Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
p-ISSN: 2980-4302
e-ISSN: 2980-4310
Vol. 3 No. 2 February 2024
Zenitha Meida Sari
, Inggit Luthfia Zahra
, Raihandi Putra
, Yenny Purnama
, Inayaturrahmaniyah bin Tahir
Selaras Public Hospital Cisauk,Tangerang, Indonesia
Babelan Public Hospital, Bekasi, Indonesia
Jatinegara Primary Health Care, Indonesia
Bunda Aliyah Public Hospital, Indonesia
Asistant of Indonesian Pediatric Society, Indonesia,,,,,
Immunization has an important role as a preventive measure for various disease
risks. Immunization is carried out to strengthen the body's defense system so that it
is immune to attacks from various causes of disease. However, some mothers as
parents have their own concerns about having their children immunized. The aim of
this research is to determine the factors that influence parents' decisions to immunize
their children. The method used in this research is literature review with a qualitative
approach. The data analysis used is Miller and Hubber analysis, namely by data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show
that maternal education and knowledge, family support, support from immunization
officers, social media and the internet, and perceptions of child vulnerability. The
research results show that maternal education and knowledge, family support,
support from immunization officers, social media and the internet, as well as
perceptions of children's vulnerabilities are factors that can influence parents'
decisions to immunize their children
Keywords: Child; Immunization; Parental Decision
Basic immunization in children is very important to strengthen the body's
defense system so that it is immune to germs. Protecting infants from various risks of
disease through immunization is the responsibility of parents and local health
workers (CN & Chrismilasari, 2020)
Immunization is an effort to increase a person's immunity actively against a
disease, so that if one day exposed to the disease will not get sick or only experience 94
mild illness (Safitri, 2019). Vaccines contain viruses that have been paralyzed.
Vaccines contain viruses or bacteria that are killed or attenuated, and do not cause
illness or put a person at risk for complications (Kharin et al., 2021). Protecting
various risks of disease through immunization is the responsibility of parents and
local health workers (CN & Chrismilasari, 2020).
However, according to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2023,
there is an increase in the percentage of immunization coverage. The percentage of
infants aged 0-11 months who received Complete Basic Immunization (IDL) was
92.7%, the percentage of infants aged 12-24 months who received further
immunization under two years (baduta) was 93.2%, the percentage of infants aged 0-
11 months who received PCV immunization until the second dose was 90.6%, while
the percentage of children aged grade 6 Elementary School (SD) who had received
further immunization included 1 dose of DT immunization, 1 dose of Measles-
Rubella immunization and 2 doses of TD immunization as much as 91% (Kemenkes,
2023). This shows an increase in immunization coverage, although it shows that
coverage is still not 100%.
Currently, there are still many false assumptions about immunization that
develop in society and many are concerned about the risks of some vaccines. In this
case, especially the role of the mother becomes very important because the closest
person to the baby and who mainly takes care of the baby is the mother (Hartaty &
Menga, 2019). Efforts to overcome the low immunization rate are by conducting
basic immunization counseling training activities for health cadres in the place with
the cermah method, discussion, question and answer, simulation, demonstration,
regarding basic immunization in infants and toddlers (Yani, 2023).
Previous research conducted by Rachmah et al., (2022) stated that there are 2
factors that influence and parents to carry out complete basic immunization for their
children, namely internal and external factors. Where internal factors are factors that
are in the scope of individual parents themselves, namely age, education, work,
knowledge, family support, perception and reminding. External factors that are
external factors such as information received by parents both from counseling by
health workers and from the role of community leaders, the distance of the house to
the location of services, the composition of vaccines, and the availability of vaccines.
Muklati & Rokhaidah, (2020) explained that factors that affect parental compliance
in immunizing diphtheria in toddlers include age, education level, employment
status, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and family support.
Unlike previous studies, the update to this study is to deepen the explanation
of the factors that influence parents' decisions in immunization. The importance of
immunization is as a preventive effort to avoid various diseases that can be prevented
by immunization (PD3I). However, some parents have various concerns if
immunization is carried out so that the low immunization rate in Indonesia. Thus,
the purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence parents' decision
to immunize.
This research uses literature review method with qualitative approach. Literature
review is to provide a framework related to new findings and previous findings to
identify indications of the progress of the results of a study through comprehensive
research and interpretation results from literature related to certain topics in which 95
identify research questions by searching and analyzing relevant literature using a
systematic approach (Sumartiningsih & Prasetyo, 2019). While qualitative is defined
as a strategy for finding meaning, understanding, concepts, characteristics,
symptoms, symbols and descriptions of a phenomenon, focused and multimethod,
natural and holistic, prioritizing quality, using several ways, and presented
narratively in scientific research (Sidiq et al., 2019).
The data analysis used is a simplified approach. The articles used are focused on
original empirical research articles or research articles that contain the results of actual
observations or experiments where there are abstracts, introductions, methods,
results, and discussions of research.
The article search strategy uses databases available on Google Scholar and
Pubmed. The keywords in finding articles are parental decisions, and immunizations.
The stages taken in the simplified approach analysis include summarizing each critical
review of the literature. Obtained search results of 17,500 articles with the keyword
Factors Influencing parents to Immunize Children then determine the strengths and
weaknesses of literature and to see the relationship between one literature and
another (Sidiq et al., 2019)
As a result of a literature review of 10 articles obtained, researchers found factors
that influence parents' decisions to immunize children.
Table 1 Result of a Literature Review of 10 Articles Obtained
Researcher Name
Research Title
Research Results
et al., 2019)
Factors Influencing
Mothers’ Intention
to Immunize
Children Younger
than Five Years of
Age in West Borneo:
a Cross-Sectional
Mothers' intentions are influenced by
suggestions from family members,
which indicate that their decision-
making capacity is limited and
dependent on other family members.
Further investigation is needed to
uncover the underlying reasons for non-
(Callaghan et al.,
Parent psychology
and the decision to
delay childhood
The decision by parents to delay
vaccinating children is an important
public health issue associated with
conspiratorial thinking and needle
(Mustamu &
Markus, 2019)
Factors Influencing
Incomplete Basic
Immunization for
Infants in Sorong
City, West Papua
Number of children, support of
immunization officers, distance to
immunization sites, and behaviors that
contribute to immunization
(Febriastuti et al.,
Compliance in
Providing Basic
Most mothers have a moderate
perception of the completeness of
immunization due to control belief and 96
Completeness to
Infants 4-11 Months
perceived belief that is lacking in
compliance with immunization
completeness. Good perception has an
effect on increasing parental
compliance in providing basic
immunization to infants. Most mothers
have not too high intentions towards
the completeness of immunization.
Good intentions have an effect on
increasing parental compliance in
providing basic immunization to
(Mauidhah et al.,
Parent Psychology
and The Decision to
Delay Childhood
Factors that can affect compliance in
the provision of complete basic
immunization are modification factors
consisting of age, gender, ethnicity,
socioeconomic and knowledge.
(Lafnitzegger &
Vaccine Hesitancy in
Social media and the internet have been
described as key elements that can
negatively influence parental decision-
making regarding vaccines. The next
focus is to explain effective
interventions that can be implemented
by health care providers. Non-
confrontational and open discussions,
as well as a trusting and strong
relationship between parents and health
care providers, seem to create a strong
foundation for vaccine acceptance.
(Hobani &
Alhalal, 2022)
Factors Related to
Parents’ Adherence
to Childhood
A linear combination of perceived
infectious disease severity, perceived
susceptibility of their children,
perceived benefits of immunization,
perceived fewer barriers to
immunization, immunization-related
cues to action, and self-efficacy
predicted immunization nonadherence
rates (F(11.220) = 2.595, p <0.001) and
explained 12% of the variance.
However, only perceptions of child
vulnerability, perceptions of
inhibitions, and self-efficacy
independently predicted parental
(Hasibuan &
Ginting, 2023)
Factors Affecting
Compliance with
Basic Immunization
Factors affecting immunization
compliance are education, knowledge,
and family support. 97
for Infants Aged 0-12
Months in Kampong
Blang Village and
Pageu Village, Blang
Bintang District,
Aceh Besar Regency
in 2020
(Park et al., 2023)
Parental Factors
Affecting Decision
to Vaccinate Their
Daughters against
Parents' perceived knowledge and
perceived risk had a significant impact
on their decision to vaccinate their
daughters with the HPV vaccine.
Parents who have a strong belief that
the HPV vaccine is safe in terms of side
effects are 10 times more likely to decide
to vaccinate their daughters with the
HPV vaccine. Parental factors including
HPV-related behaviors and health
awareness were found to be associated
with parents' decisions to vaccinate
their daughters against HPV. To
increase the use of HPV vaccine at the
age of 12, it is necessary to increase
parental awareness about HPV through
public communication supported by
scientific evidence.
(Maemunah et al.,
Factors Affecting the
Completeness of
Basic Immunization
in Infants at
Posyandu Dewi
Sartika, Malang City
The results of the study can be
concluded that there are 7 factors that
are significantly related to the
completeness of basic immunization in
infants at Posyandu Dewi Sartika,
Malang City. These factors are
occupation, knowledge, attitude,
education, experience, health
information and age.
The purpose of development in the health sector is to reduce morbidity and
death rates due to diseases, both infectious and non-communicable diseases, among
others, through improving health, and disease prevention (preventive). One of the
preventive measures in improving public health status is immunization (Lestari et al.,
2019). The Indonesian Ministry of Health implements the Immunization
Development Program (PPI) in children in an effort to reduce the incidence of
diseases that can be prevented by immunization (PUTRI, 2021).
Immunization is an effort to reduce child morbidity and mortality, but there are
still many children who have not received immunization (Rahmatina & Erawati,
2021). The participation of mothers, and the support of all components of society are
very important in the success of immunization programs. It should be emphasized
that immunization of infants and children not only provides prevention of these
children but will have a much wider impact because it will prevent widespread 98
transmission with an increase in the level of immunity in general in the community
(Loriana & Mustaming, 2018). Based on the results of the literature review , the factors
that influence parents' decision to immunize are as follows.
1. Mother's Education and Knowledge
In his research, Saudah (2023) stated that maternal education affects
immunization compliance. Education has a very important role in determining
human quality, with education humans will obtain knowledge and information.
The knowledge and information obtained will certainly affect a person's
compliance. In addition, the higher a person's level of education, the more quality
of life he will have and the higher one's level of education, the higher his
Supported by the results of research by Maemunah, N., Susmini, &;
Tuanany, N. (2023) which states that one of the 7 factors that influence parents'
decisions to immunize is parental education. Parental knowledge about certain
diseases is the main reason for immunization. The decision of parents to
immunize their children is influenced by the information obtained about the
immunization so that parents have good knowledge (Arista et al., 2021).
Formal, non-formal, and informal education can influence a person in
making decisions and behaving, with education a person can increase intellectual
maturity, so that they can make decisions in action (Senewe et al., 2017). Included
in determining the decision to immunize.
2. Family Support
Hadisuyatmana, S., Krisnana, I., &; Sipahutar, M. A. (2019) stated that
mothers' intentions are influenced by suggestions from family members, which
indicates that their capacity to make decisions is limited and depends on other
family members.
The family is the smallest part of society consisting of the head of the family
and other family members who live in one house because of blood relations and
marriage ties, so that there is interaction between family members with other
family members, if one of the family members gets health problems, it will affect
other family members. So that the family is the focus of strategic health services
because the family has a major role in maintaining the health of all family
members, and family problems are interrelated, the family can also be a place for
decision making in health care (Rahmawati &; Umbul, 2014).
3. Immunization Officer Support
Lafnitzegger, A., Agudelo, C. G. (2022) stated that non-confrontational and
open discussions, as well as a trusting and strong relationship between parents and
health care providers, seem to create a strong foundation for vaccine acceptance.
Health workers can strive to provide services and explanations to patients
professionally in order to provide good service and explanation of patient needs.
In addition, the support of health worker services has an important role to increase
maternal knowledge in meeting immunization needs. A health worker has a role
as an educator (Widaningsih, 2022). It is expected that health workers will
increase the knowledge and attitudes of mothers who do not comply with
immunization of their children, among others, with more intensive counseling
(Ridwan &; Legiran, 2015).
4. Social Media and the Internet 99
Social media and the internet have been described as key elements that can
negatively influence parental decision-making regarding vaccines (Lafnitzegger,
A., Agudelo, C. G. 2022).
The popularity of social media has been identified as one reason for growing
parental anxiety about the safety of vaccines for children. The internet is one of
the important tools for many people to find information, support health services,
and share health knowledge, opinions, and experiences (Nainggolan & Senewe,
2020). Fear of side effects after vaccination or often referred to as Post-
Immunization Adverse Events (KIPI) is also a scourge for parents who doubt the
effectiveness and efficacy of vaccines. They say that previously healthy children
became ill after vaccination. Vaccination hesitancy is also often associated with
conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories are widely spread through social media
(Rahmawati & Umbul, 2014).
5. Perception of Children's Vulnerability
(Hobani & Alhalal, 2022) stated that children's perceptions of vulnerability,
perceptions of obstacles, and self-efficacy independently predict parental non-
compliance in immunizing their children.
Concerns about MR immunization side effects are related to parents'
perceptions that there are obstacles in MR immunization. In addition, the
emergence of worry due to immunization side effects is also related to previous
experiences experienced by parents regarding the history of immunization to their
children (Pugliese-Garcia et al., 2018).
Mothers have perceptions: their children are vulnerable to PD3I if not
immunized; these diseases are dangerous because they can cause death and
disability; Immunization is useful because it is a form of prevention so that
children do not get sick and do not experience health problems after
immunization; although there are obstacles to immunization during the pandemic
due to fear of contracting COVID-19, besides having to deliver, different health
facility procedures during the pandemic and delays in service providers, as well as
children's health conditions (Wahyuni & Hadi, 2022).
Various diseases can attack the body regardless of age and gender, but in fact
it shows that it affects children more than adults due to the relatively weak
resistance of the body compared to adults. So the need for preventive efforts, one
of which is by immunization. However, some factors that influence parents'
decisions to immunize children are maternal education and knowledge, family
support, immunization officer support, social media and the internet, and
perceptions of children's vulnerability.
Based on the results of the literature review, it was found that the goal of health
development is expected to reduce morbidity and death rates due to disease. One of
the preventive efforts in order to improve health is by immunization. However, there
are still many children who have not received immunization, and factors that
influence parents' decisions to immunize children are maternal education and
knowledge, family support, support from immunization officers, social media and
the internet, and perceptions of children's vulnerability. 100
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Copyright holders:
Zenitha Meida Sari, Inggit Luthfia Zahra, Raihandi Putra, Yenny Purnama, Stefanie,
Inayaturrahmaniyah bin Tahir (2024)
First publication right:
AJHS - Asian Journal of Healthy and Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0