped into
4 (four) perspectives. The first perspective is stakeholder, the second perspective is
customer, the third perspective is internal process, and the fourth perspective is
learning & growth. (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf Strategic Plan 2020-2024)
1. Stakeholders
Stakeholders is the outcome/impact that the Ministry of Tourism and
Creative Economy wants to achieve and has one strategic goal, namely:
"Increasing the contribution of tourism and the creative economy to economic
resilience". The achievement of this strategic target is measured by 3 (three)
strategic target performance indicators (IKSS) in this case, namely, Tourism
foreign exchange value, Tourism GDP Contribution, and Export Value of
Creative Economy Products.
Before entering the era of the COVID - 19 pandemic, Banyuwangi Regency
tourism made this area's economic growth at the level of 5.6% or higher than the
national economy of 0.53 percent in 2018. Banyuwangi Tourism has also changed
the open unemployment rate which fell 50 percent in the range figure of 3.07
percent. Whereas in the 2010s, the open unemployment rate was still at 6 percent.
Banyuwangi's Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) rose 115.4 percent,
which is around IDR 69.9 trillion.
This optimism cannot be separated from the potential of 89 hotels, nine star
hotels, 485 homestays and 750 restaurants. Apart from that, Banyuwangi also has
58 tourist destinations plus 68 travel agents.
The impact of this pandemic has greatly affected this achievement, which
has decreased, but if examined through survey data, the Banyuwangi Tourism
Sector can immediately recover quickly using a strategy designed by the Regional 79
Government so that Banyuwangi can be said to be the Regency with the fastest
Tourism recovery for the Indonesian region. especially on the island of Java.
According to Mr. Didik in the field of R&D BAPPEDA through interviews
with researchers said "Starting today Monday (13/09/21) the implementation of
RestrictionsCommunity Activities (PPKM) in Banyuwangi Regency enteredlevel
1based on the assessment of the covid-19 situation of the Indonesian Ministry of
Health, it means that people who live in Banyuwangi have implemented vaccines
above 70% of the total population, but in this case the treatment remains the same
as level 2, and prokes supporting facilities are following WHO standards. besides
that to welcome tourists who have been in Banyuwangi and who are coming to
Banyuwangi, we promote 3 programs called TIGA MAKIN, More Digital,
Healthier, More Creative ”.
From the results of the interview it is clear that with the Program strategy
prepared by Banyuwangi, it will automaticallyincrease the contribution of tourism
and the creative economy to economic resilience in Banyuwangi Regency itself.
2. Customers
Output from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. In this
perspective, it has 6 (six) strategic goals, namely:
a. Increasing the added value of the national creative economy,
b. Increasing the quality and number of tourists,
c. Increasing the competitiveness of destinations and the national tourism
d. Availability of tourism products as needed
e. Growing investment and access to financing as well as increasing the capacity
of the tourism sector industry and the national creative economy, and
f. Protection of intellectual property in the tourism and creative economy sector
In this case Banyuwangi makes tourism a superior program besides
agriculture and MSMEs. Tourism development includes attractions and culture
packaged into the Banyuwangi Festival (B-Fest) and nature (ecotourism). Tourism
development is not solely to bring in money but as a consolidation to change
people's behavior.
If you refer to the indicators of the six strategic targets of Kemenparekraf /
Baparekraf above, the Bayuwangi Tourism sector can be categorized as
Successful, because in the comparative value of the achievements of the 2016-2020
RPJMD it has achieved the following targets also in 2020-2021 where during the
New-Normal era Banyuwangi was able to survive and improve slowly. 80
Figure 7 Gap Expectations Performance Achievements in 2018 against 2020
Based on the Figure the realization of the achievement of the spending of
money indicator in 2018 has been very well achieved when compared to the
achievement target at the end of 2020, the GAP analysis below shows the
percentage of achievement of the realization of the spending of money indicator
until 2020 has reached 450 percent or 8.464 trillion at the end of 2018 so that when
compared to the 2020 target of 400 billion, it can be assumed that this IKD is no
longer a development issue.
Table 8. Realization of Target Indicators in Tourism Affairs
Source: (Banyuwangi RPJMD. 2016-2021)
Figure 9 movement of tourist visits to tourist destinations from January to
September 2021
The Banyuwangi Tourism Office uses the I-Tax application to view updated
developments related to tourist movements, where this application is also
integrated with the Banyuwangi Tourism application and the website. The figure can be seen from the total number of
tourists, both Domestic and International along with ticket and parking revenue,
where as of September 2021 total revenue from ticket and parking sales reached
IDR 3,907,796,120 with a total number of domestic and foreign tourists of 520,624
tourists. 81
Figure 10 Target and Realization of Tourist Visits in 2020, Banyuwangi Regency
Figure 10 shows that Banyuwangi managed to exceed the target value for
the Pandemic period, where the target of tourist visits in 2020 was 540,867 but the
realization of tourist visits to Banyuwangi reached 3,047,099 people. If the
percentage reaches 563.37% or almost 6 times the target.
However, this is still below the normal target. in 2021 the government of
Banyuwangi Regency will continue to make efforts to reduce the spread of the
corona virus by opening and closing tourist attractions and implementing social
distancing in public places which of course causes a decrease in the number of
visits by domestic and foreign tourists from the normal rate.
3. Internal Processes
Internal processesis a process carried out by Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf to
produce output from a customer perspective. From this perspective, the Ministry
of Tourism and Creative Economy has 3 (three) strategic objectives, namely:
a. Implementation of study-based tourism and creative economy regulations,
b. Availability of data and information on the results of studies according to the
needs of tourism and the creative economy and
c. Increasing the quality and quantity of human resources in tourism and the
creative economy.
Indicators for achieving this strategic goal are measured through Index of
study-based regulations related to tourism and the creative economy, the number
of parekraf study results utilized/produced, the number of tourism workers, the
number of creative economy workers, and the number of tourism and creative
economy vocational school graduates.
In this case, Banyuwangi applies regional regulations for new-normal
tourism in PPKM rules, Prokes, Creative Economy Operations issued through
basic studies, case studies and field surveys. 82
Figure 11 Perbub Guidelines for New Life Order in the Conditions of the Covid-19
Pandemic in Banyuwangi Regency
In the Banyuwangi Perbub it is clearly stated regarding the rules that apply
in the new-normal era both in trade and creative economy businesses such as
people's markets, restaurants, houses/food stalls, malls or shopping centers,
salons/spas, tourism entertainment places to comply with the protocol health,
open operating hours, wearing a mask, maintaining distance and so on, in addition
to that the implementation of the CHSE at tourism destination locations, hotels,
travel agents, certain entertainment venues such as museums and art galleries and
other businesses has all been spelled out and has rules that apply.
Figure 12 Tourism Sector Business Health Protocol Test Certification
To find out whether there has been an increase in the quality and quantity
of tourism and creative economy human resources, the researchers obtained
information data through interviews from sources in the tourism HR division
explaining that, "The increase in the number of tourism workers before the
pandemic always increased by about 2 times from year to year. , but during this
pandemic and due to the issuance of lockdown regulations and then PPKM to
prevent the spread of Covid-19, 50% of the workforce was laid off, for now the
recorded workforce refers to data collection for vaccine needs, the number of 83
tourism workers in Banyuwagi is like a certified workforce of 10,861 hotels,
restaurants and tour guides and around 7,000 people working in the creative
economy business sector.
For now Vocational Schools that have departments or study programs in
tourism in Banyuwangi have at least 19 Vocational High Schools both Public and
Private with Hospitality, Culinary and Travel Business expertise competencies,
namely, Banyuwangi 1 Public Vocational School, Tegalsari 1 State Vocational
School, Vocational High School Negeri Ihya'ulummudin Singojuruh, 17 August
45 Genteng Vocational School, 17 August 45 Cluring Vocational School, Muh 8
Siliragung Vocational School, Muhammadiyah 1 Vocational High School
Genteng, August 17 1945 Vocational High School Muncar, Aswaja Vocational
High School, PGRI 1 Giri Vocational School, PGRI Pesanggaran Vocational
School, Bustanul Falah Vocational School, Sri Tanjung Banyuwangi Vocational
School, Habibulloh Ii Giri Featured Vocational School, Al-Huda Vocational
School, Cokroaminoto Giri Vocational School, Cokroaminoto Giri Vocational
School, Suarna Wisata Vocational School, Al-Mubarok Vocational School,
Sempu PGRI Vocational School, and on average the total number of graduates
per year is 500-600 students .
4. Learning & Growth
The learn and growth perspective is a strategic asset for the Ministry of
Tourism and Creative Economy which is used to carry out processes from an
internal process perspective. has 1 (one) strategic goal, namely "Realization of
Bureaucratic Reform of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism
and Creative Economy Agency towards a professional bureaucracy". The
achievement of this strategic goal is measured through 1 (one) strategic target work
indicator, namely the Value of Bureaucratic Reform (RB),
The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform
(KemenPAN-RB) makes Banyuwangi Regency a reference for governance,
especially in terms of the use of information technology (IT) through e-
government and e-village budgeting.
Banyuwangi was chosen because it is capable of transforming itself from an
area that is relatively minimal in innovation to an area full of public service
innovation. He gave an example of e-village budgeting and e-monitoring systems
that are able to improve village governance, including from a supervisory
perspective where progress can be monitored for every physical project through an
information technology system.
Banyuwangi won an A in the 2020 Government Agency Performance
Accountability System (SAKIP) assessment from the Ministry of State Apparatus
Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB). This achievement has
been maintained five times in a row since 2016, after previously Banyuwangi
became the first and only district in Indonesia to win SAKIP A in 2016.
SAKIP itself is an integrated system from planning, and budgeting, to
government agency reporting which is monitored by the central government.
There are several reporting and evaluation focuses, starting from the budget,
development program output performance, program outcome performance, to
target performance. The government paradigm is shifted no longer on how much
the budget is prepared and spent, but how much performance is produced. 84
Automatically with a government performance system that achieves an A
value, this greatly influences the success of SKPD performance, especially those
engaged in the tourism sector.
In this regard, the achievement of the RB assessment in the 2020-2021
Banyuwangi tourism sector category received an A predicate concerning the
achievement indicators of the 2016-2021 RPJMD performance evaluation results.
Based on the results of research that has been done it can be concluded The
Banyuwangi Regency Government, especially the Tourism Office, designed 5
Banyuwangi Economic & Tourism recovery strategies, including.1). Changes in
strategy and mindset of tourism actors, 2).Protkes infrastructure support for
accelerating the opening of the tourism sector economy, 3).Training & certification
of tourism business actors, 4). Making applications to make it easier for tourists & to
help market tourism businesses & empower artists & staycation concepts5). SKPD
works as a super team & makes rules & enforces discipline in accordance with health
protocols in the community. The performance output of Banyuwangi Regency in the
implementation of the RPJMD and the 2020-2024 Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf
Strategic Plan During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period achieved a very good value,
where the average realization achieved exceeded the target set both before the
pandemic and in the new normal era of 2020 - 2021 at the end of the 2016-2021
Banyuwangi RPJMD period. The level of interest in visiting post-pandemic ranks
third after Bali and Jogja and has become 4 new priority tourist destinations based
on the references to the 2020-2024 RPJMN Of the 11 strategic goals mapped into 4
(four) perspectives on the 2020-2024 Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf Strategic Plan). A).
Stakeholder perspective, supported by Program 3 MAKIN (More Digital, Healthier,
More Creative), B) Customer perspective, indicated by the Gap Expectations
spending of money reaching 450%, movement and tourist visits reaching 563.37% or
nearly 6 times from the target during the pandemic C). from an internal process
perspective, there is a Perbub regulation for new-normal tourism in PPKM rules,
Prokes, Creative Economy Operations issued through basic studies, case studies and
field surveys. D) learning & growth perspective. Overall Banyuwangi won an A score
in the 2020 Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP)
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Copyright holders:
Aditya Wiralatief Sanjaya, Rudi Tri Handoko, Esa Riandy Cardias (2024)
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0