Asian Journal of Healthy and Science

p-ISSN: 2980-4302

e-ISSN: 2980-4310

Vol. 2 No. 1 January 2023





Darwis1, Dihamri2, Rini Patroni3, Ismiati4

Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu134

Universitas Prof Dr Hazairin SH2



Unsanitary public markets that look dirty and rundown can be a source of vectors and cause disease transmission. The effect is that buyers don't feel comfortable and that people's markets cannot compete with modern markets. The aim of the research is to change the behavior of traders, managers and buyers/endors to maintain the cleanliness and health of the people's market to become a healthy people's market. The model offered is in the form of publishing pocket books, making videos and making posters. The design of the model begins with the collection of materials that are in accordance with the problems found in the form of perceptions of traders, managers and buyers/visitors, input from the heads of the three UPTD markets. input for the creation of the desired media which can later be used as a model. ISBN pocket book 978-623-8033-34-8 has been published by the publisher CV. Green Publisher Indonesia, Dec 1, 2022 in the form of E book and Google Play with a total of 71 pages published on Google Book and Google Play, while the healthy people market video is downloaded on YouTube Agung Saputra @agungsaputra 7408 uploaded 9 November 2022 with a duration of 5 minutes, and 5 posters. It is hoped that these three media can be applied to markets in the city of Bengkulu starting with the application of models to managers, traders, buyers/showers.

Keywords: Model, Healthy People's Market



The healthy people's market is a place for meetings and transactions between sellers and buyers, the market is also a public place that must be considered from a hygiene and safety perspective sanitation as a target for clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) in public places. Unsanitary public markets that look dirty and rundown can be a source of vectors and cause disease transmission. As a result, it can make buyers feel less comfortable and will have the impact that buyers are not interested in shopping at unhealthy markets, it also causes people's markets to not be able to compete with modern markets whose managers guarantee cleanliness and health, including the availability of clean water, toilets, hand washing facilities, disposal sites. trash, sewerage and PHBS are not optimal2.

Supporting facilities for the healthy people's market have not been fulfilled, such as a place for washing hands that does not yet have running water, even a place for washing hands is still joined by a place for washing equipment, and only a few kiosks providing soap for washing hands. Ditches are flooded and open with a low level of slope. Trash cans are also found in the area for selling food or food, storage areas are only baskets made of woven bamboo, do not use lids, are not waterproof, also between wet and dry waste not separated 3.

For example, the cleanliness of the Barukoto Market is still very concerning because there are no storage facilities available in every place, garbage stalls are still piled up in several places around the kiosk, the condition of the alleys and stairs looks dirty, the drains, especially the ditches, are not well maintained and there is still stagnant water in the yard. market especially during the rainy season3.

Healthy people's markets should be equipped with slogans for the socialization of healthy people's markets, most buyers and traders say they are still lacking. In line with research, the government has a role and is serious about managing this healthy people's market. For this reason, market revitalization will change the healthy people's market which initially seemed dirty, muddy and slum, so that it becomes a clean and healthy people's market so that it feels comfortable with the title of a healthy market4.

This pocket book is easy to understand because it is concise and simple, the researcher hopes that learning to present the text of the observation report will be more effective, creative and innovative because the computational logic approach involves market residents and can increase critical thinking and independence of market members in the learning process to gain information and experience. meaningful learning. In addition, active learning is inseparable from a process that occurs contextually, namely a process that is appropriate to the learning situation and conditions.

Educational video pocket books and posters can be an alternative to providing more varied learning media on these media, because they can display various messages for market residents to know about healthy people's markets. As explained above, the benefits of pocket books, videos and posters are as learning media, namely the delivery of material that can be uniformed, making the learning process to increase knowledge change attitudes and as a guide to action for market residents to be clearer, fun and interesting6. This research is a continuation of the previous year's research on making pocket books, videos and posters to serve as a model for healthy people's markets. FGDs and field trials were then carried out which aimed to determine the feasibility of media made as a model for healthy people's markets contained in video pocket books and posters.



This research establishes a model for making people's markets healthy, in order to change the behavior of market residents who are members of managers, sellers and buyers or visitors, to increase their knowledge, attitudes and skills. The model made is in the form of media which includes pocket books, videos and posters.



Needs assessment Needs assessment is carried out by observing market conditions by the three market heads in the markets managed respectively including the Panorama market, Sunday market and Barukoto market one and two, the number of traders in each market includes the Panorama market, the sunday market and the new koto two market, respectively, the number of traders is 1,771, 769 and 342, in fact many traders do not occupy stalls or sell on the side of the road, which is called a spill market, the number of these traders cannot be monitored by the market manager. The questions asked during the interview are shown in table 1. In the form of observation guidelines according to the perception of the head of the market, with the format according to the results of the achievement of new market standards reaching 30% good with details of the new panoramic market reaching 23% good, Sunday market 11% good and Barukoto market 55 .5 is good.

The next researcher compiles pocket books, prepares videos and designs posters in accordance with the needs of the healthy people's market, in accordance with reading materials no. poster.

Focus group discussion (FGD) The general objective of this activity is to provide input for improvement and development of media that will be used for a healthy market model in order to improve the creation of healthy people's markets. While the specific objective of this activity is to perfect the pocket book, videos and posters of the healthy people's market that are in accordance with the criteria for a healthy market both from the Ministry of Health Permenkes No. 21 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for Development and Management of Healthy Market Median Validation Trading Facilities”. The FGD activities were held in the panorama market meeting room on Jalan Salak Raya, Bengkulu city and on November 15, 2022, with details of the schedule of activities as follows:

Participants in the activity as many as 15 participants as well as resource persons who were market participants of experts/experts in the academic field, from environmental health study program lecturers and from health promotion study programs, from the Didu environmental service, the trade and industry service, the head of the UPTD Market and the head of the Panorama market, Sunday market and Barukuto market, and other market managers

The results of the FGD are media improvements that will be used for healthy markets in the city of Bengkulu. Evaluation The implementation of the FGD activities providing input regarding the media that will be used for the healthy market is running smoothly; Each FGD participant has submitted their input and will be rearranged so that it can be used by future researchers.

Add the East Lingkar Health Center Sanitarian to the FGD participants, because Panorama Market is included in the East Lingkar Health Center area. The slide shows don't match what was distributed. Add the UNIHAZ and City Government symbols. Add a visual of healthy market conditions. The cover doesn't use thick paper. Contents of the book the pocketbook still focuses on environmental health but has not yet gone to PHBS, Adds material on PHBS for Occupational Health and Safety, The contents of the pocket book still focuses on environmental health but has not yet gone to PHBS, Adds material on PHBS on Occupational Health and Safety, Involve traders in FGDs, Add stakeholders as FGD participants , Add the correct picture of a healthy market so that it becomes a roll model, Change the writing Traditional market to become a people's market (based on Permendag No 21 of 2021), Add to the bibliography of Minister of Trade Regulation No 21 of 2021, Add stakeholders from the Department of Environmental Trade and the Department of Transportation (parking) , Too boring and monotonous, Tam even animation, Too much writing, Voice talent is already good, Ready to help the panoramic market become a healthy market in the trash section, Boring and lacking in animation, Communicable Disease Material cannot be applied in the market, Simplify the sentences. ISBN pocket book 978-623-8033-34-8 has been published by the publisher CV. Green Publisher Indonesia, Dec 1, 2022 in the form of E book and Google Play with a total of 71 pages, while the healthy people market video is downloaded on YouTube Agung Saputra @agungsaputra7408 uploaded November 9, 2022 with a duration of 5 minutes.

The pocket book is a learning resource for market residents which is included in the print media. The pocket book contains practical materials, looks attractive, is easy to carry anywhere, and is able to make market residents focus on learning. The pocket book is packed with various interesting writings and pictures so as to motivate market residents to study the material contained in the pocket book Health education with media posters can increase knowledge and attitude to cultivate one's healthy behavior gradually as much as possible using the resources owned by the community, such as soap and latrines to behave in defecation in place and wash hands with soap and running water after defecation and if outside assistance is needed, then shape is just a form stimulants or complements such as mini posters in local language about hand washing soap and running water.

The poster media used can influence the sensing time to produce this knowledge which is strongly influenced by the intensity of perceptual attention to the object. Most of human knowledge is obtained through the eyes and ears. So that with the extension treatment for 3 days about breast cancer, there was a change in the respondents' knowledge from those who did not know to know.

The thing that causes counseling to use poster media has an average and the increase was higher than counseling using leaflet media. Because students/I get a stronger impression and attract attention, besides that because the posters are displayed in public places, students/I see more often or are stimulated to read the posters as a result of counseling because of the poster media and Leaflets can convey information quickly, if the ideas and contents are interesting, they can attract attention and can quickly shape attitudes or views, as motivation or encouragement, can awaken and remind the message that is obtained, this is because posters can be posted in public places and can always be seen so that make it easier to remember the counseling material that has been given Health education media such as videos can be used as a tool in providing health education. The use of video media in providing health education is considered very appropriate for conveying health messages to the public, especially among school-age children. Children like pictures that have sound and moving pictures, so that they can provide examples of good behavior for children who have imitative properties or like to follow what they see.

Health education can increase knowledge, change awareness, and behavior, so that people or communities participate in improving health status. After being given health education using video media, it was found that the level of knowledge of the respondents was mostly in the good category of 13 people (92.9%) and in the sufficient category of 1 person (7.1%). The results showed that the respondents' knowledge increased after being given health education using video media. Researchers argue, video media in providing appropriate and interesting health education in conveying information affects the results of health education. Video media displays moving images, writing, and there is a voice that explains the image displayed, so that it can attract the attention of health education targets.

Video media presents materials in a concise, clear and easy way understood, this can facilitate understanding and strengthen the respondent's memory. By using video media, learning becomes more varied, interesting, and fun. The execution time of video playback also does not take a long time, all messages can be conveyed and can be received by respondents. Learning by utilizing video media can make learning effective, fun, and not boring so as to speed up the process of delivering material to students. The advantages of video media are that it makes it easier for teachers to present information, has attractiveness, and is interactive. Video media can also be used repeatedly.



Health education for market residents including traders, managers and buyers or market visitors can be carried out with the media of pocket books, videos and posters as a model chosen to form a healthy people's market. The media that has been perfected according to the plan will be implemented in the following year, to increase knowledge of the attitudes and actions of market residents to participate in keeping the people's market clean and healthy to create a healthy people's market model.



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Copyright holders:

Darwis, Dihamri, Rini Patroni, Ismiati (2023)

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AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science

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