The Effect of Giving Date Powder (Phoenix dactylifera) on Histopathology of Pulmo Alveoli

Dates Powder Air Freshener Septal Thickness Alveolar Diameter Inflammatory Cells


February 8, 2023


Room deodorizer contains formaldehyde which can interfere with respiratory function through free radical activity. This impact can be reduced by antioxidants. Dates powder contains potent antioxidants. This study aims to reveal the effect of date palm powder on histopathology of the alveoli pulmo of Rattus norvegicus exposed to air freshener. The research subjects were 32 rats tested with a post-test only control group design which was divided into 8 groups. K0 was the control group, P was exposed to air freshener 4 hours/day, groups K1, K2, and K3 were given date palm powder (dose of 120 mg/kg, 240 mg/kg and 360 mg/kg), also PK1, PK2. , and PK3 which were exposed to room fresheners at the same time and treated with different doses of date palm powder. All groups were treated for 30 days then dissected and histopathologically observed alveoli pulmo. PK3 experienced significant improvement compared to P in terms of interalveolar septal thickness, alveolar dilatation, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and macrophages. P was significantly different from K0 in all parameters except eosinophils. Eosinophil cells in P, PK1, PK2, and PK3 increased compared to K0, although not significantly. Dates powder (Phoenix dactylifera) has a positive effect on the histology of the alveoli pulmo of Rattus norvegicus exposed to room fresheners by observing septal thickness, dilated alveolar diameter, and the number of inflammatory cells.