Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 3 No.12 December, 2024
The Monopoly Game and its Influence on Knowledge, Attitude, and Anemia
Prevention Behavior of Pregnant Women
Lutfia1, Agustine Ramie2*, Mahdalena3, Evi Risa Mariana4, Agus Rachmadi5, Evy Marlinda6,
Ainun Sajidah7, Erna Fauziah8, Aprianti9, Rusmini Yanti10, Isnawati11
Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) remains a global problem, with a rate of 223 per
100,000 live births by 2020. Anemia, especially among pregnant women, contributes
significantly to this problem. In 2023, there were 43 cases of anemia among pregnant
women at the Puskesmas Martapura Timur. This research aimed to evaluate the effect
of Smart Monopoly, an innovative health education medium, on the knowledge, attitudes
and behaviors of pregnant women with anemia. This quantitative research used a Pre-
Experimental design using a one-group pre-test and post-test approach. The research
population was pregnant women with anemia at Puskesmas Martapura Timur, with
purposive sampling technique used to select 15 respondents who met the research
criteria. Data were collected through questionnaires to assess knowledge and attitude
and observation to measure behavior. The results showed statistical analysis using
Wilcoxon signed rank test showed significant improvement in knowledge (p=0.001),
attitude (p=0.003), and behavior (p=0.001) after the intervention. These findings
highlight the effectiveness of Smart Monopoly as an interactive and engaging
educational tool in addressing anemia in pregnant women, with potential applications
for broader health education initiatives. This research thus has implications for the
development of more innovative and effective health education media to improve
knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to anemia prevention, not only in pregnant
women but also in other vulnerable groups.
Keywords: Anemia, Pregnant Women, Smart Monopoly, Knowledge, Attitudes, Behavior.
Anemia is a significant health issue worldwide, especially among pregnant women.
According to WHO, the global maternal mortality rate in 2020 is 223 per 100,000 live
births (WHO, 2019b). According to United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) data, MMR
has yet to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target of reducing MMR in
2030 to lower than 70 per 100,000 live births. All countries have an MMR that does not
exceed 2 times the world average (UNICEF, 2019). The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in
Indonesia is still relatively high, which is around 305 per 100,000 live births, and this is
still far from the target (Asbar, 2021). Meanwhile, the MMR in South Kalimantan province
2022 is around 136 per 100,000 live births (Dinkes Kalsel, 2023).
The high maternal mortality rate can be caused by several factors, most of which
are preventable or treatable. The following underlying problems account for about 75%
of maternal deaths: severe bleeding, infection, high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia and
eclampsia), chronic conditions, and obstacles to delivery. One of the factors of maternal
mortality is hemorrhage during labor; hemorrhage in labor is usually caused by anemia
in pregnancy (WHO, 2019a).
WHO shows that anemia cases globally reach 2.3 billion people, so anemia is a
serious problem in global health. The highest prevalence is recorded in Asia and Africa,
with 85% of cases experienced by women and children. The prevalence of anemia among
pregnant women in Indonesia is 70%, or 7 out of 10 pregnant women suffer from anemia.
Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest number of people with pregnancy
anemia (Nuraprilia et al., 2023). Based on (RISKESDAS, 2018), the proportion of anemia
among pregnant women in Indonesia increased from around 37.1% in 2013 to around
48.9% in 2018. Meanwhile, according to Data (South Kalimantan Health Office, 2021), the
proportion of anemia among pregnant women is 19.60%, which has decreased from
20.13% in 2020.
Anemia in pregnancy is usually due to iron deficiency in all countries, malnutrition,
folic acid deficiency, blood disorders, malabsorption, and chronic diseases such as
pulmonary tuberculosis, malaria, and intestinal worms (de Jong et al., 2024). It can have
adverse effects, especially during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum (Asbar, 2021).
The dangers of anemia in pregnant women will have an impact on maternal and infant
mortality and morbidity, including the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, prematurity, and low
birth weight (Chandra et al., 2019). Other impacts include impaired fetal growth, babies
born with anemia, the occurrence of prolonged labor, as well as bleeding and postpartum
depression to death (Idayu, 2021).
Particularly vulnerable to anemia are children and pregnant women. Pregnant
women who experience iron deficiency show a variety of symptoms, including pallor,
shortness of breath, palpitations, hair loss, headaches, vertigo, leg cramps, dizziness, and
irritability (Riza, 2023). Pregnancy anemia is also called a "potential danger to mother
and child," which is why it requires serious attention from all parties involved in health
services (Idayu, 2021). One way to lower the prevalence of anemia is to distribute at least
90 iron tablets during pregnancy (Kemenkes RI, 2019).
In addition, one of the efforts to prevent anemia in pregnant women is to provide
knowledge and motivate mothers by providing information through health education
(Burayu & Degefa, 2024). In order for this health education to make mothers understand
the information provided, media is needed. Media/tools can help people receive
information based on their ability to receive sensory information. Acceptance of pregnant
women will be better if more senses are used because one indicator of success is an
increase in knowledge and better behavior (Mey et al., 2023).
Knowledge and behavior are interrelated. Knowledge, or the results of knowing
pregnant women about the incidence of anemia, stimulates the realization of a pregnant
woman's behavior. Maternal behavior is in the form of diet, frequency of Ante Natal Care
(ANC), or maternal compliance in taking blood tablets. Behavior results from experience
manifested in knowledge, attitudes, and actions regarding anemia in pregnant women
(Indra et al., 2022).
In addition, attitudes towards anemia are most important in the social psychology
of pregnant women. Pregnant women can reflect their liking or disliking of the incidence
of anemia. Attitudes are divided into positive and negative attitudes towards the anemia
they suffer from (Indra et al., 2022).
The use of monopoly media as a learning media/class for pregnant women is
considered very effective in fostering their interest in improving their knowledge,
attitudes, and behavior because it is easy to play, provides valuable entertainment, and
can reduce anxiety about childbirth. Monopoly media is one of the interesting, fun, lively,
and relaxing media that can solve existing problems (Nuria, 2021).
Based on previous research (San et al., 2022), the Monopoly Anemia Educational
Game (GEMA) has an effect that affects adolescent girls' knowledge about anemia with a
p-value of 0.000. Research (Nuria, 2021) found the effect of monopoly media on
adolescents' knowledge and attitudes regarding anemia in adolescents. Another research
also found the effect of Monopoly as a healthy snack education media on the behavior of
choosing snacks for school-age children at SDN Gubeng 1 Surabaya with a p-value of
0.000 .
The difference with this research is in the media used by modifying the monopoly
game by adding a behavioral domain to the card that describes how to make decisions
when pregnant women experience anemia, as well as the rules for sharing knowledge
and feelings with other pregnant women when interacting in the game. So, this game
becomes different from educational media in other studies. The target or target subjects
in this research are pregnant women who experience anemia, which, according to the
researcher's knowledge, has never been used before for anemic pregnant women to
overcome and prevent anemia.
The advantage of this "Smart Monopoly" is the ability to improve pregnant women's
knowledge, attitudes, and behavior to prevent anemia. Monopoly media has plots that
contain knowledge about the anemia of pregnant women. In addition, cards contain
pictures, questions, and answers about the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of anemic
pregnant women. The appearance of the monopoly media can attract attention because
there are bright colors and pictures according to the theme of anemia. The descriptions
on the board and cards are simple, straightforward, and easy to understand.
The use of Smart Monopoly media is fun and involves pregnant women in playing.
This media is easy to carry and move, especially in pregnant women's classes. Media
maintenance only requires a little space for storage. Then, the quality game board can be
folded and made of waterproof stickers and plastic boards, unlike other media, such as
posters, leaflets, or flipcharts, which can be damaged if exposed to water. Using posters,
leaflets, and flip sheets in pregnant women's classes is one-way, not involving mothers
playing but only listening, making mothers easily bored and forgetting the information
Based on preliminary studies at the Puskesmas Martapura Timur, data obtained in
2021 showed that 669 pregnant women were present, and 75 (11.2%) experienced
anemia. In 2022, 582 pregnant women were present, and 59 (10%) were anemic. In
2023, 544 pregnant women were obtained, and 43 (8%) were anemic. The results of
interviews conducted on November 3-10, 2023, with pregnant women found that 5 out
of 15 pregnant women (33%) did not know the definition and standard classification of
anemia, 6 out of 15 pregnant women (40%) did not know the causes and symptoms of
anemia, 14 out of 15 pregnant women (93%) did not know the impact of anemia for
mothers and babies, and 7 out of 15 pregnant women (47%) did not know the
management of anemia for pregnant women.
In addition, it was found that 3 out of 15 mothers (20%) still had a negative attitude
towards anemia, such as often forgetting to take iron tablets and considering that eating
vegetables, fruits, and iron side dishes was not very important. In addition, 4 out of 15
pregnant women (27%) had good anemia prevention behavior, 8 out of 15 pregnant
women (53%) had adequate anemia prevention behavior, and 3 out of 15 pregnant
women (20%) had insufficient anemia prevention behavior in the form of diet,
compliance with taking blood supplement tablets, and antenatal care. Then, 11 out of 15
pregnant women (73%) did not know about Monopoly media and had never played it in
the pregnant women's class.
Based on the background above, the problem can be overcome through researcher
innovation using innovative monopoly media, which is expected to increase knowledge
and change negative behavior and attitudes toward positive ones in pregnant women
who experience anemia. The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the
effect of using intelligent monopoly media on the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of
pregnant women who experience anemia. The benefit of this research is that it will
provide an alternative educational media that is interesting and interactive for pregnant
women who experience anemia. Smart Monopoly media is expected to increase their
knowledge about anemia and help change negative attitudes and behaviors to be more
positive in maintaining personal and fetal health. In addition, this research can contribute
to health workers developing innovative educational methods to be applied in various
health services to improve the quality of maternal and child health services and reduce
the incidence of anemia in pregnant women.
This quantitative research employed a pre-experimental method using a one-group
pre-test and post-test design to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention on anemic
pregnant women. The research population consisted of pregnant women with anemia at
the East Martapura Health Center. A purposive sampling technique was utilized to select
a sample of 15 respondents who met specific inclusion criteria relevant to the research
objectives. Data collection methods included the distribution of questionnaires to assess
knowledge and attitudes, as well as observational techniques to evaluate behavioral
changes. The research criteria ensured that participants had comparable baseline
characteristics to accurately measure the intervention's impact. Data analysis was
conducted using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test in SPSS software to determine statistically
significant differences between pre-intervention and post-intervention measurements..
Smart Monopoly Media Design
Smart Monopoly Board Design
Figure 1. Monopoly Smart Board Game Set
General Fund Card
Figure 2. Educational Cards on Anemia and Pregnancy Risks
Opportunity Card
Figure 3. Health Education Opportunity Cards on Nutrition and Pregnancy
SOP Smart Monopoly
Figure 4. Standard Operating Procedure Guide for Monopoli Pintar
Smart Monopoly Media Trial
Based on the validity test of media and material with experts conducted on January 9,
2024, with Dr. Waljuni Astu Rahman, S.Pd., M.Kes. obtained results:
Table 1. Feasibility Test of Smart Monopoly Media with Experts
Very Feasible
Based on the trial of intelligent monopoly media with 15 different respondents in the
sample, the results were obtained:
Table 2. Smart Monopoly Media Trial with Respondents
Very Feasible
The Effect of Using Smart Monopoly Media on the Knowledge of Pregnant Women with Anemia
Table 3. Frequency Distribution of Knowledge Before and
After given Smart Monopoly Intervention
Pregnant Mom
. (
The Effect of Using Smart Monopoly Media on the Attitudes of Pregnant Women with Anemia
Table 4. Frequency Distribution of Attitudes Before and
After Smart Monopoly Intervention
Pregnant Mom
. (
The Effect of Using Smart Monopoly Media on the Behavior of Pregnant Women with Anemia
Table 5. Frequency Distribution of Behavior Before and
After Smart Monopoly Intervention
Behavior of
Pregnant Women
. (
Smart Monopoly Media Design
Monopoly comes from the Greek words Monos and Polein. Monos means alone,
while Polein means seller. In 1904, Lizzie Magie created a monopoly known as The
Landlord's Game. The brilliant monopoly medium is made like a typical monopoly.
However, the Monopoly is modified so that it can be used as a health education medium,
especially in pregnant women's classes. The difference between the intelligent monopoly
media and the previous Monopoly is that Monopoly is only used for games, not for
learning, using houses and hotels by buying and selling land, toy money, game boards
made of paper/wood equipped with 40 plots with pictures of countries, stations, prisons,
and other information, opportunity cards, general funds, ownership (Amalia, 2020).
In contrast to the more straightforward but informative innovative monopoly
media designed based on journal and book references neatly using unique pictures of
pregnant women's anemia, smart Monopoly improves knowledge, attitudes, and
behavior. The monopoly media has 22 plots, including 4 opportunity plots, 4 general fund
plots, 4 end plots, namely start, return to the start, enter the hospital, and do a check-up
at the health facility, and 10 plots regarding the knowledge of pregnant women about
anemia. There are cards containing pictures, questions, and answers about anemic
pregnant women's knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. The instructions for using the
media are obvious. The display of monopoly media can attract attention because there
are bright colors. This media is easy to carry and move, especially in the class of pregnant
women. Media maintenance only requires a little space for storage. The collapsible
quality game board is made of waterproof stickers and plastic board. Additional
accessories for the intelligent monopoly media consist of general fund cards for
knowledge, opportunity cards for attitude and behavior, white dice, and black, blue, and
white pawns.
Monopoly media is designed creatively and innovatively to increase interaction and
sharing with pregnant women, especially regarding information about anemia. It can also
improve their knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding anemia.
Smart Monopoly Media Trial
Based on Tables 1 and 2, media and material validation was carried out by media
experts who found that smart monopoly media was categorized as valid with a
percentage of 90% and a very feasible interpretation. Based on the trial of smart
monopoly media with 15 respondents who are different from the research sample, the
results show that smart monopoly media is categorized as valid with a percentage of 92%
and a very feasible interpretation.
The test of intelligent monopoly media with respondents obtained the results of
images on the board, opportunity cards, and general funds, which are very good and clear.
The description of the pictures and cards on the smart monopoly media board is evident.
The size, writing style of the board, and intelligent monopoly media cards are apparent.
The neatness of the pictures on the board and cards is very good. The colors of the
intelligent Monopoly media board, cards, and pawns are beautiful, and the shape of the
pawns is perfect. Instructions for the use and language of smart Monopoly are
straightforward to understand, and how to use intelligent Monopoly media is easy to play.
The variety/diversity of game tools (dice, pawns, cards) in innovative monopoly media
is fascinating. Overall, pregnant women really like Smart Monopoly as a health education
media about anemia in pregnant women.
The Effect of Smart Monopoly Media on the Knowledge of Pregnant Women with Anemia
According to (Notoatmodjo, 2014), knowledge results from pregnant women
knowing about anemia through their senses. Knowledge about anemia during pregnancy
is essential because it affects the attitude and behavior of mothers in maintaining a
lifestyle during pregnancy. Table 2 shows that before the intervention, pregnant women
with low knowledge were 7 people (46.7%), moderate knowledge was 6 people (40%),
and high knowledge was 2 people (13.3%). After the intervention, there was an increase
in knowledge in the mother. Pregnant women with high knowledge were 14 people
(93.3%), and moderate knowledge was 1 person (6.7%).
Many pregnant women still lack knowledge about anemia, so a health education
media called Smart Monopoly is used to increase their knowledge. This Monopoly is
informative, using pictures, text, colors, and attractive cards so that pregnant women can
easily understand anemia. Based on the Wilcoxon test, the p-value is 0.001 <0.05, which
means that the effect of using Smart Monopoly media on the knowledge of pregnant
women who experience anemia or Ho is rejected.
In line with research, (San et al., 2022) used the Monopoly Anemia Educational
Game (GEMA) as one of the Health Education innovation media on adolescent girls'
knowledge about anemia with a p-value of 0.000 using the concept of learning while
playing so that counseling is more active, innovative, creative, effective, and fun so that it
will indirectly grow higher learning motivation. In addition, in (Enjelina et al., 2023),
there is an effect of Monopoly on students' knowledge and attitudes regarding the safety
of food snacks with a p-value of 0.013 and 0.002.
The Effect of Smart Monopoly Media on the Attitudes of Pregnant Women with Anemia
Table 4 shows that before the intervention, a positive attitude of anemic pregnant
women was 10 people (66.7%), and those who had a negative attitude towards anemia
were 5 people (33.3%). After the intervention, the positive attitude of anemic pregnant
women increased to 15 people (100%).
Attitude is an expression of feelings of anemic pregnant women that reflects their
preference (positive attitude) or dislike (negative attitude) towards the incidence of
anemia. According to (Titin, 2021), attitudes can be influenced by personal experience,
other people, culture, and mass media. Innovative monopoly media is good for improving
the attitude of pregnant women because it contains opportunity cards about attitudes
about anemia. On the other hand, the images used are clear and bring a positive
impression. The statements regarding diet, the habit of taking blood supplement tablets,
and ANC are simple so pregnant women can easily understand them.
Based on the Wilcoxon test, the p-value is 0.003 <0.05, which means that the effect
of using Smart Monopoly media on the attitude of pregnant women who experience
anemia or Ho is rejected. In line with research by (Nuria, 2021), Monomia (Monopoly
Anemia) media has an effect on adolescents' knowledge and attitudes, with a p-value of
0.000. There is also an effect of anemia education using Monopoly Nutrition Anemia
(MONOGIA) on the knowledge and attitudes of adolescent girls in Bengkulu City with a
p-value of 0.000 (Ambar et al., 2023). This media is very effective for learning media and
motivates students to learn.
The Effect of Smart Monopoly Media on the Behavior of Pregnant Women with Anemia
Based on Table 5, it is known that before the intervention, the behavior of pregnant
women who were less than as many as 5 people (33.3%), behaved moderately with as
many as 7 people (46.7%), and behaved well as many as 3 people (20%). After the
intervention, there was an increase in maternal behavior. Pregnant women who behaved
moderately were 2 people (13.3%), and those who behaved well were 13 people
Pregnant women who experience anemia behave to prevent and recognize anemia.
Behavior is the result of their experience and interaction with their environment,
manifested in the form of knowledge, attitudes, and actions (Hartininingsih, 2022). The
use of intelligent monopoly media can have a significant effect on the behavior of
pregnant women who experience anemia because in the media there are general fund
cards that contain knowledge of anemia of pregnant women, and opportunity cards that
contain attitudes and behaviors regarding anemia of pregnant women. This card has
clear, straightforward statements and answers that pregnant women easily accept. This
card is used to share information about the behavior of pregnant women who experience
anemia, including diet, compliance with taking blood supplement tablets, and ANC
Based on the Wilcoxon test, the p-value is 0.001 <0.05, which means that the effect
of using Smart Monopoly media on the behavior of pregnant women who are anemic or
Ho is rejected. In line with research by (Susanto, 2018), health education through healthy
snacks monopoly media affects the behavior/actions of choosing snacks for school-age
children at SDN Gubeng 1 Surabaya. Health education can use media, one of which is
Monopoly. This media has a significant influence on behavior with a p-value of 0.000.
The conclusion of this research strongly suggests that Smart Monopoly media
effectively addresses the problem of anemia among pregnant women by significantly
improving their knowledge, attitude and behavior. The main objective of this research,
which was to evaluate the impact of an innovative educational tool in anemia prevention,
was achieved. The Smart Monopoly media, designed with an attractive design and
appropriate educational content, significantly increased participants' knowledge about
anemia (p=0.001), formed more positive attitudes (p=0.003), and encouraged better
prevention behaviors (p=0.001). These results validate the hypothesis that interactive
and contextualized health education media can effectively change health-related
behaviors and attitudes, thereby contributing to the reduction of anemia prevalence.
In addition to providing direct benefits in health education for pregnant women,
this research contributes to the development of more innovative health education media
in the future. Media such as Smart Monopoly can be integrated into various public health
education programs to increase the effectiveness of information delivery. Future
research is expected to use a control group to provide a more comprehensive
comparison, as well as apply similar media to a wider population, such as adolescent girls
or other vulnerable groups. This aims to address anemia more holistically while
supporting the achievement of sustainable health development targets.
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Copyright holders:
Lutfia, Agustine Ramie, Mahdalena, Evi Risa Mariana, Agus Rachmadi, Evy Marlinda,
Ainun Sajidah, Erna Fauziah, Aprianti, Rusmini Yanti, Isnawati (2024)
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0