Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 2 No. 5 May 2023
Levi Anatolia S.M. Exposto, Made Ida Mulyati
, Jerminal Magno
, Marcos
Faculty of Public Health and Medical Sciences, Universidade da Paz, Timor-
Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar
Patient satisfaction is the main indicator of the standard of a health facility and is a
measure of service quality, satisfaction, internal and external infrastructure
conditions, and other supporting facilities. In order to achieve patient satisfaction, it
is necessary to increase standards in maintaining the quality of hospital services that
refer to the quality of health services and facilities in order to meetpatient satisfaction.
Related to this, each hospital as a place of health services mutually improve the
quality and service of each other both in aspects of hospital quality, Human
Resources and hospital image. The purpose of this article review is to provide
information, overview, ideas / ideas about choosing service facilities in the hospital
interior to increase patient satisfaction. The study design used is Systematic
Literature Review or literature review. Method of searching for articles in research
journal databases and searching via the internet. The database searches used were
Google Scholar, PubMed, DOAJ, Elsevier, Science Direct, Emeral Insight from 2013
to 2022. It was found that from a total of 65 articles in English and Indonesian
after screening it was found that there were 10 articles that were eligible (elegibility)
to do analyze and draw conclusions. In order to achieve patient satisfaction, it is
necessary to increase standards in maintaining the quality of hospital services that
refer to the quality of health services and facilities in order to meet patient or
community satisfaction. A good hospital can contribute to the healing process of
patients and the productivity of perpetrators, medical service procedures can be
carried out effectively and efficiently, easily maintained cleanliness. A beautiful,
functional, efficient and clean building gives a positive impression to all hospital
users, both in the form of physical responses to certain psychological effects that arise
in the mind. Therefore, it is concluded that choosing service facilities in the interior
of the Hospital can generate patient loyalty to the hospital and interest in visiting
again. Thus, it can be tied to service quality as one of the keys to the success of the
hospital to increase patient satisfaction and maintain customer loyalty 214
Keywords: Facilities, Interior, Hospital, Satisfaction
The increasing public awareness of the importance of health affects hospitals in
providing health services. Improvement of health services is carried out by hospitals
to support healing and recovery with full attention to patient comfort and satisfaction.
According to WHO (World Health Organization), hospitals are an integral part of a
social and health organization with the function of providing plenary services
(comprehensive), disease healing (curative) and disease prevention (preventive) to
the community (Djeinne Thresye Pangerapan, Ora Et Labora I. Palandeng, 2018).
The hospital is also a training center for health workers and a medical research center.
Hospitals as part of the health system are required to be able to improve the quality
of patients with complete facilities and fast and precise services.
The hospital provides individual health services including promotive,
preventive, curative and rehabilitative services that provide inpatient, outpatient, and
emergency services (Ai et al. , 2022) . Therefore , hospital services that require
quality assessment aspects, and nursing services are an integral part of hospital
services. Overall interconnected, running in an integrated manner to provide services
to hospital service users so that nursing services are one of the determining factors for
service quality and hospital image in the eyes of the community (Alim, Tangdilambi
and Badwi, 2019). As a general public health service, hospitals have a major
problem, namely whether the services provided are in accordance with patient
expectations or not. Therefore, the hospital is required to always maintain patient
trust by improving the quality of its services.
The quality of nursing services in hospitals depends on the skills, speed, ease
and accuracy in carrying out nursing practice actions. Quality nursing services are
one of the basic needs that everyone needs. Service quality starts from customer
needs and ends at customer perception (Supartiningsih, 2017). The image of good
service quality focuses on the point of view or perception of customers. In health
services, the quality of service places patients as those who consume and enjoy health
service services including those that determine the quality of services. With the
quality of hospital services, it encourages patients to establish strong relationships
with service providers (Riani, Muliyadi and Yulia, 2021). Good service quality is not
only measured by the luxury of facilities, technological completeness and physical
appearance but from the attitude and behavior of employees must reflect
professionalism and have high commitment.
Satisfaction is the degree to which a person feels after comparing his perceived
performance or results with his expectations. The level of satisfaction is a function of
the difference between perceived performance and expectations. If the performance
is below expectations, then customers will be very disappointed. When the
performance is as expected, then customers will be very satisfied. Increased patient
satisfaction can lead to patient loyalty to the hospital and interest in visiting again.
Services provided by hospitals must be of high quality and meet five main quality
dimensions, namely: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphaty (Taufiq
Rahmat, 2021). Service and satisfaction are two things that cannot be separated,
because with satisfaction, related parties can correct each other to where the service
provided is getting better or worse. 215
The level of satisfaction is a function of the difference between perceived
performance and expectations. If the performance is below expectations, then
customers will be very disappointed. When the performance is as expected, then
customers will be very satisfied. Meanwhile, if the performance exceeds expectations,
customers will be very satisfied (Djeinne Thresye Pangerapan, Ora Et Labora I.
Palandeng, 2018). Customer expectations can be shaped by past experiences,
comments from relatives as well as promises and information from various media.
Satisfied customers stay longer, are less price sensitive and comment well about the
company. In health services, although the Puskesmas has provided the same service
to all patients, the level of satisfaction can be different (Supartiningsih, 2017). In
health services, the main factor in determining satisfaction in addition to the quality
of the results of overcoming health problems is the existence of healing, as well as the
quality of service of good, friendly, polite officers and completeness of facilities.
In addition to paying attention to the quality of service, the comfort aspect by
implementing the concept in the interior is expected to optimize health services at the
hospital. To determine the concept of the chosen space, we must know the
dimensions of the amount of space and the height of the ceiling. For the inpatient
room space is not too spacious and has a ceiling height that is not too high, then we
can take the concept of calm (calm) or the concept of fresh (fresh). In the concept of
calm (calm) can be applied elegant soft colors. As for the concept of fresh (fresh) can
be applied young colors that take inspiration from nature. But in the application of
this concept does not rule out the possibility of applying warm colors as accentuation
so that it seems more lively not too moneton. If the inpatient room has a large enough
room with sufficient ceiling height, it can take the concept of warm. In this concept,
warm colors are applied, but do not rule out the possibility of being combined with
soft and natural colors to give a more comfortable impression (Mulyati, 2009).
Basically, the physical hospital is also directly related to the quality of medical
services. A good building will provide comfort to the wearer and will affect the level
of utilization which will also contribute to the healing process of patients and
employee performance. A good building will also provide assurance for the
implementation of medical service procedures carried out. A study conducted by
CABE (Commission for Architecture and Built Environment) in August 2003 of 500
nurses and doctors in London stated that 91% of nurses and 100% of doctors surveyed
are well aware and believe that the good design of hospitals and their environment
has a direct impact on the speed of recovery of patients (patients recovery rate) and
90% of nurses, 91% of doctors agree that poorly designed hospitals contribute greatly
to increased patient stress, and 90% of doctors say that patient attitudes are better
towards medical staff if they are in well-designed rooms (Herdyanti, Rachmaniyah
and Wahyudie, 2016).
Choosing interior facilities in a hospitalis expected to create clarity and ease
of circulation flow of health and administrative service delivery flows, as well as
change the scary and scary image into a friendly hospital by providing a comfortable
atmosphere and a sense of security for space users (Aljunid et al. , 2020) . Another
important aspect that must be taken into account, there is also the opportunity to
meet face to face openly according to the characteristics of the activities that must be
carried out without reducing the security and confidentiality requirements of the
hospital. There are also large waiting facilities, pathways to other spaces that have
direct and indirect links to the lobby. Through such an interior design model, it can 216
be reflected on the quality of adjustment of the hospital to the various needs and
demands that develop in its visitors (Aljunid, Taib and Samah, 2020).
This condition is one of the dominant indicators, in determining the
realization of progress and development that is the expectation of the hospital is
required to always exist, even become a reliable health institution and become the
main choice of the community in managing ideal but affordable health. Hospitals
are very obliged to provide quality and affordable health services, in order to improve
the quality of life of the community in their environment (Gusti, Ardana and Gede,
2014). The characteristics of the interior design of the Hospital are in accordance
with applicable standards. The use of the Natural concept is able to present a fresh
and refreshing natural atmosphere that can have a positive effect not only for patients
but also for medical personnel, non-medical personnel and hospital visitors
(Puspitasari, Anggraeni and Rachmaniyah, 2017).
The review design used is Systematic Literature Review or literature review.
Literatures review is a description of theories, findings and other research materials
obtained from reference materials to be used as a basis for research activities. Literature
review contains reviews, summaries, and thoughts of authors on several literature sources
(national and international articles) on the topics discussed ( Nightingale, 2009). A good
literature review must be relevant, up-to-date, and adequate. Theoretical foundations,
theoretical reviews, and literature reviews are some ways to conduct literature reviews.
Method of searching for articles in research journal databases and searching through the
internet. The database searches used were Google Scholar, PubMed, DOAJ, Elsevier,
ScienceDirect, Emeral Insight from 2013 to 2022. For article search, the keyword used is
Choosing service facilities in the hospital interior to increase patient satisfaction. Based
on the results of the first search, hundreds of articles may be obtained, so there needs to
be a criterion to homogenize the articles found so that there are not too many articles
obtained. The inclusion criteria can be seen in the following table:
Table.1 Inclusion Criteria
The maximum issuance period is 10 years
Design Study
All types of research studies
201 3-202 2
Indonesian and English
Journal Type
Original Research Articles and Review Articles
This literature review is synthesized using a narrative method by grouping similar
extracted data according to the results measured to answer the objectives of research
journals in accordance with inclusion criteria then collected and made journal summaries
including the name of the researcher, year of publication of the journal, country of
research, research title, method and summary of results or findings. The summary of the
research journal is entered into a table sorted according to the alphabet and year of
publication of the journal and in accordance with the format mentioned above. To further
clarify the analysis of abstracts and full texts, journals are read and examined. The 217
summary of the journal is then analyzed on the contents contained in the research
objectives and research results / findings.
Figure 1 of PRISMA Framework
From several articles obtained from Google Scholar, PubMed, DOAJ, Elsevier,
Science Direct, Emeral Insight from 2013 to 2022 after going through several stages
of article analysis above found several articles that meet The requirements for
reviewing and drawing conclusions are as follows:
Table 2 Article Review Results
Author Name
Lina Qonitah Herdyanti, Nanik
Rachmaniyah, and Prasetyo
Interior Redesign of Class B State
Hospital with Healing Environment
Shariffah Syafiqah Aljunid,
Nurul Nabilah Huda Mohamad
Shukri, Mohd Zafrullah Mohd
Taib and Zanariah Abu Samah.
Determinants of patient satisfaction
on interior design quality of public
hospitals in Malaysia
Ita Riani, Muliyadi, Sri Yulia
Patient Satisfaction of Health
Services In The Hospital
Rinaldo Piris
The Effect of Service Quality on
Inpatient Patient Satisfaction at
RSUD Serui, Yapen Islands District
2022 218
Author Name
Djeinne Thresye Pangerapan, Ora
Et Labora I. Palandeng,A. Joy M.
The relationship between service
quality and patient satisfaction at
the Internal Medicine Polyclinic of
Gmim Pancaran Kasih Manado
General Hospital
Dinda Ayu Puspitasari, Aria
Weny Anggraeni, and Nanik
Interior Design of Inpatient Room
and Supporting Facilities of
Pomegranate Maternity Hospital
with Modern Natural Concept
Shariffah Syafiqah Aljunid,
Nurul Nabilah Huda, Mohamad
Shukri, Mohd Zafrullah, Mohd
Taib and Zanariah Abu Samah.
Determinants of patient satisfaction
on interior design quality of public
hospitals in Malaysia.
Yun Ai, Muhammad Khalilur
Rahman, Md. Shah Newaz, Md.
Abu Issa Gazi5, Md. Atikur
Rahaman, Abdullah Al Mamun6
and Xia Chen.
Determinants of patients,
satisfaction and trust toward
healthcare service enviroment in
general practice Clinics
Sharifah Shafiqah Aljunid, Mohd
Zafrullah, Mohd Taib and
Zanariah Abu Samah
Occupants' satisfaction towards
interior design quality at inpatient
units of public hospitals in
Malaysia: a sustainable
development framework
Ahmad Rafik, Nyoman
Suardhita, Irwin Sukrisno Sugen
The influence of quality of services
and hospital facilities onpatient
satisfaction (Case study at dr.
Chasbullah Abdul MajidHospital,
Bekasi City)
Research journals that match the inclusion criteria are then collected and made a
journal summary including the name of the researcher, year of publication of the journal,
research title, methods and summary of results or findings. The summary of the research
journal is entered into the table according to the format mentioned above. To further
clarify the analysis of abstracts and full text, journals are read and examined. The
summary of the journal is then analyzed on the contents contained in the purpose of
reviewing articles and research results / findings.
Through the data that has been processed and the results of research research, the
following conclusions are obtained: A small number of visitors, especially hospital
patients, have found it easy to determine the registration flow. So it is necessary to
improve the right design to make patients feel rilex in conducting examinations at the
Hospital such as:
1. Color
Color is an important element in design, because with color a design work will
have more meaning and value (added value) from the utility of the work. With color
can be created a space atmosphere that impresses strong, pleasant and so on so that
psychologically it has an emotional influence (Pile, 1995 in Sriti Mayang Sari, 2003). 219
In terms of psychology, color has a strong influence on human mood and
emotions, making the atmosphere hot or cold, provocative or sympathetic, exciting or
calming. Color is a sensation, produced by the brain from light entering through the
eye. Physically, sensations can be formed from existing colors. For example, a space
painted white or other soft colors can give the impression that the space is larger than
the actual dimensions. The opposite will happen if the space uses dark colors. To get
the same warm sensation, a room given cold colors requires a lower temperature
setting (AC) compared to a room given warm colors (Sriti Mayang Sari, 2003)
The influence of these colors can provide more value to the interior planning of
a space so that it can affect the psychological factors of the wearer in accordance with
the purpose and usefulness of the space. For example, the atmosphere of a calm room
should choose elegant soft colors so as to make the space seem spacious, peaceful,
relaxed and comfortable, such as a combination of pastel green, pastel brown, white,
pastel blue, and others (Mulyati, 2009).
Figure 1. Colors in Hospital Interior
The hospital as a built environment that supports non-medical healing, its
planning and design always considers the technical-functional aspects that can be
medically accounted for. Therefore, technical standards for the interior design
planning process of each room are different, including temperature and humidity
problems, room illumination levels, room noise levels and interior finishing
2. Wall
According to hospital standards, the walls should be hard, flat, non-porous, do
not cause glare, fireproof, waterproof, rustproof, have no joints, and be easy to clean.
To prevent the growth of bacteria, the wall uses anti-bacterial and anti-odor paint.
Figure 2. Hospital interior walls
Overall, the walls in the hospital have different colors according to the
designation of the function of the room. The selection of wall paint must use anti-
bacterial and anti-odor paint. The use of glass material is also used as an aesthetic
element on the wall to give a modern impression. In the waiting room area using wood 220
material on the wall as a natural impression to compensate for the amount of
vegetation in the garden (Herdyanti, Rachmaniyah and Wahyudie, 2016).
3. Floor
The floor in the hospital building recommended according to hospital standards
must be strong, have a flat surface, waterproof, not slippery, light color, and easy to
clean. The use of epoxy in the medical area so that it does not have a cavity that can
potentially be a breeding ground for bacteria. The use of cove former is used so that
there is no corner that has the potential to be a breeding ground for bacteria at the
meeting of the floor and wall. In non-medical areas, using granite floors and wood-
patterned vynil.
Figure 3. Hospital interior floor walls
Other criteria for health and safety include criteria: flammability, light
reflectance, slipperiness, and surface flatness. These requirements are intended to
create an attractive space atmosphere by processing floor materials and colors that
consider function and aesthetic factors because the floor is also an important design
element in the space (Astuti, 2016).
4. Ceiling
The design concept on the ceiling emphasizes more healing elements to give a
dynamic impression. So that the ceiling can be a common thread that unites the concept
of healing in indoor and outdoor areas. The ceiling uses gypsum board material with a
hollow frame. According to hospital standards, the ceiling used must be strong, light-
colored, and easy to clean. Using anti-bacterial and anti-odor paint finishing. In some
areas that require task lighting, use a drop ceiling without a cavity to bring the distance
of the lamp closer to the object that needs lighting and give the impression of a
different area. In the polyclinic waiting room area, using leaf shapes for drop ceilings
(Herdyanti, Rachmaniyah and Wahyudie, 2016).
Figure 4. Hospital Interior Ceiling
5. Lighting
Lighting is one of the important factors in space design. The space that has been
designed cannot fulfill its function properly if lighting access is not provided. Lighting
in the space allows people who occupy it to be able to see objects. Without being able
to see objects clearly, activities in the space will be disrupted. Conversely, light that is 221
too bright can also interfere with vision. Thus, the intensity of light needs to be adjusted
to produce the suitability of vision needs in space based on the type of activities. The
direction of light that is frontal to the direction of view of the eye can create glare.
Therefore, the direction of light along with its reflection or refracting effects also need
to be adjusted to create comfortable spatial vision (Adi Santosa, 2006).
Figure 5. Hospital Interior Lighting
6. Garden
The purpose of creating the park is to improve patient interaction with nature.
The garden that will be created can be enjoyed by involving four types of human
senses, namely hearing, smell, sight, and hearing. Garden areas that use the sense of
taste are not applied because environmental conditions are not suitable. Create an
interactive sensory garden that can lower blood pressure, contribute to a positive
emotional state, lower stress levels and increase energy. The garden is dominated by
greenery, flowers, and water elements. Water elements such as fountains also provide
tranquility from the sound of gurgling water generated (Herdyanti, Rachmaniyah and
Wahyudie, 2016).
Figure 6. Garden on the Hospital grounds
In order to achieve patient satisfaction, it is necessary to increase standards in
maintaining the quality of hospital services that refer to the quality of health services
and facilities in order to meet patient or community satisfaction. New patients will feel
satisfied if the performance of the health services they get or the facilities offered are
in accordance with their expectations. So patient satisfaction is a level of patient
feelings that arise due to the results of comparing the performance of health services
he receives with what he expects.
Choosing service facilities in the interior of the hospital can generate patient
loyalty to the hospital and interest in visiting again. Thus, it can be tied to service
quality as one of the keys to the success of the hospital to improve patient health and
maintain customer loyalty. Patient satisfaction is a response or response given by the
patient after comparing the patient's expectations with what the patient experienced
or obtained on the quality of service provided by the nurse. 222
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A. Al, & Chen, X. (2022). Determinants of patients’ satisfaction and trust
toward healthcare service environment in general practice clinics. Frontiers in
Psychology, 13.
Alim, A., Tangdilambi, N., & Badwi, A. (2019). Jurnal Kualitas Pelayanan
Kesehatan (Studi Analitik Terhadap Pasien Rawat Jalan di RSUD Makassar).
Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Yayasan RS.Dr. Soetomo, 5(2), 165.
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(2020). Determinants of Patient Satisfaction on Interior Design Quality of
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towards interior design quality at inpatient units of public hospitals in Malaysia:
A sustainable development framework. International Journal of Environment and
Sustainable Development, 19(3), 320331.
Astuti, D. R. S. A. dan E. P. (2016). Tinjauan Ergonomis Penerapan Bahan dan Warna
Lantai Koridor Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat DR.Sarjito Yogyakarta. 113.
Djeinne Thresye Pangerapan, Ora Et Labora I. Palandeng, A. J. M. R. I. (2018).
Hubungan Antara Mutu Pelayanan Dengan Kepuasan Pasien Di Poliklinik
Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit Umum GMIM Pancaran Kasih Manado. JKK
(Jurnal Kedokteran Klinik), 2(1), 918.
Gusti, O. I., Ardana, N., & Gede, A. A. (2014). Interior Lobi Rumah Sakit yang
Didesain Berdasarkan Kebijakan Sistem Pelayanan. Jurnal Seni Dan Pendidikan
Seni, 110.
Herdyanti, L. Q., Rachmaniyah, N., & Wahyudie, P. (2016). Redesain Interior
Rumah Sakit Negeri Kelas B dengan Konsep Healing Environment. Jurnal Sains
Dan Seni Its, 5(2), 23373520.
Mulyati, M. I. (2009). Peran Warna Pada Interior Rumah Sakit Untuk Mencapai
Kenyamanan Dalam Kaitannya Penyembuhan Pasien Rawat Inap. Jurnal Seni
Dan Pendidikan Seni, 7(1).
Nightingale, A. (2009). A guide to systematic literature reviews. Determning Surgiical
Efficacy, 27(9), 381384.
Puspitasari, D. A., Anggraeni, A. W., & Rachmaniyah, N. (2017). 140321-ID-
desain-interior-ruang-inap-dan-fasilitas. Jurnal Sains Dan Seni ITS, 6(1).
Riani, I., Muliyadi, M., & Yulia, S. (2021). Patient Satisfaction of Health Services In
The Hospital. Proceeding International Conference On Health, Social Sciences And
Technology, 1(1), 6567.
Sriti Mayang Sari. (2003). Peran Warna Pada Interior Rumah Sakit Berwawasan
Healing Environment Terhadap Proses Penyembuhan Pasien. Dimensi Interior,
1(2), 141156. 224
Supartiningsih, S. (2017). Kualitas Pelayanan an Kepuasan Pasien Rumah Sakit:
Kasus Pada Pasien Rawat Jalan. Jurnal Medicoeticolegal Dan Manajemen Rumah
Sakit, 6(1), 915.
Taufiq Rahmat, I. A. (2021). Kajian dan Riset Manajemen Profesional 32. 12(2), 3246.
Copyright holders:
Levi Anatolia S.M. Exposto Made Ida Mulyati2, Jerminal Magno3, Marcos
Carvalho4 (2023)
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0