Asian Journal of
Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
1 No. December 3, 2022
Heru Chakra Setiawan, Widyo Nugroho, Habib Abdur Rofi
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Universitas Gunadarma
Video is an electronic medium that
capable of combining audio technology and visually together. The selection of
video can also be packaged in various forms, for example combining face-to-face
with group communication, using text, audio and music. Therefore, the educator
must be efficiently master how to product the video as learning media, the
principle of media production using VISUALS (Visible, Interesting, Simple,
Useful, Accurate, Legitimate, Structured) is used to product a video, as the
result, the video media which is the product of VISUAL, This principle helps
educators to better understand the essence of making video by paying attention
to the visibility side, so that, it can be viewed by many levels of student, as
well as attracting the attention of students, simple videos while still
providing significant understanding to students, accurate in delivering
material, and also remind video educators to pay attention in terms of
structure so that the resulting video product is a video that can take the
attention of students to the fullest. this paper is qualitative type with
library research whereas the main data is obtained from varies of journal
article with content analysis approach.
Keywords: video, learning, media, visual
Video is an electronic medium that capable of
combining audio technology and visually together so as to produce a dynamic and
engaging show, according to Arsyad (2003) the video
has some function are; the attention function, the
affective function, the cognitive function and the compensatory function. The
attention function of video media can attract attention and direct
concentration of the audience on the video material. The affective function is
that video media is able to arouse the emotions and attitudes of the audience.
Cognitive function can be accelerating the achievement of learning objectives
to understand and remember the message or information contained in the image or
symbol. While the compensatory function is providing context to an audience
whose ability is weak in organizing and recalling the information that has been
The selection of video as a medium for disseminating
innovation in addition to being able to combine visuals with audio can also be
packaged in various forms, for example combining face-to-face communication
with group communication, using text, audio and music. According to Sudjana and Rivai (1992) the
benefits of video media are: (1) it can foster motivation; (2) the meaning of
the message will become clearer so that it can be understood by students and
allows mastery and achievement of delivery goals.
Learning videos aimed at making it easier for students
to understand the subject matter are not always in accordance with the needs
and desires of learners. In some systems, learning videos are only used as
complementary materials for handout materials, not professionally prepared for
presenting the material thoroughly (Hauff and Laaser, 1996).
VISUALS learning media development is a principle
formulated by Mukminan (2008) in his article entitled
"development of learning media", where VISUAL itself is an acronym
for Visible, Interesting, Simple, Useful, Accurate, Legitimate, Structured.
From some of the above divinations the video media is
very important in everyday life, because it can provide more reliable and fast
information. Videos in addition to providing information and entertainment can
also be used as a learning medium. The goal is that the learning process will
be more quickly captured and understood by students. So in this article will be
discussed and analyze the importance of video applications as a learning medium
using the VISUALS principle to product the learning medium in the form of
Research methods (Nazir, 1988) used qualitative types
(Gunawan, 2013) through literature study (Cawelti, 1969) with a content analysis approach (Hsieh
& Shannon, 2005).
In this section, we will review the application of video media as
learning, including; the meaning of media, elements of video media, the
benefits of video and the importance of media in the learning process using the
VISUALS principle:
1. The Meaning of Media
The word “Media” comes from Latin which is the
plural form of "medium", literally meaning intermediate or
introductory. The Association for Education and Communication Technology
(AECT), defines the word “media” as any form and channel used for the process
of information. While Heinich, et al (1982) interpret media terms as “the term
refers to anything that carries information between a source and a receiver.”
It should also be stated that learning activities are a process of
communication. In other words, learning activities through the media occur when
there is communication between the recipient of the message (P) and the source
(S) through the media (M). However, the communication process itself only
occurs after there is a backlash (feedback). Based on the description above, it
can be briefly stated that the learning media is a vehicle for distributing
messages or learning information.
2. Elements of Video Media
a. Text
The text consists of language units in its use.
These language units are grammatical units such as clauses or sentences but are
not defined based on the size of the sentence length. The text is sometimes
also described as a kind of super sentence, which is a grammatical unit that is
longer than a sentence that is mutually interlocking relate to each other. So a
text consists of several sentences so that the thing that's what distinguishes
it from the notion of a single sentence. In addition, the text is considered a
semantic unit that is, a unit of language that relates to the form of its
meaning. Thus the text is in its realization relates to the clause, which is a
unit of language consisting of the subject and the predicate and when given the
final intonation it will become a sentence. (Hassan, 1976:1)
b. Image
Images can summarize and
present complex data in new ways and more useful. It is often said that an
image is capable of conveying a thousand but said, it only applies when we can
display the desired image when we need it. Images can also function as icons,
which when combined with text, show various options that can be selected or the
image can appear full-screen in place of the text, but still have certain parts
that serve as triggers that when clicked will display other multimedia objects
or events (Suyanto,2003:261).
c. Audio
The definition of sound
(audio) according to Suyanto (2003: 273) is something caused by a change in air
pressure that reaches the human eardrum. Audio consists of several types namely
Waveform Audio, DAT Format, MIDI Format, Audio CD, MP3.
d. Animation
The use of animation in
computers has begun with the discovery of computer software that can be used in
various purposes such as doing illustrations on a computer, as well as make
changes between one image and the next so that a whole join can be formed.
3. Video Benefits
The benefits of video media
according to Andi Prastowo (2012: 302), thus are:
a. Providing
learners with unexpected experiences
b. Show
something in real life which at first was unlikely to be able to views
c. Analyzing
changes in periods specific time
d. Providing
experiences to learners to feel a certain circumstance
e. Presents
case study presentations about actual lives that can spark learner discussions.
4. The Principle of media Production using
VISUALS (Mukminan: 2008), they are:
a. Visible
b. Interesting
c. Simple
d. Useful
e. Accurate
f. Legitimate
g. Structured
5. The Importance of Media in the Learning
Process using the VISUALS principle
The teaching and learning
process is often faced with abstract material and in beyond the daily
experience of learners so that the subject matter becomes difficult to teach by
teachers and also difficult for learners to understand. Media is one way that can
be done to concretize something abstract. So it is importance to product the
visible video to all circles and acceptable to all levels of education.
It is undeniable that
multi-media technology is able to make a big impression in the field of
learning media. This is because it can integrate text, graphics, animation,
audio, and video. Multimedia media has developed a teaching process and
learning in a more dynamic direction. But more important is the understanding
on how to use the technology more effectively and can produce ideas for
teaching and learning.
In the past, when information
technology, was not yet develop, learning process usually takes place at a
certain place and time. The learning process is a process of communication
between teachers and students through Verbal language as the main medium in
delivering the subject matter. Process learning depends on the teacher as a
learning resource. In such conditions there will be a learning process when
there is a teacher; without the presence of the master inside. Classes as a
learning resource then there can be no learning process. Teacher attendance in
the classroom really determines the occurrence of the learning process.
Nowadays when science and
technology are developing very rapidly, participants Students can learn
anywhere and anytime according to their interests and learning style. Under
these conditions the teacher no longer acts as the only source of learning,
however, it acts as a learning designer. Teacher it is required to be able to
design learning by utilizing various types of media and appropriate learning
resources so that the learning process can take place effectively and
Efficient. As a designer, the teacher plays a role in designing so that
students get learning experiences.
The message abstraction rate
will be higher when the message is poured into emblems such as charts, graphs
or words. If the message is contained in such a symbol, the senses involved in
interpreting it are increasingly limited, i.e. sense of sight or sense of hearing.
Although the physical participation rate is reduced, Imaginative engagement is
growing. Truly the concrete and abstract experiences experienced one after
another, learning outcomes and hands-on experience changing and expanding the
range of one's abstraction and vice versa, ability Interpretation of word
symbols helps a person to understand the experience. Thus, when going to teach
the teacher no longer asks about what material should be delivered to students,
but the learning experience what the learners should have.
That experience can be both
direct experience and indirect experience. Direct experience is gained through
one's own activity on a situation the truth. Such hands-on experience is
certainly a learning process that very useful, because by experiencing directly
the possibility of errors perception will be avoidable. However, in reality not
all ingredients Lessons can be presented live. To learn how creatures live
Living on the bottom of the sea, it is impossible for the teacher to guide the learners
directly dive into seabed, or splitting the human chest just to study how
organs work human. To provide such a learning experience, teachers need tools
others such as movies, or photographs, and so on. Tools that can help the
learning process This is what is meant by media or learning props.
The knowledge gained by
learners, indicates that knowledge will It is even more abstract if it is only
conveyed through verbal language. This allows the occurrence of verbalism, the
learners only know about the word without understanding and understand the
meaning contained in the word. This kind of thing can be creating
misperceptions for learners. Therefore, efforts should be made, so that, the
student experience becomes more concrete where the message to be conveyed can
actually achieve the goals and objectives that can be done through activities
that bring learners closer to the actual condition.
Another thing, the delivery of
information that must go through verbal language in addition to being able to
gives rise to verbalism and misperceptions as well as the passion and
motivation of learners to capturing the message is getting less and less, this
is because students are less invited think and live up to the message conveyed.
Therefore, the role of learning media indispensable in an activity/teaching and learning process.
According to the discussion
above, video media as a learning medium is very important, especially in terms
of providing a concrete learning experience, therefore a teacher must be able
to present his teaching materials well, one of which is by producing
interesting videos by following the principles of making videos that have been
explained by Mukminan (2008), namely Visible, Interesting, Simple, Useful,
Accurate, Legitimate, Structured.
In the learning process, there is an important
element. The selection of video media provides great benefits in conveying
messages in learning. Video is the most learning media precise and accurate in
conveying the message and will greatly help the understanding of learners. With
video as learning media, students will be more familiar with the material
presented by educators through the show of a film that rotated. Elements
contained in video media such as sound, text, animation, and graphics. With the
existence of video media, participants are able to achieve abilities in the
cognitive, affective, psychomotor realms and improve interpersonal abilities.
By using the principle of VISUALS (Visible,
Interesting, Simple, Useful, Accurate, Legitimate, Structured) teachers as
educators are able to create interesting and efficient videos, videos that are
easy to understand by their students. This principle helps educators to better
understand the essence of video making by paying attention to the visibility
side so that, it can be understood by many levels of education, as well as
attracting the attention of students by making interesting videos, simple
videos while still providing significant understanding to students, accurate in
delivering material, and also remind video educators to pay attention in terms
of structure so that the resulting video product is a video that can take the
attention of students to the fullest.
The use of VISUALS as the principle to products a
video is a tool for teachers in the process learning, using visual media in the
learning process is possible for learners to eliminate boredom when compared to
the process merely verbal learning, so that, students it becomes easier to
receive material delivered by the teacher, during the learning process thus
bringing out the spirit of learning, creativity, critical thinking, motivation,
and achievement His learning has also improved.
Based on the conclusions that have been obtained,
suggestions can be put forward related with utilization, dissemination and
further product development. (1) Media products Learning can be used as a
resource learn independently, and where possible can be used in groups or
classically. Students can learn learning media at school as well as at home.
(2) Development needs to be pursued further from the aspect of learning
objectives, so that more material can be developed as a self-study resource
student. (3) The development of further learning media is more contextual and
follows Technological developments to keep attracting attention and providing
learning motivation to student.
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Copyright holders:
Heru Chakra Setiawan, Widyo
Nugroho, Habib Abdur Rof (2022)
First publication right:
Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International