al., 2021). Student caring behavior is important when in the learning process as a
phase of implementing theory into nursing service practice (Sukartini et al., 2019).
Caring behavior of officers in providing nursing services in hospitals is believed to
increase patient satisfaction and safety (Duffy, 2008).
Caring nursing services become the essence of nursing based on the values of
kindness, care, love for oneself and others and respect for one's spiritual dimension
(Linton & Koonmen, 2020; Watson, 2008). Caring is a knowledge of humanity and
the core of ethical and philosophical nursing practice.
Caring nurses in nursing services is an important factor in creating customer
satisfaction. Nurses need to have special abilities related to fast-paced service and
must be precise. This is because the percentage of nurses in hospitals in general is
greater than other health workers (such as doctors, pharmacists and psychologists)
which is around 40% – 60% (Suroso, 2011). Nurses who meet the criteria of caring
in attitude and behavior will ensure the provision of excellent nursing services and
satisfy patients in the hospital (Fawcett & Desanto-Madeya, 2012).
Complaints against nursing services submitted by patients and families are
among others related to the slowness of health workers in handling in the emergency
department (IGD), such as what happened at a regional general hospital (RSUD) in
Medan in 2013, RSUD in Makassar in 2013, and RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Some
information shows that the problem of quality of health services in Indonesia
generally comes from administrative, facility or environmental factors, and caring for
nursing services (Anfal, 2020; Radito, 2014) Several studies show that the caring
behavior of nursing services in several hospitals in Indonesia is still not in accordance
with the expectations of patients and families. The results of research between 2009-
2012 showed that in Jakarta, Bogor, Gorontalo, Semarang, Surakarta and Banyumas
there are still attitudes and behaviors of caring nursing services that are perceived as
lacking by patients and families in hospitals (Ambarika & Wardani, 2021).
The results of a study conducted by Anna, A., Nuraeni, A., Praptiwi, A. (2018),
showed that more than half of the nursing student respondents did not show caring
behavior. A 2015 study on services in hospital emergency departments in the
Banyumas area, mentioned five indicators of caring behavior needed by patients,
including; fast and agile, friendly and polite, praying for patients, clear in providing
information, and competent in providing services (Suroso et al., 2015). In practice,
it is still found that the behavior of officers is not optimal in displaying caring in the
service process, including ethical aspects in service (Papastavrou et al., 2012).
This is likely due to the lack of knowledge about caring and the lack of caring
training in the learning process in educational institutions when as a prospective
nurse. After becoming a nurse, coaching and training on caring may also be rarely
done, because of the busy factor in carrying out the main duties of the ministry.
Therefore, there needs to be a systematic and integrated effort in caring
learning, since someone is still a prospective nurse in educational institutions, and
caring training after becoming a nurse in health service facilities. This effort can be
done by first equalizing perceptions about the characteristics of caring, between
nursing education managers and hospital management. Based on the background of
the problems mentioned above, research problems that need to be researched can be
formulated are; What is the strategy to build caring character for nursing students.