Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 2 No. 5 May 2023
Made Ida Mulyati,
Levi Anatolia S.M. Exposto
Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, Indonesia
Universidade da Paz, Timor-Leste
The interior of an outpatient clinic is generally a very scary thing for children,
especially when they are sick. This is because if you are sick, the patient's stress level
will increase, especially pediatric patients. Seeing this trend, it is considered
important to minimize the patient's stress level, because the patient's increased stress
level can cause the patient's immune system to decrease so that it is more difficult in
the healing process. One of the patient's stress levels can be caused by the interior
atmosphere in the waiting room and doctor's office. One way to minimize patient
stress levels is by implementing the right colors in the interior of waiting rooms and
doctors' offices in pediatric outpatient clinics. Given this, it is considered necessary
to examine interior studies related to color selection in patient waiting rooms and
pediatrician offices. The method used in this study is the method of discriptive
analysis. To design the right interior in the childcare clinic, you should use a concept
that can display a warmer, calmer, and cheerful interior, besides being supported by
facilities with attractive designs so that children can forget about their stresnya due
to the illness they suffer. While currently the selection of the right color of the interior
of the pediatric clinic, especially in the waiting room and doctor's practice, is still not
considered, only pay attention to the necessary facilities. Colors that are suitable to
be applied to the interior of the practice and waiting room of the children's outpatient
clinic include soft and fresh warna such as blue, green, yellow and orange are usually
quite effective in providing a warm, calm, and cheerful sensation for children,
especially those who are experiencing It hurts. But it does not rule out the possibility
of implementing other colors that also need to encourage pediatric patients such as
red, but should not be implemented too dominantly
Keywords: interior; color; outpatient clinic; waiting room; pediatrician practice
Children's health is very important in the growth and development of children
both psychologically and physically children (Ariyanti, 2016). In the process of child
brain development, it is said to be the golden age is during the golden age or 226
vulnerable age 0-6 years . At that age children will experience tremendous physical,
intellectual, social and emotional progress. According to Benjamin S. Bloom said
that 50% of a child's intelligence potential is already formed at the age of 4 years, then
reaches 80% when the child is 8 years old (Sobral, 2021). For this reason, at that age,
children's health needs to be maintained so that children's growth and development
at that age, both psychologically and physically, can develop properly (Setyawati,
2012). But sometimes with an unhealthy lifestyle and psychological pressure of
children who are sometimes not aware of by their parents so that children are easily
affected by a disease both mild diseases to sometimes chronic diseases (Suiraoka,
2012)cv. Children who suffer from a mild or chronic disease, of course, parents will
check their children to the children's outpatient clinic, before being referred for
hospitalization (Dalke et al., 2006). To help the recovery rate of children, especially
children who suffer from mild to moderate stage disease, is determined by the
intelligence of the treating doctor and the sense of suggestion of pa-sien.
The intelligence of the doctor who handles to cause a sense of patient suggestion
is not only seen from the attention, treatment, accuracy of diagnosis, accuracy of
administering (Bosch & Lorusso, 2019), and accuracy of drug administration from
the doctor, but for smart pediatricians will also pay attention to the interior r practice
money and waiting room for adequate pediatric patients Both from the facilities to
the color selection of the interior. So to optimize the function of the room, in this
case, the practice room and pediatrician waiting room, it is necessary to hold a
holistic approach, one of which is the right color selection. With the right color
selection, the patient's healing process can be done more optimally because the
psychological condition (inner mid) of the patient is a complexity that must be
intertwined to help the patient's healing process (Mulyati, 2022). Man and the
environment are essentially a unity that cannot be separated because they interact
with each other (Altman & Stodols, 1987). To further facilitate the interaction
between humans and their environment, a comfortable environment should be
created (Manuabe, 1977).
The method used in this writing is the descriptive analysis method. Descriptive
analysis is a research method by collecting actual data, then the data is compiled,
processed and analyzed to be able to provide an overview of existing problems (Haryoko,
Color Studies
The study of warana begins with the interaction of light and color, because in the
absence of light we cannot see color. The existence of Phtagoras law (circa 580-500 BC)
is believed that an object emits particles so that we can see light. Aristotle (384-322 BC)
had a better idea of expressing light in the form of waves. Aristotle also suggested that
the colors we see are related to four elements, including fire, earth, air and water. Aristotle
distinguished colors into two groups, those derived from bright light and darkness.
Understanding and influence of color on patient psychology 227
Color psychology is a theory about various colors that can affect human
psychology. Color is not just a color, but has enough meaning that it can affect behavior,
mood, cognition, focus, and general associations.
The influence of color on a person's psychology. According to Frank et al., (2008)
explain the types of color psychology according to experts, as follows:
a. White Color Psychology
White isa symbol of purity, but there are also states that the color symbolizes
cold and hard (Elliot & Maier, 2014). Based on psychology, the influence of white
color among others The symbol of purity, innocence, adds to the impression.
Designers often give white paint to make the room look more spacious. Gives the
impression of clean, fresh, and neat. The negative associations of white color are dull,
cold, empty, isolated, and stubborn
b. Green Color Psychology
Green color as a symbol of the influence of nature and the soothing environment.
Paul Brunton said that green is a natural color that is comfortable, calm, soothing,
cheerful, compassionate, relieves stress, and heals.
c. Yellow Color Psychology
Yellow is a bright and shining color, like the sun rises in the morning. Here are
the characteristics of yellow and its influence on psychology: Strong feelings, marouse
mood. Gives energy, gives warmth, cheerfulness and excitement.
d. Blue Color Psychology
Based on color psychology, blue gives calm, gives the effect of peace, security,
order, security, and stability. But if applied too dominantly it will give the effect of
sadness, loneliness, sadness and turmoil.
e. Brown Color Psychology
Based on color psychology, cream brown color is a natural color that affects the
psychology of strength, resilience, security, safety, comfort, warmth. But as long as
it is not implemented, the dark brown color is too dominant will bring negative effects
such asespian, sadness, solation, and blank.
f. Psychology of Orange Color Leads to Yellowish
Based on color psychology, the color Orange meminfluences emotional energy
that must be shared, such as affection, passion, and warmth.
g. Yellow Color Psychology
Based on color psychology, yellow has a cheerful influence, and energyjik.
Light yellow color givesa luminous and bright impression. The influence of this color
is a picture of happiness.
Choosing the right color in the doctor's office and waiting room for pediatric patients
According to Kaplan et al., (1993) in this context factors that affect the healing
process in patients include 40% environmental factors, 10% medical, 20% genetic and
30% other factors such as suggestions, biyaya, moral support from family or people
closest to the patient.
The selection of appropriate colors applied to the interior of the child nursery and
waiting room for pediatric patients is pastel colors such as pink, light green, light blue,
light yellow, yellowish orange, and light brown (cream) (Haller, 2019). But we
recommend that in choosing colors in the interior of thepediatrician's practice and waiting
for pediatric patients not toimplement pink too dominant because it will affect negative
psychological effects such as increasing anxiety and anxiety (Ichwanudin, 2018). While
the selection of light green, light blue, light brown (cream), light yellow, and yellowish 228
orange can affect the psychology of pediatric patients which can very positively cause a
soft, calming, warm sensation, calm, and cheerful (Geers et al., 2013). This impression is
needed by children, especially those who are experiencing pain. So that it can help
stimulate the development of motor neuro psychology of children to feel healthier and
increase the immunity of the child's body. In addition, if the pediatrician's office or
waiting room is narrow, pastel colors should also be applied to give a wider impression
to the room. For the interior of the pediatrician's office and waiting room for pediatric
patients should not use white, dark brown, black, ash, and dark red that dominate because
it will cause negative effects on child psychology such as the impression of dark, hot, sad,
cold , angry , closed, and grieving.
Figure 1. Example Color selection in the waiting room of the pediatric clinic is not
right, applying the dominant colors of white and ash
The application of white and ash that dominates the interior design of the waiting
room of the pediatric outpatient clinic can affect the adverse effect in supporting patient
recovery. The negative effects on psychology that arise in pediatric patients in waiting
for their turn at the raw at street clinic can cause a sense of boredom, darkness, grieving
and closure to children in expressing the pain suffered to their parents.
Figure 2. Example Color selection in the waiting room of the pediatric clinic is not
right, applying dominant colors of red and white
The dominant application of red and white colors can disturb the psychology of
pediatric patients such as seeming hot, restless, grieving and a sense of boredomwhen
waiting for an outpatient turn.
While choosing the right color in the interior of the practice and waiting room for
pediatric patients, 40% can help cure the disease suffered by children. In addition, play
facilities and decorations that are attractive to children should be provided as well as the
right color selection to support the waiting room for pediatric patients, so that children
feel at home to fill the void of time when waiting for their turn for examination.
Likewise, the facilities and decoration elements in the doctor's assembly room are
selected in the form of animals, flowers, cute card characters with color choices that can 229
affect the positive psychology of children as patients so that they do not feel afraid in the
examination and treatment process.
Figure 3 Selection of light to medium blue, white, green, light yellow and pink as
the center of interest in the interior of the children's practice waiting room 230
Figure 4. A very comfortable pediatric dentist workshop with a selection of light
blue to medium blue, white, green, cream, green, yellow, cream with natural
landscape decoration elements and ceilings made with sky patterns.
Figure 5. Dental practice room for cool children with orange, cream, white color
selection and dominated by cool young hijaau colors.
According to color psychology, colors that are suitable to be applied to the
interior of pediatricians and waiting rooms for pediatric patients include light
green, light blue, light brown (cream), light yellow, and yellowish orange can affect
the psychology of pediatric patients which can very positively cause a soft, calming,
warm sensation, calm, and cheerful. So that the selection of the right color can help
the recovery of pediatric patients.
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Copyright holders:
Made Ida Mulyati, Levi Anatolia S.M. Exposto (2023)
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0