Slum Health in Ghana: a Case of Old Fadama in The Accra

Slum-Health Sodom Gomorrah Old Fadama Accra Metropolis


January 31, 2024


The study sought to assess the effect of slum on the health of its’ dwellers in Sodom and Gomorrah. The study adopted the explanatory design of the quantitative approach to examine the effect of slums on the quality of life of the slums inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. With the aid of Krejcie and Morgan‘s (1970) sample size table, 306 respondents were selected and through convenience sampling, questionnaire were administered to the respondents. Moreover, the data were analyzed with the help of statistical software known as Statistical Product for Service Solution (SPSS version 25.0) by using frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation as well as linear regression and presented by using tables, and charts. It was evident from the reviews that the emergence of slums and its growth are offshoots of urbanisation. The search for greener pastures in the city centers and the improvement of the livelihood of slum dwellers were the major driving force for slum dwellers to migrate to the city centers. It was obvious from the study that migrants do not have life easy and promising as anticipated before embarking on their journeys. They become exposed to all kinds of risks, ranging from environmental to health. Within this context they device several means to survive. It is the argument of this thesis that government should engage private partnership to stem the tide down. Therefore, it is recommended that the government and private institutions and individuals provide intensive education support programs for the community. Education could be done through Community Publics Address systems (PA Systems), schools, workshops, seminars, and others.