Characteristics of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sufferers in Tailors at PT. Elite
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (STK) is a condition of the median nerve in the wrist area compressed by the surrounding structure resulting in a tingling and numbness sensation in the hand. Risk factors such as occupational and non-occupational factors. There are still many cases in Indonesia because many tailors use manual sewing machines. Based on data from Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018, the prevalence of joint disease in Indonesia is 7.3%, especially in upper limbs as much as 32.7%. To determine the prevalence of STK incidence in employees at PT. Elite and assess the relationship of STK incidence with influencing factors. This research is an analytical research with a cross-sectional research design. Sampling is carried out using a non-random sampling technique of purposive sampling type. Data taken using questionnaires and physical examinations were then processed using SPSS statistical tests. The prevalence of STK incidence in employees of PT. Elite as many as 40 respondents from 107 respondents. Age factors ?40 and >40 years, normal body mass index and obesity II and rheumatoid arthritis p value <0.05. Pregnancy status, diabetes mellitus, length of service and smoking history p value >0.05. There are <50% of STK incidents in PT. Elite employees. There is a significant relationship between the ages of ?40 and >40 years. Normal body mass index and obesity II and rheumatoid arthritis were significantly associated with the incidence of STK. There was no significant relationship between pregnancy status, diabetes mellitus, length of service and smoking history with the incidence of STK in PT Elite
Copyright (c) 2023 Sindytia Fahri, Rini Andriani

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