(Hafiyusholeh, 2015). In addition, IT literacy to access public data also needs to be
capable of interpreting it. Sometimes, online data can be managed and analyzed in the
dashboard (Wolff et al., 2016).
The ability to understand and critically evaluate statistical results that permeate
our daily lives coupled with the ability to appreciate the contributions that statistical
thinking can make in public and private, professional and personal decisions (Weiland,
2017). Statistical literacy is the ability of a person to formulate, apply, and interpret
mathematics in various contexts, including the ability to make statistical reasoning and
use concepts, procedures, and facts to describe, explain, or predict an event (Saputri et
al., 2019). More broadly, statistical literacy can be understood as an individual's capacity
to recognize and understand the role of statistics in academic life, appropriately give an
assessment, and utilize statistical knowledge in academics (Khaerunnisa & Pamungkas,
2017). In that case, students must know how to collect facts, process and analyze them,
draw conclusions, and present and publish data in numbers. Because statistics is a science
that studies how to plan, collect, analyze, interpret, and present data.
Based on the observation about IT literacy and statistics in public health, students
still lack understanding to use statistics such as Excel, SPSS, epiinfo, R (Project R for
statistical computing and other software, specifically, below: Summary, average, simple
table, cross table, pie chart, chi-squared test, bar chart, and t-test. In other parts of the
world, many students don't have access to data from UNICEF data, Work Bank data, WHO
data, the Demography Health Survey, and the National Census in Timor Leste. Many
students didn't know the underweight, SBAs, measles immunization, life expectancy,
maternity mortality ratio, and infant mortality rate in the Ministry of Health. That is,
students need to access online data from the Internet because now, many data are
updated online, such as WHO data, Work Bank data, UNICEF data, and other links, to
increase the knowledge of students in public health.
Several studies have shown the importance of statistical literacy in higher
education. According to research by (Masjudin et al., 2020), data interpretation skills
among students are still low, especially related to understanding and analyzing basic
statistics. Another research by (Fallon, 2024) found that statistical literacy has a
significant impact on students' ability to read and analyze research results in the health
sector. In addition, research conducted by (Mandinach et al., 2011) highlighted the
importance of statistical literacy training and the use of data analysis software to support
students in making data-driven decisions in their academic and professional
Based on the aforementioned issues, this research sought to explore the level of IT
literacy and statistical knowledge among students at the Faculty of Public Health,
Universidade da Paz, Timor Leste, in 2022. The research aimed to assess students'
proficiency in accessing, processing, analyzing and interpreting public health data, with
a focus on bridging the identified gaps in statistical and IT literacy. The benefit of this
research is to provide greater insight into the IT and statistical literacy levels of university
students in public health. With this understanding, it is expected to contribute to
curriculum development that is more responsive to the needs of data and IT literacy, so
as to improve students' skills in accessing, processing, and analyzing health data.
This research used a quantitative research approach with a cross-sectional survey
design. The target population included students from all semesters at the Faculty of
Public Health at Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ), Timor-Leste. A purposive sampling